

This was published 10 months ago

Six asbestos parks confirmed as council at centre of saga calls for taskforce

By Rachael Dexter and Annika Smethurst

A Melbourne council responsible for the bulk of the city parks confirmed to have asbestos has urged the state government to set up an expert group to hunt for contaminated mulch across the state, as two more reserves returned positive tests on Wednesday.

The Allan government has come under fire over the saga, with the state opposition demanding a statewide audit of asbestos on public land, while the Labor-led Hobsons Bay City Council voted to call for the establishment of an asbestos taskforce.

As of Wednesday evening, the total number of city parks confirmed to have fragments of asbestos in mulch was six.

Testing on material found in the PA Burns Reserve in Altona returned a positive asbestos result on Wednesday, according to the Environmental Protection Authority, making it the fifth confirmed contaminated park in the Hobsons Bay council area in Melbourne’s west.

A second council area was also for the first time confirmed as having asbestos fragments in mulch, after samples taken from Shore Reserve in Pascoe Vale South – in Merri-bek in Melbourne’s north – returned a positive result on Wednesday. The site has already been cleared for re-opening by the EPA.

Three more parks – two in Hobsons Bay and one in neighbouring Brimbank council area – remain under investigation, with test results pending.

The asbestos-mulch issue kicked off in Victoria after a Hobsons Bay father found chunks of suspicious compound materials and other bits of industrial rubble – including bits of wiring, wood with nails in it, and pieces of brick – in park mulch over the Easter long weekend.

Hobsons Bay council on Tuesday night voted to write to Premier Jacinta Allan calling on the state government to emulate NSW in establishing an asbestos taskforce.


NSW authorities announced the taskforce in February to bolster government resources to “contact trace” the state, where asbestos-contaminated mulch was discovered at 75 sites, including seven schools. It included senior representatives from state and local government agencies and worked to support the Environmental Protection Authority, according to the NSW government.


Councillor Daria Kellander, who proposed the motion, said a Victorian taskforce that included experts outside of government would “instil confidence” and pointed to differing information emerging from council and the EPA late last week.

“A taskforce is about instilling confidence that the issue is being investigated, quickly, thoroughly, independently, to provide more resources to support the investigation, with a broad panel of experts,” said Kellander, who has previously run as a candidate for the Liberal Party but is no longer a member.

The state opposition also called for a NSW-style taskforce at the weekend. Opposition environment spokesman James Newbury on Wednesday said Labor “must urgently commit to a statewide audit of asbestos on public land”.

“Every day, dangerous asbestos is found at another local park, despite an early assurance that only one park was contaminated,” he said.

The state government has so far resisted calls for a taskforce, stating the EPA was adequately tasked to carry out the investigation. The EPA says the pieces of asbestos being found in parks pose a very low risk as the dangerous substance is bonded inside cement and non-friable.

Opposition environment spokesman James Newbury is demanding an urgent statewide audit of asbestos on public land.

Opposition environment spokesman James Newbury is demanding an urgent statewide audit of asbestos on public land.Credit: Scott McNaughton

The authority says asbestos found in at least two of the six confirmed locations – P J Lynch Reserve and Donald McLean Reserve in Hobsons Bay – were a likely a result of illegal dumping rather than being laid with the mulch.

But some independent experts and industry insiders have questioned this theory and said what goes into recycled mulch is under-regulated.

Kellander also cast doubt over the illegal dumping theory.

“As a councillor I’ve reported numerous cases of illegally dumped waste and from experience this looks like big piles of waste, large garbage bags and sheets,” she said.

The EPA has inspected dozens of mulch producers in Victoria in recent weeks.

The EPA has inspected dozens of mulch producers in Victoria in recent weeks.Credit: Joe Armao

“I can’t imagine an illegal dumper mulching up asbestos and scattering it through a garden bed. This suggested form of illegal dumping would surely occur somewhere within the supply chain.”

No suppliers of any mulch where asbestos materials have been found have been named by authorities.

In 2020, the state government announced a new waste crime investigation squad within the EPA to tackle industry waste disposal operators who accumulate harmful materials – including asbestos – without handling them properly.


A year later, the state government slashed 100 jobs at the authority including disbanding its waste crime unit and replacing it with a new crime branch.

In response to questions about its waste crime monitoring, the EPA Victoria chief investigator Greg Elms said the authority had boosted its collaboration with local councils in responding to “smaller scale and lower risk pollution and waste reports”.

“EPA currently has 83 roles focused on waste crime, including high-risk and hazardous sites and waste intelligence,” he said.

Asbestos-contaminated soil was dug up at another Merri-bek park last week – Hosken Reserve in Coburg – but that matter is unrelated to the numerous reports of asbestos fragments being found in recycled mulch.

The Education Department also confirmed late on Wednesday that dumped asbestos-contaminated soil – not mulch – was removed last week from Mornington Secondary College. Asbestos fragments were found at Upwey Primary School during the redevelopment of an oval, the department also confirmed Wednesday, and the site has now been remediated.

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