

This was published 3 months ago

Payman and Palestine challenge our democratic comfort zone

The question of what kind of society we live in is often posed rhetorically on the assumption that we live in a pluralist democracy where different groups of people with various ideologies come together to govern for all (Letters, July 3). There are layers to that pluralism, though, and the situation regarding Senator Fatima Payman surely challenges the comfortable notions of how real pluralism is in Australia.

Both the structures and cultures of our political parties are intolerant of dissent, particularly where that dissent relates to issues around international relations, economics and religion, and all three are contained in Payman’s dissent from the orthodoxy of the major parties’ insistence that our military and economic relations with the US cannot be seriously questioned.

For decades now, Labor’s binding caucus vote has been enforced to protect the dominance of the executive level of the party and government, and so Payman’s genuine anguish at the killing of Palestinians has nowhere to go. It’s time for Labor to not just allow a conscience vote to its members on these issues but for our society as a whole to acknowledge there is more than one worldview for our collective future. Surely we need this honest discussion more than ever? Colin Hesse, Nowra

Senator Fatima Payman in question time on Wednesday.

Senator Fatima Payman in question time on Wednesday.Credit: James Brickwood

I still find it gobsmacking that some highly paid advisor did not provide advice to Labor that picking a fight with one of their own at this time was not a good idea. Publicly humiliating and punishing a Muslim senator for taking a principled stand in support of the Palestinian people not only lacks common sense but is contrary to what most of the public currently feel about the Gaza conflict as well. Labor would have been better advised to have praised Senator Payman for her principles and highlighted the idea that the ALP is a broad church that welcomes conscientious and principled members. Tony Bennett, Broke

I cannot believe that the Labor Party are treating this intelligent and eloquent young woman, who is simply saying what so many of us are thinking, in this shameful way. Her comments about the diversification of Australia struck a chord with me and most people I have spoken to about her dilemma. It is time for Labor to re-evaluate its stance, stand up for what is right and move with the times. This elected member is simply working for her electorate as all politicians should. For the Labor government to act in such a bullying manner brings shame on the government which I have supported. Jan Bohan, Eastwood

In Australian elections, most people vote above the line and in so doing indicate that they are voting for a party and not an individual. When Senator Payman agreed to be part of the Labor Senate ticket in WA at the 2022 election, she agreed to be bound by Labor Party rules. If she wants to vote in a manner contrary to Labor policy and to cross the floor, she should resign, stand as an independent and at the next election and see how many votes she receives – at the 2022 election, she received only 1681 first preference votes. Labor has every right to discipline her. Ross Langford-Brown, Randwick


It is disheartening to learn that Senator Payman’s falling out with Labor is being used as a trigger for the formation of a Muslim-based political alliance with federal election ambitions (“Embattled Payman advised by controversial strategist”, July 3). It took Australia more than a century to rid itself of the poison of Protestant/Catholic sectarianism. Section 116 of the Constitution confirms religion of any kind has no place in our public life, yet lip service to Christianity endures. Our parliaments could lead the way out of this double standard by ceasing the practice of reciting the Lord’s Prayer. It is offensive to the majority of Australians who declared themselves not to be Christians at the last census, let alone the 39 per cent who affirmed no religion at all.
David Salter, Hunter’s Hill

Supporters of Senator Fatima Payman need to be careful what they wish for. A Muslim alliance running candidates against Labor may cost them the election and risk return to a government led by Peter Dutton. That would be something worth protesting about. Dorin Suciu, Eleebana

Next to the name of WA senator Fatima Payman on the ballot paper was the word Labor. It did not add her ethnicity or religion, her gender, or her stance on any specific or general issues. A voter had to rely on the information available about the party she joined, was supported by, and that guided her to the important representative job that she is doing. Some letter-writers say that in her understandable and compassionate support for people affected by the tragedy in the Middle East, she is obligated to cross the floor. I respectfully disagree! A representative may lobby her peers, go on talk shows, instigate petitions and present them, but only by following the rules of a political party can she be expected to change their policies. If a contender for an elected role is likely to change their vote in our democratic institutions based on personal interest, then what choice does a voter have? But it would be undemocratic and feel wrong. Allan Kreuiter, Roseville

Biden can use immunity ruling to rid us of Trump

Donald Trump has promised to be a dictator from day one, strip the Justice Department and fill it with his own supporters, stop all aid to Ukraine and encourage Vladimir Putin to invade any NATO country that doesn’t provide sufficient funding, just to name a few. If President Biden perceives him to be a clear and present danger to democracy in America, or even if he just doesn’t like him, Biden can now officially send in SEAL Team 6 to have him assassinated, according to the US Supreme Court ruling, with immunity from future prosecution (“US Supreme Court grants Trump substantial immunity from prosecution”, July 2). Apart from finally proving that in the US certain people are above the law, I’m sure that Trump himself would hail it as a genius move. Alan Marel, North Curl Curl

President Joe Biden speaks during a visit to the D.C. Emergency Operations Centre

President Joe Biden speaks during a visit to the D.C. Emergency Operations CentreCredit: AP

It was absurd that Trump made an application to the US Supreme Court for immunity from prosecution while being president. It is even more absurd that the court granted that immunity. But wouldn’t it be ironic if Biden used his new powers to get rid of Trump? All he would have to say is that it was “an official act”. We know of course he would not take this action as Biden respects the law and the limits of the presidential powers. Can we say the same of his opponent? Leo Sorbello, West Ryde


It seems that Joe Biden should now be able to order the arrest of the six Supreme Court judges who have failed to uphold their pledge to protect and serve the US Constitution. And if this doesn’t go well, at least he knows he has full immunity which those same judges have so graciously afforded him. Matt Kaarma, North Nowra

While Joe bides his time, the world watches in growing horror. What a choice! Infamy or the infirm. Biden is being selfish. His country needs a viable, responsible candidate. The candidates may not yet poll well against Trump, but give a vigorous, astute, younger nominee three months debate, exposure and party backing and watch Trump squirm. Joe has to step down, now!
Rowan Godwin, Rozelle

Joe, it’s not about you. It’s about the future of the US and the world. Retire gracefully for all our sakes. Please. Jennifer Katauskas, Wahroonga

A family friend with dementia was always trying to drive his car. His family hid the keys from him to stop a certain catastrophe from happening. If Joe Biden is re-elected, I hope they hide the missile codes from him and disconnect the red button. David Sayers, Gwandalan

NAPLAN fails the progress test

NAPLAN as a test is general and only a minor snapshot of student ability (“Principals free to pick progress paths”, July 3). Individually it reveals very little that teachers and parents do not know. What it can do is present a trend for a school over time. From that point of view, having a target for the school to achieve may be helpful. Surely, the real target must be overall improvement in all strands tested over years, not just how many achieve the top bands? Tests like NAPLAN may have a demoralising effect on students and schools as parents and non-educators are not able to look at results objectively and often fail to take into account the base from which a student starts. It is much better to consult the teachers and school which can present a comprehensive profile of a student and their progress. Teachers are tracking student achievement constantly and know much more about each child’s progress than NAPLAN. Augusta Monro, Dural

Thank heavens. A proposal that allows public schools to further concentrate on all ability levels without fear of falling short of society’s expectations; that recognises not every child is above average; that might encourage parents to be more concerned with their own child’s capability and progress; and gives teachers more freedom to exercise their professional expertise through the ownership of some evaluation methods and not being partially enslaved to an externally imposed “do or die” moment. All this as a result of having a department secretary drawn from within the profession and a very capable education minister. Kim Bockos, Oatlands


To assert that “the best measure of a school’s impact is its ability to move every child forward” seems to invite mediocrity and a decline in education standards. To allow some students to excel and eventually propel Australia to become a leader in innovation, science and other productive fields, we must uphold academic standards that may be unachievable for some. A more effective approach might be to revisit the contentious issue of increasing teachers’ salaries to attract individuals who might otherwise pursue more financially rewarding careers. This could include paying teachers performance bonuses based on year-on-year NAPLAN results. Regardless, as with any community service provided by the private or government sector, an independent scale for comparing schools is essential so that “consumers” can choose the right educational institutions. John Kempler, Rose Bay

Retirement revolution

I salute the Maoists who edit the questions for Noel Whittaker’s money column (“We won the lottery, but lost our pension. Could we have prevented this?”, July 3). The revolutionary vanguard leading the charge against undeserved privileges for the rich. Matt Baillie, Cook (ACT)

Friends electric

I have friends with electric cars who live in the inner west who are able to legally charge their cars via a cable over the footpath (“The one thing that made Eddy hold off on buying an electric vehicle”, July 3). The council insists that the cable has a robust cover and that the household is covered by a third party, $20 million insurance policy in case an accident happens - most house and contents policies have this. My friends are delighted to be able to take advantage of cheap electricity after midnight and some even get free electricity on sunny days from their solar panels. Stan Baker, Wyangala

NEWS: Eddie Blaxell is a Newtown dad who has an EV but does not have off-street parking. He did not buy the EV until a charger was installed on a pole around the corner from his house.

NEWS: Eddie Blaxell is a Newtown dad who has an EV but does not have off-street parking. He did not buy the EV until a charger was installed on a pole around the corner from his house. Credit: Wolter Peeters, The Sydney Morning Herald.


Creeping delusions

Why are these voters who Ross Gittins refers to so deluded that they believe taxes can be reduced without a deterioration of services or our mountainous national debt growing uncontrollably (“Despite what we’re led to believe, tax cuts are no free lunch”, July 3)? Every economist has stated that the increasing government expenditure on expensive items such as the NDIS and AUKUS will demand that taxes increase in the future. The economics journalists often mention this and both major parties should acknowledge this inevitability. While governments work up the courage for major tax changes, at least bracket creep provides some assistance to the budget.
Geoff Harding, Chatswood

Thank goodness for the common sense of Ross Gittins and the simple statement that he stands by. We just have to tell ourselves constantly that if we want goods and services we have to pay for them - and tax is one way of doing that. Joan Brown, Orange

Nobody wants to pay tax but everyone wants its benefits. Bill White, Yamba

Accidents will happen

Kerri Sackville’s well-written story on colliding with a cyclist is terrifying (“Weeks after bike accident I can still hear the thud”, July 3). Twenty-five years ago a group of very experienced, generous cyclists dispensed tips and advice - never assume a car driver knows you’re there. There are many inexperienced cyclists these days who should be given this advice. In particular, the hundreds of food delivery riders who ignore rules and put themselves in harm’s way.

I also worry about parents with children riding the ungainly looking passenger bikes, many electric. Most flout rules and conventions as if they’re invincible, darting on and off footpaths, expecting car drivers and pedestrians to actually notice them and avoid them. Tim Egan, Mosman


I feel for Kerri Sackville. It is sometimes very difficult to see bike riders, particularly in the rain and dark. Many wear black and have poor lighting, sometimes none. Even driving carefully a bicycle is no match for a hunk of metal. Perhaps high-vis should be compulsory for bicyclists, like helmets. Felicite Ross, Vaucluse

I was in the centre lane when the lights changed, giving me the option of going right or straight ahead. As I started to go ahead a cyclist in the left lane turned in front of me to go right. I slammed on the brakes and missed him by a whisker. I was very shaken and if I close my eyes I can still see that young man who nearly ended up on my bumper bar. Josephine Piper, Miranda

Trading places?

Decades of Labor marching to the right has left the Liberals with only one choice, jump to the left (“Dutton talks tough on supermarkets”, July 3). Now we are being promised socialised power stations while they are going all bolshie on the greedy capitalists in the supermarkets. All we need now is for the Liberals to demand the predominantly foreign gas corporations provide us with our gas on a cost-plus contract with sufficient supply and Labor and the Liberals will have swapped sides. Graeme Finn, Earlwood

Woolworths, Coles, Aldi, IGA

Woolworths, Coles, Aldi, IGA

Comrade Peter Dutton seems to have forgotten which philosophy he represents when he asks supermarket shareholders to forgo some of their dividends so that prices can be lowered. Peter Kamenyitzky, Castle Hill

TLC in our hospitals

A great way to reduce stress in emergency departments and avoid the need to de-escalate aggravation is to have emergency department concierges who communicate regularly with everyone while they are waiting to be treated or waiting while their loved ones are being treated (“Hospital staff to wear body cameras”, July 3). The first one I encountered was at Fairfield Hospital and was amazed. I hope every hospital adopts this practice. Robert Fabian, Leichhardt

Bairstow’s way

Jonny Bairstow’s extreme passion for the English cause will be missed by both England and its opponents (“Root says Bairstow stumping was fair”, July 3). He had a very good cricket record but players with better records are often forgotten when they no longer play. However, Jonny will go down in cricket folklore for that stumping and his name will repeatedly come up in pubs and clubs and in all sorts of media for decades/centuries to come. Bernie Bourke, Ourimbah

Beyond the grave

The ANZ Bank has been sanctioned for charging fees to deceased estates (dead people) (“ANZ sanctioned for charging fees to accounts of dead customers”, July 3). I thought we had a royal commission to fix that.
Ian Adair, Hunters Hill

Local knowledge

Con Vaitsis’ letter about tourists bizarrely going for walks in 40 degree heat in Greece parallels tourists in Australia going swimming at unpatrolled beaches and standing on the edge of rock platforms, both highly risky (Letters, July 3). The saying; “when in Rome, do as the Romans do” (or don’t do) is very relevant. Helen Howes, Collaroy

Orwell was right

In 1969 our Year Nine class was able to enjoy George Orwell’s 1984 knowing “modern civilisation” would never allow three major powers (Eurasia, East Asia and Oceania) to rule the world as autocracies outside the rule of law. With Trump’s mooted accession and added powers, it looks as if Putin, Trump and Xi Jinping will make it happen in late 2024. For Big Brother, it is even easier, he doesn’t need to watch over us. We already have our whereabouts and all our correspondence permanently available to him whenever he wants to look. Andrew McDonald, Menangle

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