

This was published 5 months ago

Police have given up on fat bikes

In Gwandalan, we have a plethora of unlicensed underage riders, often without helmets, riding noisy, unregistered two-wheeled machines, who even ride at speed on one wheel through the shopping area (“Do we wait until someone is killed before fat bike ban?”, April 19). The police seem to have given up trying to catch them. We need action to counter our current number of gravity-defying imbeciles. Our only sealed footpath is already in competition with silent, illegal e-scooters. Will fat bikes be next? David Sayers, Gwandalan

Teens on fat bikes at the beach.

Teens on fat bikes at the beach.Credit: Edwina Pickles

Fat bikes are just part of a much broader problem. Some of the most dangerous places nowadays are shared paths, with pedestrians darting for their lives between the hordes of powered cycles – not just fat bikes – zooming through, usually in silence, their riders insouciantly and nonchalantly shifting their weight subtly to swerve between their potential victims. Fat bikes, bicycles, skateboards, unicycles and mono-wheeled skateboards – not sure what they’re called – all of them electric powered, usually ridden at great speed, all silent, and all of them deadly. And it seems all of them ridden by people with attitude, the ever present index finger ready to deploy to the complaints and warnings, and many of them clearly under driving age. Are they the responsibility of councils, who “police” the shared paths? Or are they a police issue? Someone needs to take ownership because someone surely will be killed. I’d like to know the statistics on serious injuries already. Paul Ellercamp, Forster

Rather than our blithely banning fat bikes, regulation and education seems a far better alternative. In many areas, the fat bike offers a freedom of transport and a freedom of spirit for teenage independence only ever dreamed of. However, the fat bikes and their riders need licences and they need to be tested on road rule knowledge and community safety and responsibility. Personal protective attire must be mandatory. Footpath use is not to be condoned, as safety for all the community must be highlighted and anxiety for older people with speeding fat bikes on footpaths is at a premium. Fat bikes have their place: their riders just need education and an understanding of their responsibilities to the rest of the community. Janice Creenaune, Austinmer

Another article on the dangers of unregulated powered bikes and scooters. but it appears that no one is listening. As a motorist, pedestrian and cyclist, of the pedal-powered variety, I cannot understand what the discussion is about. E-scooters cannot be ridden on streets and footpaths in NSW, the laws are already in place but are simply not enforced. Controls on e-bike capabilities are strictly defined within the law, but again, there appears to be no enforcement.
Julian Hare, Penshurst

I am convinced that the vast majority of e-bikes used for food delivery are illegally modified, making them illegal motorcycles. There is a component of compulsory third party insurance that covers uninsured vehicles. Once claims start to be paid out, the insurance industry will add its loud voice to get effective action against these illegal motorcycles. Douglas Irvine, Artarmon

What a terrifying prospect, the life of our beloved Letters editor is at peril! Seriously though, Pat Stringa’s personal experience highlights a worrying development whereby fat bikes are at risk of causing death or serious injury. I am all for responsible use of bicycles and registered motorcycles, however, the prevalence of unregulated fat bikes must be addressed.


Allan Gibson, Cherrybrook

What constitutes terrorism?

Waleed Aly takes us back to the definition of “terrorism” to explore its use and non-use in the two recent knife attacks in Sydney (“Terrorism’s such a loaded term”, April 19). In a paper on the normalisation and spread of anti-terrorism laws in Australia by Rebecca Ananian-Walsh and George Williams, they note that the spread of what were once “exceptional measures” have become “normalised” and then extended. In the case of the Wakeley knife attack, the NSW Police had the right to determine if it was an act of terrorism; giving them additional powers. Whether they are correct in that judgment is immaterial. What concerns me is there appears to be no oversight of the executive branch of government giving itself additional powers. Let us not blithely accept this creeping expansion of executive powers across all arms of government. It threatens us all. Brian Everingham, Engadine

Terrorism is now evolving – perhaps even devolving – into something that is increasingly difficult to distinguish from ordinary crime.

Terrorism is now evolving – perhaps even devolving – into something that is increasingly difficult to distinguish from ordinary crime.Credit: Simon Letch

Waleed Aly is right that “terrorism has become … a loaded term in our culture.” The form of words that is first used will likely be that which determines the tenor of subsequent debate. Unfortunately, at a time of hyper-partisan politics, where fear is used as a political weapon, words such as “terrorism” are used in a cynical rather than an academic way, not to understand but to make a political point. Greg Baker, Fitzroy Falls

Terrorism is hard to define, but it has the underlying feature of “sending a message” to authorities or other groups for espousing certain political, religious or social goals. So, the lone person committing a hate crime against a racial minority is not only exercising their hate against the person but also wants to intimidate others of that minority. Similarly, acts of genocide, mob riots or lynchings based on race, religion or political beliefs are also acts of terrorism, as these “terrorise” others into compliance with their wider goals. It might be hard to see terrorism when it is occurring, but if it terrorises a group through intimidation it is terrorism. Manbir Singh Kohli, Pemulwuy

As Waleed Aly highlights, there are endless definitions of terrorism. The problem, of course is that “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter”. A more modern definition is “the deliberate targeting of civilians to make a political/military/ideological point”. This would capture though, the retaliatory carpet bombing by the Allies of German cities in WW2 and the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, slaughtering hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians. The Geneva Conventions attempted to respond to that conundrum. George W. Bush didn’t help by corrupting the term with his “war on terror” excuse for the Iraq War against a regime that had nothing to do with 9/11, a phrase subsequently adopted by any tin-pot dictator needing to eliminate the opposition.
Edward Grieve, Woolloomooloo


Assange has suffered enough

Views on Julian Assange range from his being seen as an intrepid media hero telling us the truth about the war game, to egotistical headline-seeker whose revelations can endanger the lives of those we trust to defend our liberty (Editorial, April 19). Irrespective, he has suffered more than enough and he should be returned to Australia so this sorry saga can be dealt with here. If extradited to the US with extremist Republicans baying for his blood, it could further mar any prospects he, his family and supporters hold for a return to a better life. Ron Sinclair, Windradyne

Stella Assange, human rights activist and wife of Julian Assange, leaves the High Court during Julian’s trial in London.

Stella Assange, human rights activist and wife of Julian Assange, leaves the High Court during Julian’s trial in London.Credit: Getty

The UK Court of Appeal has asked the US to provide a binding assurance that Assange will not be denied the free speech rights guaranteed to US citizens under the Constitution. But no US president or his officials could ever provide certain assurance on this. If the matter went to litigation, there could be no certainty that any such proffered assurance would be affirmed by the US Supreme Court, and certainly not by that court as it is currently constituted.

No such assurance can possibly be given, as any president there must know. He can only say and so must formally declare, “no, I cannot give that assurance on behalf of the US”. And on that basis, the British courts should permit Assange’s appeal and eventual release and repatriation. They would seem to have no other proper option. Clive Kessler, Randwick

Without doubt, US persecution of Assange has been persistent and severe. With his extremely poor mental and physical health, at the least on humanitarian grounds, he should be promptly extradited to Australia to serve out his sentence. So much for Uncle Sam’s long-standing claims of regarding Australia as a close and vital ally, partner and friend. Steve Ngeow, Chatswood

Turf guy


I never had the pleasure of meeting Max Presnell, but Andrew Webster’s superbly written article made me feel like I have (“The last of the great turf writers’: Max Presnell’s time at the Herald comes to an end”,, April 19). Perhaps because I come from a racing family, the article glowed in its retelling of history and anecdotes, wrapped in a genuine fondness for his subject by the writer, that made Mr Presnell jump off the page. And what a lifetime achievement of superb writing and reportage he’s given us – there’s no doubt he will be missed. On the upside, with writers like Webster in the Herald stable, sports journalism is in safe hands. Patrick McGrath, Potts Point

Max Presnell at Royal Randwick.

Max Presnell at Royal Randwick.Credit: Jessica Hromas

Parental guidance

It’s timely to focus on the central role and responsibilities of parents, rather than overreacting to suggestions to increase penalties for them regarding antisocial conditioning for violence, through normalising possession of weapons like knives (“Lock parents up over knives: police”, April 19). We’ve seen, in the US, parents sentenced to 10 to 15 years in prison for providing a gun for their son who then killed four of his classmates. Thankfully, there is no comparable situation here. However, we might now seriously reflect on whether we want offensive, macho, violent behaviour becoming increasingly prevalent here, and face that parents bear central responsibility for formative socialisation of their offspring. How sad and ironic that parents would need penalising for failing on fundamental, instinctive parenting that’s also arguably protective of their own children. As a parent of six, if I had ever found one of my offspring with a knife I would have taken them to the police myself, and they knew it. Robyn Dalziell, Kellyville

Our justice system is reluctant to penalise underage offenders in particular because they are unlikely to be aware of the longer-term consequences (if and when caught). There has to be some merit, however, in the proposition by NSW police to connect child offending to parental responsibility. With the increasing extent and seriousness of offending carried out by underage children, there is a fundamental legal assumption that parents are in control of their children until they reach an age of responsibility (is that 16, or 18?). Parents need to be accountable for the actions of their children until the age of legal self-responsibility is attained. Addressing this situation would allow victims of crimes perpetrated by underage offenders to seek proper redress for the wrongs committed. Chris Rivers, Port Macquarie

If it’s wrong to be judged by “the sins of our fathers” then so too it is wrong to judge and punish parents for the sins of their children. Kneejerk reactions to complex health and social problems are not the solution. John Bailey, Canterbury

Are the police suggesting kitchen knives be kept in a locked drawer or the equivalent of a gun safe? While hunting knives and flick knives are probably in the mind of police, any sharpened blade can be used to inflict grievous wounds. Parents, such as those of the charged teenager, are struggling to do the right thing. They need support, not prosecution. Philip Cooney, Wentworth Falls


Religion blues

Your letter writers’ attack on religion may be justified in some cases but those who do could consider the effects of atheist regimes such as China, Soviet Union, Pol Pot etc (Letters, April 19). Roger Cedergreen, South Hurstville

Religion is the problem. Universal public education is the answer. Sue Doran, Coogee

Hot property

Cry me a river (Letters, April 19). If someone is liable for $30,000 per year of land tax, I calculate the land value to be $2.95 million. The capital value of the building on top of it could easily bring the property value to more than $4 million. If someone thinks owning an income-generating property is hard work or renting it out does not lavish them with riches as fast as they’d like, then they should stop whingeing and sell the property so that someone can permanently live in it. Brendan Jones, Annandale

Plastic surge

As global plastic pollution is expected to grow relentlessly, it is vital consumers reduce demand for plastic products (“Watchdog cracks down on Glad”, April 19). Corporations are skilled at dreaming up endless ways to entice us to buy their goods by making even more novel new ones, using advertising to convince us we need them and then applying greenwashing to make us feel less guilty in participating in what has become one of the most damaging industries on the planet. It’s good news that a successful prosecution for greenwashing has been made, but ultimately the buck stops with the consumer to make more informed choices. Dorin Suciu, Eleebana

The packaging was updated between March 2022 and November 2022 to include the headline “made using 50% ocean-bound plastic”.

The packaging was updated between March 2022 and November 2022 to include the headline “made using 50% ocean-bound plastic”.Credit: ACCC

Red to green

Sometimes meeting your perfect match is a matter of timing (“Should I have married? Red flag culture would say no”, April 19). Had I met my partner in the ’80s there would have been more red flags than a Chinese presidential visit – he was a studious Thatcherite and I was a product of the alternative education system with a penchant for punk. I’m sure my partner questions his previous political alliance, just as I do my choice of vibrant hair colour and style. Fast-forward and those red flags have made way for an expanse of green grass on the other side, with only the occasional red flag resurrection! Janet Argall, Dulwich Hill

Full disclosure

Great letter (advocating the elimination of social media anonymity), Susan Connelly (Letters, April 19). I have often thought this. You won’t get your letter published in the Herald’s Letters page unless you supply your full name, address and phone number. So why should social media contributors hide behind a screen of anonymity? Remember the old and most appropriate maxim: “put your money where your mouth is”. It should still apply. Anthea Doe, Russell Lea

Unisex undergarments

If “third man” is to abbreviated to “third”, I trust the International Cricket Council will act without delay to address any difficulties for those required to field in slips (Letters, April 19). Catherine Turner, Cremorne

“Third man”, John Lees? Pales into comparison with “short leg”. Laurie Fraser, Blaxland Ridge

Regarding all this new cricket lingo, batters and batsman, no third man, will you still be able to bowl a maiden over? Graeme Woodlands, Wyee Point

Clever cocky

If you cross a cockatoo with an ibis, do you get a cocky bin chicken (“Fake snakes, bricks, sneakers: How Sydneysiders are fighting the cockatoo bin war”,, April 18)? Lisa Clarke, Watsons Bay

Cockatoos opening garbage bins. Ha, that’s nothing! Recently, we watched as a clever cockatoo took about three minutes to open both side locks of a lunchbox, then toss it up to flip the lid off. Too bad the contents weren’t to its liking after all that skill and effort. Mark Westwood, Narooma

In vestments

If, as several correspondents point out, all the religious leaders in Cathy Wilcox’s cartoon are men, why are they all wearing dresses (Letters, April 19)? Brian O’Donnell, Burradoo


It’s been a very confronting week. In the space of just two days, two separate, violent incidents have reminded us all of the fragility of human existence and the role that fate plays in our lives. In response, we’ve published a selection of letters from readers demonstrating their customary levels of intelligent, informed opinion, along with compassion and empathy.

On Friday we received a letter from Marrickville’s Colin Hesse, saying that we had “brought together what I thought was an amazing collection of insights in response to the terrible events at Bondi Junction. From the retired psychiatrist to the former prison officer, it seems to me that most of the answers to the questions posed by Saturday’s events are answered. Principally your correspondents wrote with insight and compassion. I was genuinely moved to read them.”

I replied to Colin, saying that our pages are always a reflection of the collective wisdom and insights of our readers. This was summed up in the letter from West Pymble’s Michael Kennedy, who wrote: “Joel Cauchi’s father Andrew Cauchi said: ‘I made myself a servant to my son when I found out he had a mental illness’. If ever there was a heroic statement, this is one. That is a life of dedication that would never have been uncovered in the normal course of life. There are hundreds of such parents in our anguished society. Mental illness is at epidemic proportions and very often the family quietly and heroically carries the cross.”

Have a relaxing weekend, and if you’re riding a fat bike, please don’t go anywhere near Letters Editor Pat Stringa. She’s not a fan.

Margot Saville, deputy letters editor

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