

This was published 8 months ago

Labor’s caucus system a valuable part of democracy

While some may view the Labor pledge of caucus solidarity as a quaint anachronism, it remains the bedrock on which Labor has built a reputation as a stable party of reform and progress (“Payman v Albanese and the personal v the collective: Is Labor stuck in 1902?”, July 4). That the pledge is a century old points not to the need for it to change, but to its value. Presumably, Senator Payman understood this when she made the pledge herself, accepted Labor endorsement, funds and the benefit of Labor votes to deliver a quota for election. Wayne Duncombe, Lilyfield

Senator Fatima Payman

Senator Fatima PaymanCredit: Dionne Gain

Tony Wright overlooks a lot of Labor history in his critique of the party’s adherence to caucus solidarity. Yes, the party emerged in the early years of the 20th century in response to the failure of the shearers’ strike, but it has endured several splits since then in response to ideological issues, conscription in WWI, and communism in the industrial groups in the 1950s being the most damaging. Left-wing parties can only endure such inner conflicts if they enforce party discipline and caucus solidarity is an important part of this process. The current ideological issue over the future of a proposed Palestinian state is also a danger to the unity of the party and like earlier dangers, it must be dealt with forcibly; Albanese and his team have acted appropriately, as most Labor voters would know disunity is death. Vivienne Parsons, Thornleigh

Don’t mention the DLP. Les Shearman, Darlington

The bloodbath in Gaza has to end and the only rational ending has to be a Palestinian state next to the existing Israeli state. However, a resolution of the Senate in Australia will have zero impact. The Greens are targeting certain Labor seats and are using the suffering of the Palestinian people to try and achieve that end. The ALP left has historically opposed the conscience vote as it has been used to prevent Labor governments acting on discrimination based on gender, sexuality and women’s rights. The existing conscience vote provision has simply been a salve for certain male MPs “consciences”. Be careful what you wish for. Paul Pearce, Bronte

With divisions widening throughout the country, a new religious party of any persuasion will only exacerbate this situation. All such parties have done in the past is to inflame tensions as they pursue their own ideology, hoping to impose their views on the rest of society. A new Muslim, Jewish or fundamental Christian party will be no different. The separation of church and state must be maintained for the good of our democracy. Tony Re, Georges Hall

What a great service Senator Fatima Payman is providing PM Albanese in the wake of the inevitable minority government that he will find himself in after the next federal election. Negotiation and acceptance of diverse views will be the only way forward. Maybe he should take some lessons from Julia Gillard who steered a huge legislative agenda through parliament with her minority government. Craig Roberts, Matraville


I have to say, I find it all so sad. Here is a young lady, born and raised to the age of five in Afghanistan where personal freedoms are cruelly muzzled with threats of torture, imprisonment or even death by the archaic rules of the Taliban. After fleeing to Pakistan and then down under to the supposed land-of-the-free, she finds herself yet again cruelly muzzled, this time by what seems the archaic rules of the ALP. Surely we can do better than this. Bill Young, Killcare Heights

Sydney needs an integrated cycling network

I am a very experienced and careful cyclist (Letters, July 4). I have cycled in Africa where I grew up and in many major cities in Europe. I cycle in Sydney but have never felt more anxious in my 78 years on this planet. I always cycle wearing hi-vis tops and with flashing lights front and rear. On two occasions this hasn’t helped despite clear sunny skies and dry roads. In 2014 a red P-plater came around a tight bend on a narrow suburban cul-de-sac on the wrong side. I went over the handlebars landing on my head. Result was two neck fractures C1 and C2 (hangman’s fracture) and four crushed thoracic vertebrae. The driver’s insurance paid many thousands for my claim plus tens of thousands in medical and rehab expenses. In 2020 a driver coming out of a side road hit me fracturing my hip and smashing my shoulder which required surgery. This time I had video evidence and the driver was found guilty in court but no fine. Go figure that one out! The solution has nothing to do with driver and cyclist education, cycling lights, hi-vis clothing or being careful. An integrated network all over Sydney dedicated to cycling is the only solution. It will also encourage kids cycling to school resulting in reduced vehicular traffic during term time. John Whiteing, Willoughby

Cyclist Liz Irvin using a bike lane.

Cyclist Liz Irvin using a bike lane.Credit: Eddie Jim

Bicycles and motor vehicles are never a good mix. Kerri Sackville’s recent experience (“I thought I was a safe driver … then, thud!”, July 2) demonstrates this. Leading cycling friendly cities such as Amsterdam have many separated cycling lanes and traffic lights at intersections which give cyclists time to move ahead of motor traffic. John Anderson, Macmasters Beach

Further to Tim Egan’s advice; “never assume a car driver knows you’re there”, my dad repeatedly maintained that no one should qualify for a car licence unless he/she had used a motorcycle licence for at least 12 months. Bob Hall, Wyoming

As a long-term Ulysses Club motorcyclist (Motto - Grow Old Disgracefully), I sometimes educate new bikers with three basic rules:

  1. Always wear gloves – “who’s going to wipe your bum for the next six weeks when you come off and land on your hands?”
  2. Wear high visibility clothing, as motorists will claim SMIDSY – Sorry Mate I Didn’t See You.
  3. Always do a “shoulder-check”, left and right, when changing lanes, for the above reason.

Oh – and a 4th tip – enjoy your ride! Margaret Hogge, North Curl Curl

Time for ASIC to be the subject of an investigation

Surely nobody is surprised by the findings of the Senate enquiry that ASIC is totally inefficient and ineffective (“Regulator ASIC not fit for purpose, says inquiry”, July 4). There was widespread corruption and extreme bastardry revealed in the financial services industry, criminal negligence in the aged care industry, and deliberate rorting of customers by Qantas, to name just a few obvious examples. It beggars belief that not one senior executive from any company was charged with even a minor criminal offence, and most simply “retired” with a lucrative payout. Perhaps the ASIC executives should be investigated for gross neglect of duty? Rob Phillips, North Epping

My dealings with ASIC have been in the nature of making complaints on behalf of clients, and I have always felt underwhelmed by ASIC’s lack of action. If there is an inquiry into the performance of this body, I hope the result is not a repeat of robo-debt, where the nabobs were hit with a wet lettuce leaf. If an inquiry determines that change is needed, it starts with the people in the organisation. I have had no formal training in management, but my life experience suggests that if there is some blood put on the floor, it tends to concentrate the minds of those who are left. Joe Weller, Mittagong

If ASIC investigates so few lodged complaints, how can the public have confidence that this body is acting in the public interest? ASIC’s crowing about the minuscule number of matters it funnels into prosecution strikes as disingenuous and diversionary. The few chosen apples are not to be compared with the many discarded oranges. Time for some major reform. Murray Patchett, Kentucky


Common courtesy

Few will concern themselves with the Coalition spat which threatened a split in NSW (“Why Libs must de-fang yappy Nats”, July 4). However, the divisive ruction has a lesson for parties of all persuasions. The ugly spat could have been prevented if a bit of common courtesy had been shown. Keeping colleagues in the picture is simple, breaking up is hard. A much more sensitive approach could have been expected. Derrick Mason, Boorowa

Dominic Perrottet helped broker the truce.

Dominic Perrottet helped broker the truce.Credit: Peter Rae and Supplied

Target elsewhere

Does Peter Dutton know how much net profit is made by Coles and Woolworths (Letters, July 4)? If they operated as non-profit businesses, your groceries would only go down by about 2.5 per cent. Why not name and shame some of the big name retail companies who make a profit percentage many times greater than the big supermarkets. Be careful what you wish for! Craig Oates, Urunga

Obsolete offices

This is a surprise (“Is Atlassian’s year-long experiment the future of work?”, July 4). I thought offices were already obsolete. Meetings are now held in public places, trains, bars and cafés. And annoyingly often and most irritatingly within hearing distance of me. We have privacy laws to protect me from finding out things I have found out. Peter Bourke, Rockdale


Poor excuses

Democratic elders and officials are doing Joe Biden no favours by continuing to find explanations for his poor debate performance (Letters, July 4). By cocooning him from reality they are exposing a vulnerable old man to intense criticism. One of the universal human weaknesses in many occupations is not knowing when to take the gold watch and go. Biden and his advisers appear to have this weakness. Lyn Savage, Coogee

For a while Australia and the UK were mocked for their readiness to axe sitting leaders while in office. I reckon US Democrats are now looking at how they diverged from our constitutional model very wistfully. Sure the method has faults but it avoids the mess Biden has allowed to develop. Tony Sullivan, Adamstown Heights

It seems inevitable now that Donald Trump will be the next US president given the immunity from prosecution granted by his chosen Supreme Court and the debate meltdown suffered by the well-meaning but now faltering Joe Biden. It’s hard to imagine a worse scenario for the future of world peace, democracy and security given the situation where we have an unpredictable, vengeful Trump on one side and an expansionist warmongering Putin on the other, together with the uncertainty of future leadership in Europe and the lingering threat of China. I doubt that the US electorate fully appreciates the impact of their decision in November. Max Redmayne, Drummoyne

It is especially significant that the letter from Alan Marel in which he suggests that President Biden could have Trump assassinated with Supreme Court immunity, was published on US Independence Day. Steven Maher, Forster

Cometh the hour, Kamala Harris. Jim Dewar, Davistown

VP Kamala Harris

VP Kamala Harris Credit: AP


Taxing argument

The arguments against a sugar tax because it would increase prices during a cost-of-living crisis are essentially an admission by those who support such arguments that they don’t understand how this works (“Dozens of countries have slapped a sugar tax on junk food. But Australia is split on the decision”, July 4). Costs for consumers only increase if you keep buying the same things. But the idea of this is that it changes behaviour so that consumers are encouraged to buy alternatives which don’t attract the tax. All taxes (and tariffs and tolls) are ultimately about behaviour. If you don’t change behaviour, then you pay the tax. If you do change behaviour, then the tax can be avoided. If those who oppose a sugar tax are so concerned about high prices, then perhaps they would argue that taxes on tobacco should also be lowered. Same thing. David Rush, Lawson

More money

I couldn’t help thinking of the old saying “short arms and long pockets” while reading CBD’s report of the Midwinter Ball (CBD, July 4). Yes someone paid $52,000 to dine with the PM, but 640 guests could only raise $360,000? I would have thought each attendee could have forked out a grand for such worthy causes and almost doubled the take. Guess I’m dreaming. Carole Hayes, Newtown

Fitting farewell

While it is always sad to read of someone’s passing, Julie Macken’s obituary for farmer Clifford Wallace truly captured the character of an ordinary man who fought against the destruction of farming country at Maules Creek near Narrabri by Whitehaven Coal (“Farmer put himself on front line of Maules Creek coal protest”, July 4). In her fitting tribute, Macken noted, “his wit, courage and endurance will be remembered by all his friends within the farming, environmental and Gomeroi community”. Peter Nash, Fairlight

Farewell to a journalist of integrity

All good things come to an end and that will be so with the retirement of Lisa Millar from ABC Breakfast television (“Lisa Millar announces exit from ABC Breakfast”, July 4). Her wide experience, percipience, integrity and sense of humour over a long career have made her one of our most distinguished journalists. She will be missed by many. Ron Sinclair, Windradyne

ABC presenter Lisa Millar with the stars of Muster Dogs.

ABC presenter Lisa Millar with the stars of Muster Dogs.

Heavenly riddle

I am reminded of a song, the lyrics of which include: “Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die” (Letters, July 4). Ron Russell, Leura

Legendary sword

A cry for the stuff of legends. It was a far simpler and cheaper way to find leadership. (“French ‘Excalibur’ mysteriously disappears after 1300 years stuck in a rock”, July 4). Janice Creenaune, Austinmer

Busy holiday

Your Greek correspondent’s traveller weather advice is sound for the intending tourist, however, given news this week that Con’s current country of residence is to be the first EU country to introduce a six-day working week to “boost productivity”, those on working holiday might not be having much fun in the sun (Letters, July 4)! Allan Gibson, Cherrybrook

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