

This was published 4 years ago

CBD Melbourne: McLachlan’s emotional team talk

By Samantha Hutchinson and Kylar Loussikian

AFL chief executive Gillon McLachlan’s well-publicised all-staff phone hook-up on Friday really sounded like one of the toughest for an employer during the pandemic.

AFL boss Gillon McLachlan.

AFL boss Gillon McLachlan.Credit: Illustration: John Shakespeare

Breaking the bad news that staff who had been stood down would be off until September was a hard gig from the outset. But that’s not where it ended. What’s less known is that the audibly emotional McLachlan offered some blunt advice, telling staff to look after themselves, and that if they found alternative employment that had the capacity to become full-time, then take it.

In other words, put yourselves first and don’t quit your (other) day job.

By all accounts, the 20-minute hook-up was a sombre affair, with various sources describing the presentation as "pretty emotional", while others described McLachlan as "simply devastated". Then again, with the "vast majority" of 3000 staff members’ jobs on ice, who wouldn’t be?

There’s a helluva lot that needs to happen inside the AFL’s Docklands HQ and home offices ahead of the league’s planned June 11 restart date. McLachlan, along with AFL chairman Richard Goyder and the rest of the league’s management and operations teams, have their work cut out remodelling the competition and training programs to account for COVID-19, travel restrictions and social distancing rules. And that’s before talk of budgets even comes into play.

Staff who are still working – McLachlan included – have taken a cut in pay and, theoretically, in hours. And there’s no doubt the skeleton staffing arrangement has amplified the challenge associated with restarting the competition.

For the moment, just under 20 per cent of the 3000 staff members are still at work. Once play restarts in June, the figure will rise to 30 per cent.


Staff inside the London outpost of Sir Lynton Crosby’s political consultancy CT Group can be accused of many things, not least putting former UK prime minister David Cameron in office. But they certainly can’t be called slouches.


How’s this for a novel approach to drumming up business? They’ve seized on news reports outlining how the nephew of UK billionaire Sir Frederick Barclay was caught handling a bugging device inside London’s Ritz hotel to spruik their own services in ... bug detection.

An advertisement circulated on social media advising interested parties to "get in touch with [CT director] Philip Kaye if you need a Technical Surveillance Counter Measure Inspection (bug sweep)". The online ad included a link to an update on the Barclay family stoush between former Ritz hotel owner and media tycoon Sir Frederick and the three sons of his twin brother Sir David Barclay. Sir Frederick is suing the three sons for invasion of privacy, and claims the bug surveillance gave them a commercial advantage.

It’s worth noting that sweeps of an office to make sure opponents, political or otherwise, haven’t tapped the place are common in political circles. Presumably, CT Technology managing director Angus Champion de Crespigny reckons it’s a boom market given COVID-19 provisions have kept offices empty for so long.


It’s almost two months since environmental campaigner Michael Staindl’s citizenship complaint against Treasurer Josh Frydenberg was dismissed by the full bench of the Federal Court sitting as the Court of Disputed Returns.

Readers will recall long-time Lighter Footprints volunteer Staindl took Frydenberg to court in 2019, alleging that his mother’s Hungarian origin had conferred Hungarian citizenship onto the Treasurer. In March, Staindl lost, with the full bench ruling that Frydenberg had "proved that he was not, and never has been, a citizen of Hungary".

Since then, Staindl has been handed a bill of almost $500,000, covering the Treasurer’s costs for the case. It’s a hefty amount, but then again, it was apparent from the outset given Frydenberg’s lawyers – who included Arnold Bloch Leibler’s Leon Zwier and Sydney silk John Sheahan, QC – were chosen from the top shelf.

But we digress. Curiously, Staindl appears not to have given up the fight. In a message posted on a crowdfunding site, which has collected north of $33,000, the activist has called the costs charge "an assault on democracy". He also challenges the court’s final ruling, arguing: "According to our constitution, Josh had an obligation he did not observe – to apply for a renouncement of any residual citizenship rights he had to Hungary."

If only the three Federal Court judges hadn’t resoundingly thrown that argument out!

But according to Staindl, it’s not so much the verdict that was the problem but – bizarrely – the Federal Court itself.

"The only authority that can decide if Josh has residual rights to citizenship through his mother is the office of migration and citizenship in Hungary. The Federal Court in Australia is NOT the authority to decide that, yet they have done so, and in so doing have breezily brought a righteous citizen to financial ruin."

Presumably, the cheque is in the mail.

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