

This was published 4 years ago

Lew loses court bid for love shack

By Kylar Loussikian and Samantha Hutchinson

Solomon Lew’s long-running dispute with Hong Kong businessman Christian Larpin and Credit Suisse banker Kai Nargolwala over the ownership of a luxury Thai villa has come to an end. Lew has lost.

Solomon and Rosa Lew. Illustration: John Shakespeare

Solomon and Rosa Lew. Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:

For those new to the saga, the billionaire rag trader launched legal action against Nargolwala — who was selling the property in Phuket’s glitzy Andara Resort — after the banker sold to Larpin despite Lew verbally agreeing to purchase the villa several weeks earlier. Larpin had agreed to pay $US2.7 million more.

Still, it was hard to fathom why Lew was bothering with the lengthy legal proceedings. With a net worth of $2.8 billion, according to the Financial Review’s Rich List, surely he could just purchase the entire resort?

But close observers of the legal proceedings in Singapore this month noted Lew had a good reason to covet Anadara Villa 29.

It’s where he proposed to his wife Roza Lew in April 2017.

British silk Simon Thorley QC, now on the Singapore International Commercial Court, handed down his 126-page judgement this week. His conclusion? A bungled transaction rather than an international act of treachery.

Thorley also provided a precis of each participant, describing Lew as a “forceful personality … such that he will drive a hard bargain and will not hesitate to use as a tactic supplying his opposite number with misinformation”.

And while he was “composed, clear, precise and firm in his beliefs” in the witness box, Thorley concluded “the commercial marketplace in which Mr Lew operates is not a place for the mealy mouthed or faint hearted”.

Larpin, on the other hand, “exhibited many of the stereotypical characteristics of an Italian”.


What are they exactly? “He was loquacious in the extreme and spoke with his hands as well as with words … he was excitable and found difficulty in answering some questions directly,” our man from Oxbridge observed.


One particular point of contention was the (possible) existence of a box of chocolates offered to resort manager Daniel Meury, who was at the time moonlighting as Nargolwala’s realtor.

“[T]he offer is open for exactly 7 days … don’t forget I will be sending some chocolates to the family in Switzerland! (you know what I mean),” Lew wrote to Meury after reaching a deal in September 2017.

This turned out to be a sum of $US100,000 Lew would pay Meury, deposited into a Swiss bank account, to thank him for his efforts. Nargolwala claimed this payment meant he could not be bound to any agreement Meury had made with Lew. Not so, Thorley decided. Meury may have expected to receive money from Lew, but no sum was specified until after the verbal agreement had been made.

Will Lew let the matter rest? Those close to the businessman say he's considering an appeal.


BHP’s best and brightest turned up en mass at Richmond warehouse space Butler Lane on Tuesday night to farewell boss Andrew Mackenzie who leaves for good next month. Along with BHP chairman Ken MacKenzie — whose speech was described by one attendee as an “investor relations presentation — there was former chair Don Argus, now presiding over Bank of America Merrill Lynch's local advisory board.

Other ghosts of mining past included ex-ANZ chair Charles Goode, whose loyalty to BHP over Robert Holmes a Court in 1986 split the Potter Partners brokerage, and one-time Rio Tinto chairman Leigh Clifford.


Also spotted: Alumina chief executive Mike Ferraro, Pacific National boss Dean Dalla Valle, corporate spinner John Connolly, former Labor national secretary turned BHP lobbyist George Wright, Orica chairman Malcolm Broomhead and Gresham managing director Bruce McLennan, who worked on South32’s demerger from BHP. (Karen Wood, South32’s chairwoman, was also in attendance and gave a speech.)

The dinner comes as BHP’s smooth-talking chief financial officer Peter Beaven (also present) prepares to announce his departure. Company insiders told CBD this will happen “soon”.

As we noted in September, Beaven “pulled out” of the race for the top job against BHP’s strategy boss Mike Henry (another dinner speaker). Henry took over from Mackenzie last month.


Departing Nationals federal director Ben Hindmarsh is certainly a lucky man, walking away from the party's top job just as the latest round of destabilisation hits the leadership of Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack.

The job of dealing with the leaks, threats of crossing the floor and sore feelings from Barnaby Joyce and his supporters now falls to former Minerals Council spinner Jonathan Hawkes (as this column revealed last month).

But Hindmarsh, who supervised a successful federal election campaign, wasn’t leaving without a farewell bash at Canberra institution Chairman & Yip on Tuesday night. We spied McCormack, party president Larry Anthony and former Howard-era transport minister John Sharp tucking into the Chinese.

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