

Rachael Dexter is a City reporter for The Age, previously with The Sunday Age.

Residents sound alarm, call for curfew after third Melbourne Airport runway approved

Residents sound alarm, call for curfew after third Melbourne Airport runway approved

Residents in Melbourne’s west are concerned for their families’ health and wellbeing, as well as potentially falling property values, when Tullamarine’s third runway is built.

  • by Rachael Dexter


Marbles, hockey stick and paint seized as police extend search powers outside arms expo

Marbles, hockey stick and paint seized as police extend search powers outside arms expo

Protesters marched and chanted for several hours on the streets around Southbank on day two of a major weapons expo.

  • by Rachael Dexter, Lachlan Abbott and Alex Crowe
Police expand barricades, search protesters on subdued day two of anti-war demonstration

Police expand barricades, search protesters on subdued day two of anti-war demonstration

Police used metal detectors to scan protesters outside the weapons expo in Melbourne on Thursday, but the turn-out was much smaller than the previous day, when violence erupted between officers and activists.

  • by Lachlan Abbott, Rachael Dexter, Alex Crowe, Cassandra Morgan and Sherryn Groch
Victorian council elections

Victorian council elections

As Victorians prepare to vote in council elections in October, find out who the candidates are and what they stand for in your local area.

15 stories
The innocuous vote that exposed the murky world of council donations

The innocuous vote that exposed the murky world of council donations

How a debate about an “ugly duckling” South Yarra apartment building offered a peek into the largely hidden world of campaign donations at City of Melbourne.

  • by Cara Waters and Rachael Dexter
How one photo on the front page of The Age in ’94 marked Melbourne’s Stonewall moment

How one photo on the front page of The Age in ’94 marked Melbourne’s Stonewall moment

This week marks 30 years since the widely condemned police raid on the queer party night known as Tasty. The queer community plans to celebrate the former club in style.

  • by Rachael Dexter
‘If Brighton and Daylesford had a baby’: The seaside cul de sac that could have been Melbourne’s CBD

‘If Brighton and Daylesford had a baby’: The seaside cul de sac that could have been Melbourne’s CBD

It has no traffic lights and a “graceful, provincial” feel, but happy locals in this suburb still have a clear view of Melbourne’s skyscrapers.

  • by Rachael Dexter
The asbestos clean-up in Melbourne parks has begun. It will cost ratepayers more than $500k
City life

The asbestos clean-up in Melbourne parks has begun. It will cost ratepayers more than $500k

Residents of Hobsons Bay City Council are on the hook for over half a million dollars to replace asbestos-contaminated mulch, first found by a local father in April.

  • by Rachael Dexter
Red flags that massive Arden development is heading for a ‘Docklands 2.0’

Red flags that massive Arden development is heading for a ‘Docklands 2.0’

Planners, developers and the City of Melbourne are warning the Arden precinct could turn into a suburb of dead streetscapes if the mistakes made at Fishermans Bend and Docklands aren’t heeded.

  • by Rachael Dexter and Sophie Aubrey
One in 20 Melbourne homes empty during housing crisis
City life

One in 20 Melbourne homes empty during housing crisis

Almost 100,000 homes in Melbourne are either unoccupied or barely occupied. They could fix the public housing waiting list twice over.

  • by Josh Gordon and Rachael Dexter
The Block confirmed for Daylesford after planning minister intervention

The Block confirmed for Daylesford after planning minister intervention

The next series of hit TV show The Block will be filmed in the country hamlet of Daylesford after intervention by the state’s planning minister to approve it.

  • by Rachael Dexter and Benjamin Preiss

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