

Kylar Loussikian is The Sydney Morning Herald's CBD columnist.

CBD Melbourne: Sounds of silence heard loud and clear

CBD Melbourne: Sounds of silence heard loud and clear

There was silence from the legal profession on Thursday after revelations that Administrative Appeals Tribunal senior member Jason Pennell had plagiarised significant portions of a decision.

  • by Samantha Hutchinson and Kylar Loussikian


Repercussions? None, despite $329,000 a year pay

Repercussions? None, despite $329,000 a year pay

As this column reported, Federal Circuit Court Judge Christopher Kendall found the “sheer extent of copying” by Jason Pennell was “unacceptable”.

  • by Kylar Loussikian and Samantha Hutchinson
CBD Melbourne: Tribunal decision cops a pasting

CBD Melbourne: Tribunal decision cops a pasting

For an institution that’s already seen as a dumping ground for political cronies, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal appears particularly uninterested in reputation management.

  • by Samantha Hutchinson and Kylar Loussikian
Federal court slams tribunal's 'cut and paste' judgment

Federal court slams tribunal's 'cut and paste' judgment

The Federal Circuit Court found a senior tribunal member plagiarised swathes of his decision to boot an Iraqi citizen from the country.

  • by Kylar Loussikian and Samantha Hutchinson
Internal machinations continue at Labor HQ, with sights set on Murnain

Internal machinations continue at Labor HQ, with sights set on Murnain

The cone of silence descended shortly after the arrival of the party's new general secretary Bob Nanva, but the internal machinations continue unabated.

  • by Kylar Loussikian and Samantha Hutchinson
CBD Melbourne: McLachlan’s emotional team talk

CBD Melbourne: McLachlan’s emotional team talk

AFL chief executive Gillon McLachlan’s all-staff phone hook-up on Friday really sounded like one of the toughest for an employer during the pandemic.

  • by Samantha Hutchinson and Kylar Loussikian
CBD Melbourne: Deal or no deal for new rugby boss?

CBD Melbourne: Deal or no deal for new rugby boss?

Will the ascension of Hamish McLennan to the chair of Rugby Australia make it easier to land a broadcast deal with Fox Sports? The answer appears to be no.

  • by Samantha Hutchinson and Kylar Loussikian
Rugby boss's News Corp history means little in hopes for Foxtel deal

Rugby boss's News Corp history means little in hopes for Foxtel deal

Will the ascension of Magellan director Hamish McLennan to the chairmanship of Rugby Australia make it easier for the embattled code to land a lucrative broadcast deal with Fox Sports?

  • by Kylar Loussikian and Samantha Hutchinson
CBD Melbourne: AFL changes its bets

CBD Melbourne: AFL changes its bets

Locking in a June 11 return has been the most pressing priority for AFL chief executive Gillon McLachlan, but it’s not the only issue he’s been sorting through.

  • by Samantha Hutchinson and Kylar Loussikian
A different league with new partner? You bet

A different league with new partner? You bet

Locking in a June 11 post-pandemic AFL return is not all the league's chief executive has been sorting out.

  • by Kylar Loussikian and Samantha Hutchinson
CBD Melbourne: Turnbull and Grant follow crumbs in game of Canberra Cluedo

CBD Melbourne: Turnbull and Grant follow crumbs in game of Canberra Cluedo

Malcolm Turnbull and his publisher continue to investigate who received a leaked version of the former PM's biography. They are having considerable success.

  • by Samantha Hutchinson and Kylar Loussikian

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