

This was published 4 months ago

Not all heritage sites are a ‘must balance heritage with amenity’

Middle Head’s heritage and environmental values are unique and it is referred to as the “jewel in the crown of Sydney Harbour”.

It holds the earliest and most continuous military history of this nation, stories and evidence of 40,000 years of Aboriginal occupation, and an exceptional natural environment.

The Headland Preservation Group says the structures are inappropriate for the historic parkland near the entrance to Sydney Harbour.

The Headland Preservation Group says the structures are inappropriate for the historic parkland near the entrance to Sydney Harbour.Credit: Headland Preservation Group

This irreplaceable legacy was given to all Australians as a gift of Federation.

The military precinct of Middle Head which includes Middle Head Oval is Commonwealth heritage-listed. The Sydney Harbour Federation Trust that manages the land has a primary statutory obligation “to protect, conserve and interpret the environmental and heritage values of Trust land”. Mosman Council is the licensee of the oval and the existing amenities.

Let’s be clear, however, the “Mosman toilet block” is no toilet block. It has all the amenities that the proposed sporting facility will provide. Male and female toilets and two unisex change rooms. Unfortunately, Mosman Council has failed to adequately maintain the building.

Yes, it needs upgrading, and we have no beef with that. However, we object to the construction of a grandstand and other supporting structures, which will result in three times the existing built area and effectively create an “open clubhouse” (Mosman mayor’s words) for the exclusive use of AFL and soccer.


The proposed grandstand will dominate the entrance to the precinct and severely diminish the site’s heritage and environmental values. Not all heritage sites are a “must balance heritage with amenity”.

Jill L’Estrange, president, Headland Preservation Group

Why the HELP?

It’s quite absurd! The government giving handouts to those who already have HECS-HELP debts, with no regard to the debtor’s actual neediness, is election pork-barrelling (“Labour to wipe $16 billion off student loans”, November 3).
Whether one undertakes higher education or not is a personal choice: should one invest time and money on one’s higher education? The financial investment is highly subsidised, students only having to make a contribution to the greater cost of the provision of their education. The required repayment in a year is quite small in comparison to the debtor’s annual income, i.e. nil for incomes up to about $50,000, rising to a maximum of 10 per cent around $160,000 ($16,000). The thresholds increase each year to allow for inflation. The percentage rates will be further lowered under the government’s latest proposals and, sensibly, the repayments will henceforth increase smoothly with income without the occasional abrupt increase as at present. There is little justification for lowering required repayments.
Ross Drynan, Lindfield

Pie in the sky

The current convoluted controversy over how, with whom and at what cost our politicians fly begs the question of whether all this air travel is even necessary (“MPs, staff pushed to use cheap airfares”, November 3). Surely politicians, even the PM, don’t need to be constantly crisscrossing the country. Good government is not all about public relations, being seen to be seen, openings, closings and conventions. We all need to reassess our expectations, revisit the assumptions that creep up on us and seriously consider what it is we want our political leaders and their staff to prioritise with their time and our money.
Meredith Williams, Baulkham Hills

Moral compass


Notwithstanding the headline incorrectly implies the Returned Services League directors have taken actions not in the interests of the Hornsby RSL (licensed) Club members, the reported behaviour is yet another example of poor governance (“RSL chiefs splurge on Vegas pokies junket”, November 3).
Directors of entities, public companies, NFP organisations and others need to act in accordance with the legalisation in place and importantly the inherent responsibilities and accountabilities prescribed in the entity’s Constitution. Overall having a strong moral and ethical compass is critical.
Allan Gibson, Cherrybrook

Count the thoughts

There are many ways to cut back on spending at Christmas. Perhaps the best way is to reduce the decorations, which are invariably imported, often only last for one Christmas, and are destined for landfill (“Be a bit boring at Christmas to help save”, November 3). This year, many more families will be in financial difficulties and most charities are under increasing financial pressure. If a serious attempt is made to save money, the best use for some of it is a donation that will brighten the lives of poorer families. Perhaps arrangements can be made with family members and friends to donate rather than exchange gifts.
Geoff Harding, Chatswood

Green tea envy

It’s great to see that there’s a new and natural, primary industry product that’s modern, fashionable and sought after by so many (“Matcha popularity leads to global shortage and price rises”, November 3). Matcha seems to have it all. Why then is matcha in such short supply, only grown and manufactured in Japan? Australian farmers have a great opportunity to tap into this market and take advantage of the current, significant global demands. And maybe, in the future, we may just see a tea powder called Matcha Mate.

Sue Casiglia, North Ryde

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