

This was published 11 months ago

Stairway to heaven started in gilded mansions

The questionable practices of the Exclusive Brethren have again been exposed (“Lords of the Manna”, March 30). I am outraged that my taxpayer dollar contributes to these religious sects, with their long history of breaking up families (including my own) through their cruel doctrine of separation from the world. Our government may have recently avoided an unholy fight over religious freedom laws, but every fair-minded Australian should hope the EB lose their unholy fight with the Australian Taxation Office – a step in the right direction in calling this shadowy and secretive sect to account. Joy Nason, Mona Vale

The Hales family mansions: On the left the home of global leader Bruce Hales and his wife Jenny, on the right the home of Gareth Hales, and at the rear a new mansion is taking shape to be the home of Charles Hales.

The Hales family mansions: On the left the home of global leader Bruce Hales and his wife Jenny, on the right the home of Gareth Hales, and at the rear a new mansion is taking shape to be the home of Charles Hales.Credit: Nick Moir

Why should not be surprised by the wealth accumulation of Bruce Hales? As an organisation, Christianity has, in its various forms, a well-documented 2000-year history of wealth-driven dominance. Violence and materialism have all played prominent roles in this history and have in their own way overshadowed the good works undertaken by workers in the Christian churches. Perhaps the most hypocritical aspect of Christianity in today’s global society is its accumulation of wealth in the face of widespread social deprivation. Maybe that is the reason we should not be surprised by Bruce Hales’ activities.Peter Thomas, Rose Bay

Jesus says that heavenly mansions are being prepared for believers. It seems Bruce Hales, global leader of the Exclusive Brethren and his sons have decided they can’t wait that long. Julie Robinson, Cardiff

The King James Bible tells us that our father’s house has many mansions. It seems that the Hales family might have more than their fair share of them. Peter Campbell, Potts Point

The article on the Exclusive Brethren showed the group as being a match for all those parodies of religious sects seen on TV and cinema screens: control of members who hold to dogmatic rule, don’t vote in elections but meddle in political affairs, live a simple life but have ostentatious property and wealth. Only the usual conceited television ministry is missing. Maybe there are common human paradoxes and failings threading through this. In the photo of a meeting of leaders (all men, of course), the characters are almost clone-like in appearance. How do they do it? Donald Hawes, Peel

The greed, political influence, ignorance and hypocrisy of the Exclusive Brethren is breathtaking. Surely enough evidence exists for this organisation to be held to task and legally held accountable for its actions. Honest, hardworking Australians deserve and expect nothing less. Robert Hickey, Green Point


The use of religion to wield power, influence and grow wealth is not uncommon. When he was only an insignificant science-fiction author, Lafayette Ron Hubbard confided to a friend that he had discovered the secret of how to make a lot of money. Start your own religion. He proved that religion could be very profitable. He created Scientology and after his death left assets worth something like $26 million. Derrick Mason, Boorowa

All Leichhardt Oval needs is a good upgrade

Unlike Michael McGowan (“Wests Tigers CEO forgets who Rugby League is for”, March 30) I’ve never been to a Tigers match at Leichhardt Oval. But this season, I’ve started attending Sydney FC’s women’s matches there, and I love the simple, local ground with a century of history. It is an affordable, community resource. Do up the change rooms so it’s clean and comfortable for home and visiting teams, but please don’t change the structure to give us corporate boxes. Angela Michaelis, Balmain

Leichhardt Oval.

Leichhardt Oval.Credit: Steven Siewert

It would be a travesty to allow Leichhardt Oval to decay further and disappear as one of Sydney’s best-loved football grounds. No other football destination in Sydney has the same atmosphere despite the poor condition of the facility. If the NRL is serious about preserving the tribalism created in suburban grounds then they should, in conjunction with the Inner West Council and the state government, do something about it and do it quickly. I am not speaking of a major football stadium construction but a renovation to cater for a crowd of 20-25,000 whilst retaining a good proportion of the iconic hill. It should be noted that Leichhardt Oval is not merely an NRL ground but regularly hosts the Waratahs and Shute Shield rugby union and soccer matches and is geographically convenient from all points of the compass. Over to you, Peter V’landys, Chris Minns and Darcy Byrne. Max Redmayne, Drummoyne

I also have fond memories of a suburban sports ground, in my case Cumberland Oval, Parramatta. From 1950 I competed in school athletic carnivals, watched Ritchie Benaud play for Central Cumberland, saw England play Granville District in soccer, welcomed Marjorie Jackson back from winning gold at the Helsinki Olympics, risked my hearing at the rip and roar of the Saturday night speedway, and played ten years of football, either league for my school or rugby union for the Parramatta Two Blues. When the Commbank Stadium is eventually replaced, will it leave such a trail of communal memories? Barry Wooldridge, Harden

Congratulations to Peter FitzSimons (The Fitz Files, March 30) for hitting the nail on the head about the ridiculously nostalgic and emotive pleas to upgrade Leichhardt Oval as a rugby league venue, when Wests Tigers only ever play a handful of their games there. Leichhardt Oval should be a multi-sport and community venue that receives a government grant via the state budget - and the Panthers stadium makeover should never go ahead, especially when the leagues club there is one of NSW’s wealthiest. George Zivkovic, Northmead


How the Coalition is more Labor than Labor

The Liberals and the Nationals, the defenders of laissez-faire capitalism, have gone all socialist and are threatening to break up big businesses (“Coalition developing ‘big stick’ law to rein Coles and Woolworths”, March 30). They are now more left than the ALP. Ron Russell, Leura

Peter Dutton

Peter DuttonCredit: SMH

Is this a change in electioneering tactics for Peter Dutton, to be more Labor than Labor? Brian Collins, Cronulla

A misunderstanding

In the recent press, what may appear as anarchy is really a misunderstanding of culture (Letters, March 30). The Todd Tavern episode in Alice Springs was due to interfamily tension from Utopia, a remote community in the Northern Territory. The highly publicised case of the death of Kumanjayi Walker in Yuendumu highlights the need for indigenous advisers to non-indigenous police members who intend to carry out an arrest. Increasing the number of non-indigenous police on the ground is not the solution. Promoting collaboration between cultures is essential as well as listening to, training and supporting more indigenous service personnel. In the words of Dr. Kathleen Wallace, Arrernte artist and author, “Come, listen to us, we will tell you our culture. Learn from us. That way we will all survive.” Francis Hough, Santa Teresa (NT)


Ethical solution

Instead of spending millions policing the criminals that allow students to cheat and then blackmail them, universities could adopt the obvious, and ethical, solution (“Cheating websites threaten students”, March 30). University staff should return all written work in person to their students and, if they are concerned about its honesty, simply ask the student to explain their choice of sources, and to defend their arguments. This would mean that academics had to actually teach and to discuss with individual students their essays and reports. Why is this no longer common practice? Could it be that the universities that profit handsomely from handing out often substandard degrees have dedicated their budgets to advertising and recruitment instead of employing tenured teachers and researchers who have time enough to discuss their written work with them? Socratic method, Vice-chancellors? Philip Bell, Bronte

False economy

The false economy of buying from overseas because Australian manufacturing is too expensive always infuriates (“Back to the past for energy future”, March 30). For example, a solar panel made overseas might cost $100 to buy in Australia. Of that 10 per cent GST and seller’s profit of, say, 10 per cent, means that $20 stays in Australia and $80 goes overseas. If the same panel were made in Australia but costs $150, plus GST, and seller’s profit is $30, the remainder could stay in Australia, with perhaps half supporting government services through corporate and income tax. And none of this takes account of the intellectual benefit to Australia of keeping the manufacturing at home. Tell me again how it saves money to buy overseas? Ross Hudson Mount Martha (Vic)

Expendable victims

I would like to thank the old boys of Newington for their resolute stand against introducing an innocent cohort of young women to make their school coeducational (“‘We expected a brawl’: Newington old boys’ council overthrown, as co-ed opposition grows”, March 28). I’ve heard from activists such as Chanel Contos about the vicious culture of sexism in single-sex independent schools, and this culture will not change with the introduction of a token bunch of inexperienced and vulnerable female children. They should not be offered up as expendable sacrificial victims in the endeavour to civilise Newington’s current students and improve their behaviour towards the opposite sex. I hope the old boys’ association is also actively seeking alternative smarter ways to change the culture of their beloved alma mater with respect to women. Marjorie Sutcliffe, The Rocks

 Newington College

 Newington CollegeCredit: Kate Geragthy


Why is it that boys’ schools are under constant criticism for being single sex schools, while the existence of single-sex girls’ schools is ignored? Pat Mcfarlane, Cabarita

Fine line

But Kate Halfpenny, founder of Bad Mother Media, should not attempt to soften the impact of illegal drug use at festivals or anywhere else. (“Mellow middle age, brought to you by music festival drugs”, March 30). Every legal dollar spent on illegal drugs fuels all levels of criminal activity - from money laundering and assault to human trafficking and murder. Halfpenny may not be advocating drug use but by declaring drugs “fun” she is flirting with a fine line. Anne Flynn, Mosman

Kate Halfpenny promotes the fun in drugs for middle-aged women. Sure they can be fun, but also deadly, as we’ve seen with one dead and two in a serious condition during party time on the Gold Coast. I’m both for and against partying being enhanced by illicit drugs, depending on the drugs and the circumstances. What I have noticed recently is a lot of new parents who do not want to give up party drugs. At a wedding reception recently I knew parents of young children who combined alcohol, marijuana, MDMA, cocaine and pingers - yes, in one night! Responsible parenting also entails trying to stick around for your children until they’re old enough to fend for themselves. Michelle Willoughby, North Narrabeen

Clear example

It’s a bit rich! After receiving trillions of dollars in subsidies for decades from governments around the world; after spreading lies about climate change, funding think tanks to suppress the truth about carbon emissions; and lobbying politicians to slow down the shift to renewable energy, now they’re complaining above being “unfairly vilified” by nothing less than the very conservative International Energy Agency (“Fossil fuel giants scale back their climate targets”, March 30). A clear example of when the utmost privileges are being removed, powerful people feel aggrieved. Neil Ormerod, Kingsgrove North

Anne Rasmussen, the lead negotiator for the Alliance of Small Islands States, says business will not save the planet.

Anne Rasmussen, the lead negotiator for the Alliance of Small Islands States, says business will not save the planet.Credit: IISD


Danish delights

Okay Mr Astle, we are suitably chastened. As neither of us have mastered Danish, we did indeed have to resort to Google Translate to complete Friday’s most enjoyable DA crossword. Gillian Kendrigan, Evatt (ACT)

That’s it Astle. You’ve gone beyond the pale, jumped the shark and crossed the Rubicon with Friday’s effort. As if we don’t have enough trouble with the English version. To bring in another language is approaching demonic. Ron McQuarrie, Budgewoi

Saturday morning and I’ve just finished Friday’s DA. I solved the cryptic clues that told me to translate half the answers from Danish, found English answers with the right number of letters, translated those exact words from Danish to English (with different numbers of letters) and applied them to the grid. Don’t see what all the fuss is about! Just kidding ... but David, you have to be? Mickey Pragnell, Kiama

Colour blind

With respect, Evan Bailey, I think you have conflated two editions of the paper (Letters, March 30). Day one was Mr Menzies on the Yellow Peril and day two it was Reds Under the Beds. Peter Bourke, Rockdale

Give us a break

Note to Con Vaitsas, in this overworked, underpaid world of increasing corporate greed and income inequality, there is no need to justify public holidays beyond giving workers an extra break from time to time (Letters, March 30). Productivity always catches up again, and the profits keep rolling in. Countries now operating on four-day weeks are experiencing rises in productivity so, holy or not, let’s keep all the holidays, and more. Alynn Pratt, Grenfell

Good idea to get rid of the Easter holiday. Let’s ditch Christmas as well so we can focus on the days that truly reflect our Aussie spirit: Australia Day (celebrate invasion and get drunk); Anzac Day, (feel noble and get drunk); and Melbourne Cup Day (celebrate gambling, whip horses and get drunk). Christine McNeil, Ballina

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