

This was published 5 months ago

Systemic mental health failures are on repeat

There are many people with psychiatric disease in our community today (“Knife attack on mother led to mentally ill man finding help”, April 17). The only 100 per cent “safe” strategy is to keep people in hospital forever, but, apart from forensic psychiatry, that is unfair to the person and requires resources we do not have. So a decision sometime has to be taken to discharge a person, often before all symptoms are gone. Any discharge is risky. Psychiatrists gamble each time they discharge someone. People then go under the care of an under-staffed and stressed community psychiatry service. They are often still unwell. They might still have delusions or hear voices continually. We underfund both our inpatient and community psychiatric services. We get what we have asked for each time the gamble fails. It will happen again. Peter Baume, Mosman

Eleven years ago Marina Solar was stabbed by her son, who lives with schizophrenia.

Eleven years ago Marina Solar was stabbed by her son, who lives with schizophrenia. Credit: Rhett Wyman

Today is my first day back at work at Bondi Junction. I see a community coming together to show respect, support, care and love. A community grieving together, standing together and comforting each other. There will be those who walk past their favourite shops and are triggered with trauma. Today we are in this together. We will find strength encouraging each other. It’s okay for us to shed tears and some will still struggle with fears. We are here to help each other. It’s beautiful to see people hug each other and stand together in the presence among these beautiful flowers. This shows me we are a strong caring community. This street I walked on over a thousand times, from today will never be the same. Thank you for those lovely flowers; your respect has shown me something greater. It has given me strength to start a new day today, with courage, and knowing we are surrounded by amazing people. I want to be grateful for life. Love those special people in your life; never take them for granted. Goodbye to those precious souls. Let there be peace among those they left. I am thinking of their loved ones today. For those still recovering in hospital, let us all believe they will make it through. Never give up on hope. My heart is with you. Emma Zamparutti, Kingsgrove

Chris Minns’ decision to provide $18 million to the NSW Coroner to investigate the Bondi Junction tragedy might be politically expedient but it is a waste of money. Ten years ago, a similar event occurred after the Lindt Cafe siege. There were major investigations into its causation and yet a similar tragedy has occurred. The common theme between the two tragedies is mental illness. While the Lindt Cafe perpetrator’s mental illness was known to the police through bad behaviour, not so was Joel Cauchi’s. He, if you like, went over the edge without detection. The premier is trying to protect the public safety when it is not his job – it is the job of law enforcement agencies. They do their best but clearly they can’t detect or protect everyone, especially by somehow keeping an eye on everyone with a mental illness. It is mission impossible. We all know that mental health services are hugely underfunded. Even with funding, many suffering from mental health issues don’t seek treatment or fail to take medication. Perhaps the premier could be persuaded to simply accept that such tragedies will occur from time to time and no amount of public examination and expenditure will stop it. Why not give the $18 million as a permanent expenditure to provide better health outcomes to many? John Rome, Mt Lawley (WA)

As we reel from the tragedy of last weekend, I wonder whether a look towards New Zealand and its handling of the shocking mosque attacks in Christchurch may be in order. The name of the perpetrator is never mentioned. I have some compassion towards the man who committed the horrendous acts in Bondi. He too was a victim of his mental illness. But it worries me that posthumous fame may be an attraction to others who have untreated illnesses. And is it not unreasonable to consider the pain of the parents in hearing his name constantly repeated in all media outlets, for they are also victims. Janie Page, Balmain

Faiths rally round with respect in hours of need

I have led and participated in many interfaith gatherings and services of worship, together with clergy and faith leaders from a wide variety of traditions (Letters, April 18). Without exception these occasions are imbued with respect, joy and appreciation of one another and with gratitude for the opportunity to be together. They include honest curiosity and a genuine desire to learn from the insights of others in ways that don’t threaten, but rather enrich, our understanding of our own faith traditions. The common thread is invariably care for our fellow human beings and a desire to make our broader society and local communities more harmonious, safe and inclusive environments where all people can thrive. Sadly, there will always be some whose beliefs are closed to the ways of others, who maintain an “I’m right and you’re wrong and never the twain shall meet” approach. We must not let this often violent element dominate the narrative, lest we lose sight of all there is to share and celebrate. Meredith Williams, Baulkham Hills


If only all the religions of this world could recognise that their holiest texts were written by men, not by God, by men. Neil Armfield, Patonga

A picture CAN be worth a thousand words. Thank you, Cathy Wilcox. Your depiction of all the “reverend” gentlemen in yesterday’s cartoon explains everything. Graham Tucker, Kiama

Interfaith dialogue

Interfaith dialogue Credit: Cathy Wilcox

The superb Cathy Wilcox cartoon raises two important questions: why are the 14 faith leaders all male and how can they all be right? Grant Heaton, Port Macquarie

If there is a God, her name is Wilcox. Joy Nason, Mona Vale

Yet again Cathy Wilcox hits the proverbial nail on the head. A group of archaically clad men proclaim their divisive religious slogans, speaking at once, many studiously avoiding eye contact. A woman, dressed for practical daily tasks, peers around the door and voices the one question which has any hope of producing unity. Leone Toker, Port Macquarie

Did anyone notice that in the interfaith dialogue cartoon by the wonderful Cathy Wilcox, all the participants were men? The only woman there was the tea lady offering a dose of calm and sanity to the occasion. Says it all, really. Levane Abdoolcader, Padstow Heights


Well done, Cathy Wilcox. Your religious cartoon cleverly hides a glaring omission from our religious clergy. Among the pious talking heads, the only woman in the collective is the tea lady. Brilliant. Greg Horan, Wentworth Point

Religion is the problem. Education is the answer. Ted Hemmens, Cromer

My God is better than your God? Christopher Hitchens had it right: “religion poisons everything”. William Forbes, Medowie

Fat bikes should be regulated

These are motorcycles (“Are we waiting until someone is killed before we ban the illegal fat bike?”, April 18). They should be regulated as such and insured. If national standards can’t be agreed to, then NSW should take lead and change their classification. The other states will follow when Josh rides into NSW and immediately gets arrested and his bike impounded. But even as the law stands now, why aren’t the police arresting the riders who are not on private property? David Neilson, Araluen (NT)

As a motorcyclist, I totally agree with your opinion piece about fat bikes. I was required to pass a licence test and now pay registration and CTP and have to wear a helmet. The speed limit on footpaths is 10 km/h. Police should be instructed to confiscate any fat bike being ridden on a footpath exceeding that speed. Bob Roobottom, Taree


Defending Dad

I am the eldest of the five Helfgott siblings and was very upset to read the headline (“‘We all suffered’: Louise and David Helfgott’s complicated upbringing”, April 13). You quote David as saying, “I think we all suffered under Dad”. I always felt loved by my father and I certainly did not suffer under him. In your article you have focused on David’s statement about Dad being “a woeful father” but this is not the full truth. In fact, David himself has in the past referred to our father as a “super human being”. My sister Louise was quoted as saying that “Dad felt he was losing control”. Anyone who gives the situation even a little bit of thought would clearly see Dad’s actions were those of a loving, responsible parent who was justifiably concerned that his young son, with major mental health issues, would suffer considerably on his own and so far away from all family and support.
Margaret Helfgott, Western Australia

Louise and David Helfgott. “Even though I’m much younger, I’ve often had to be the big sister,” Louise says.

Louise and David Helfgott. “Even though I’m much younger, I’ve often had to be the big sister,” Louise says.Credit: Simon Schluter

Keep it light

Project homes built in new subdivisions have long been described as nothing more than glorified tents (“Homes billed as seven-star comfort turn out to be ‘closer to a tent’”, April 18). Regardless of the legislated energy efficiency requirements (Basix) these homes do not satisfy our climate extremes, which results in excessive electricity bills. One initiative the government could implement is to ban dark roofing. Light-coloured rooftops are not encouraged by the NSW government and it has refused to upgrade the building sustainability standards to adopt this approach. It’s no coincidence European countries are dominated by buildings with light-coloured roofs and white walls. John Nelson, Mudgee

Energy and effort

The deplorable, but not unexpected, extensive coral bleaching can only be attributed to global warming from increased greenhouse gas emissions (“‘Unprecedented’ reef damage caused by marine heatwave”, April 18). While federal Labor’s reduction targets are achievable and almost adequate, these efforts must be matched worldwide. In this context, it is ironic that, in the hinterland of the Great Barrier Reef, vast quantities of coal are mined that are destined to generate carbon dioxide emissions once exported. How unfortunate that our nation is not instead benefiting from facilitating the transition to renewable energy to other countries presently dependent upon our fossil fuels. It would represent a win in many respects, including for our struggling coral reef. Roger Epps, Armidale


Watching the Great Barrier Reef turn into a drab graveyard breaks my heart. That, if we breach two degrees of global heating, my children and all future generations will never experience the majesty and beauty that the reef offers is devastating. As is the prospect of losing the 64,000 jobs that rely on the reef, and the economic boost it provides. Failing to urgently overhaul the weak and ineffective Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act that currently ignores the impact of the climate pollution causing the reef’s demise, will be a stain on Labor’s reputation. The environment and future generations need governments to step up now, before it is too late. Amy Hiller, Kew (Vic)

Third word problem

I like the take Peter FitzSimons gives us on the “batter/batsman” issue (“Batters or batsman? Cricket’s new lingo is not a hill to die on”, April 18). But what has the ICC done about that field position known as “Third Man”? I have noticed some commentators now refer to it simply as
“Third” but I am not sure whether that is a requirement of the International Cricket Council. John Lees, Castlecrag

Rental problems

There is a bed-and-breakfast near me that is owned and managed by a retired couple (Letters, April 16). The only reason they do not have a long-term tenant in it is because the annual land tax is more than any long-term rental agreement would provide. The annual land tax is $30,000 a year, which is much more than any current long-term rental amount in this town would cover, let alone the other costs of council rates, insurance etc. The government is quick to complain about the lack of long-term available rentals, but is itself the root cause of why there are not as many on the market. David Sayers, Gwandalan

Real names, please

The regulation of social media would be easier if the correct name and contact of the person commenting was displayed (“Fines for lies posted on attacks”, April 18). Getting rid of social media anonymity would not be censorship as it would simply require the users of a service to self-censor. You don’t walk down the street naked; you don’t start screaming or playing a trombone in a restaurant. So if you make public comments, you don’t hide behind an alias. Exceptional circumstances aside, if you can’t put your name to a statement then it’s not worth making. Yes, yes, I know, the platforms’ profits would dive. So there’s the choice: lose big bucks or enable the promotion of lies, half-truths, victimhood and revenge. Susan Connelly, Lakemba



Vale Gus Plater. Gus was a regular contributor to the Letters section and was a passionate advocate for public education. Spanning a long and distinguished career as both a teacher and principal, Gus will be fondly remembered by his former students and colleagues as a committed unionist and a compassionate and caring human being. Gus through his efforts left the world a better place than he found it. Gus’ thoughtful, reasoned letters will be sorely missed. Geoff Turnbull, Ashfield

Families lose out

Hopelessly compromised and under threat, Sydney casinos and their supporters in government like to give dire warnings about job losses should we decide to simply shut them down (“Casinos gave gamblers free cash”, April 18). What they don’t say is that every wage taken home from the casino relies on other workers pouring their hard-earned cash in, resulting in a net loss to working families. Until we wean ourselves off the taxes generated by this poisonous trade there will be more stories of legal wrongdoing and human misery. Colin Stokes, Camperdown

Dual-use shoes

And because they’re wearing Dunlop Volleys the tennis players in the squad won’t have to change shoes for their matches (“Olympic uniforms with a touch of chic”, April 18). Michael Deeth, Como West

Australian Olympians at the unveiling of the official opening ceremony uniforms for Paris 2024.

Australian Olympians at the unveiling of the official opening ceremony uniforms for Paris 2024.Credit: Louise Kennerley

Refugee victory

The judiciary has been getting it right while the government has been getting it wrong (“Courts ‘could become a refugee tribunal’”, April 18). Clare O’Neil and her immigration department should be ashamed of their persistent blind denigration of and discrimination against refugees who are human beings with rights like the rest of us. Julius Timmerman, Lawson

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