

This was published 4 years ago


Down with political correctness! Unless, of course ...

Should we kill off the scourge of political correctness? The short answer is "yes", and "yes", emphatically! The longer question is: what is meant by political correctness in the eyes of various beholders on left and right?

Former US president Barack Obama had a point when he cautioned a young audience: “This idea of purity and you‘re never compromised and you’re always politically ‘woke’… You should get over that quickly."

Former US president Barack Obama had a point when he cautioned a young audience: “This idea of purity and you‘re never compromised and you’re always politically ‘woke’… You should get over that quickly."Credit: Getty

The question is prompted by a useful poll in the ABC’s Australia Talks National Survey in which two-thirds of 54,000 Australians resolved that “political correctness", broadly defined, had “gone too far".

This lacuna in the eye of Australian public discourse was regarded by those questioned as a free speech issue. However, the picture becomes murky when respondents were asked whether people should be able to say whatever they like “even if it offends others".

About half agreed with that proposition, proportionate to the political divide in the country itself. Conversely, two-thirds believed “freedom of speech is often used to try to justify discrimination against minority groups".


So, there you have it. Overwhelmingly, Australians support free speech as long as it’s not offensive to “minority groups".

Therein lies a dilemma when it comes to slaying a “political correctness’’ dragon conflated with the “right to be a bigot", to quote former attorney-general George Brandis.

Alas, it is too late to retire from public debate the deadening phrase “political correctness’’ now weaponised by the right, but it should not be beyond people of goodwill on both sides of politics to wind back the pestilential culture wars in which tribal antagonism towards so-called political correctness is a motivating force.

Former Labor frontbencher Craig Emerson made a good point in a column in The Australian Financial Review in which he decried intensifying “tribalism’’ in Australia as an enemy of civil discourse. Unfortunately, his remarks got swept away in argument about his likening of “Green socialists’’ to “white supremacists’’. A member of a tribe himself, Emerson might want to have a mulligan on that one.


Perhaps we should define the origins of the phrase “political correctness’; it was given currency in the 1980s with publication of the late Allan Bloom’s The Closing of the American Mind in which the author critiqued the moral relativism of academic studies as a drag on independent thought. The libertarian Bloom had a point.

On the other hand, right-wing political correctness has contaminated the media in recent years. Conservative commentators construct their own reality to champion the causes of members of their tribe. This extends to unscientific responses to climate change.

Left-wing political correctness and the right-wing variety weigh heavily. Greg Craven, vice-chancellor of the Australian Catholic University and a social conservative himself, made some good points in a speech in defence of Western civilisation to the Sydney Institute last year when he decried the “elitism’’ of the culture wars.

“The culture wars often seem to be conducted in a way that appears to be a dispute between elites about which elite group is the rightful claimant,’’ Craven said.


In other words, arguments about the country’s history and culture entwined with the culture wars have little relevance for those described by Craven as “ordinary people’’.

This brings us to the culture wars furore surrounding Bruce Pascoe’s Dark Emu: Aboriginal Australia and the birth of agriculture, first published in 2014. In its essence, Dark Emu challenges a narrative that the first Australians were a primitive hunter-gatherer Stone Age people without recourse to a civil society or their own settled forms of agriculture. Whatever one makes of Pascoe’s historical methodology, his work has been transformed into the latest battlefront in the interminable culture wars. Dark Emu has ripped through the outrage industry like a bushfire.

In all of this and building on the phrase “politically correct’’, we have been obliged to endure a new and weaponised culture wars lingua franca. This includes the following deadening words and phrases: “identity politics’’, “virtue signalling’’ and “woke’’, or “wokeness’’.

The word “progressive’’ aimed at what might have been described as "wokish" small 'l' liberals has evolved to the point where, out of the mouths of some, it suggests a communicable disease. On cable TV the other night, I witnessed a presenter get stuck on the word “woke’’ like a jammed vinyl 78 record.

That said, a word born of Afro-American culture to suggest an awareness of racial justice, “woke’’ has been transformed by some into an insufferable claim of purity. Former US president Barack Obama had a point when he cautioned recently against such purity, telling a young audience: “This idea of purity and you're never compromised and you’re always politically ‘woke’ … You should get over that quickly.’’ Obama might be regarded as the most contemporary and “wokish’’ president in recent American history, but even he’s had enough.

Illustration: Simon Bosch

Illustration: Simon BoschCredit:

In the end, what we are talking about is free speech. So, up with free speech and down with political correctness of left and right, down with the culture wars, down with tribalism, and – most especially – down with the puerile and weaponised language of the culture warriors.

Tony Walker is a vice-chancellor’s fellow at La Trobe University.

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