

This was published 2 years ago

It’s the economy, stupid. An election in a time of economic turmoil

The first post-recession election in almost 30 years will ensure economic issues are front of mind for Scott Morrison and Anthony Albanese.

By Shane Wright

The 2019 federal election delivered the most substantial shock to political pundits in almost three decades.

Polls and betting markets were sure Bill Shorten would be standing up in Melbourne on that May 18 evening, promising a new era of Labor government.

Instead, Scott Morrison was in Sydney telling a raucous crowd how he believed in miracles and the result that evening was another one.

Scott Morrison and wife Jenny on polling day in 2019. While polls and betting markets missed the result, economic models picked a Coalition victory.

Scott Morrison and wife Jenny on polling day in 2019. While polls and betting markets missed the result, economic models picked a Coalition victory.Credit: David Gray

While pollsters and punters wondered if there had been some divine intervention in the result, those who study economic models had a much more humanistic take.

In a paper due to be published in the Australian Economic Review, Queensland University economist Hamish Greenop‐Roberts looks at the performance of polls, betting markets and economic models in predicting election results in Australia between 2010 and 2019.

The economic models combine key variables, including changes in unemployment, GDP growth and inflation, to determine if the government of the day is going to remain in office after polling day.


Greenop-Roberts notes that while the polls and betting markets had a terrible 2019 election, the economic models got it right. The economy was growing, inflation was subdued and unemployment had fallen since the 2016 poll.

Move forward to 2022 and the economic situation has been tossed on its head by coronavirus, which managed to deliver Australia its first recession in 30 years, record low interest rates, huge government deficits and debt, an extremely tight jobs markets and inflation tracking above 3 per cent for the first time in a decade.


Campaigning for this year’s election, almost certainly to be held on a Saturday in May, has kicked off since Australia Day. Both Morrison and Labor leader Anthony Albanese have addressed the National Press Club in the past fortnight with major set speeches while the two have also spent time in key marginal electorates.

They were followed at the press club on Wednesday by Reserve Bank governor Philip Lowe. And it was his commentary that illuminated what will be the key economic and political debates of the coming weeks.

Dr Lowe spoke in the jargon-heavy and understated way always deployed by central bankers. But the message – the stronger economy will eventually require higher interest rates to stop inflation pressures getting out of control – could not be clearer.

“The faster rate to full employment and inflation consistent with the target does bring forward the timing of a likely increase in interest rates. We should welcome that,” he said.


It was a reminder that while governments and oppositions often claim they control the economic destiny of the country, the monetary policy denizens of Martin Place in Sydney have just as large a say in the day-to-day lives of ordinary Australians. As well as the future of politicians.

The RBA famously interceded in the 2007 election (which economic models suggested would be won by Kevin Rudd) when less than a fortnight out from polling day, it increased official interest rates to 6.75 per cent.

In his autobiography, former treasurer Peter Costello called the decision a “propaganda win” for Labor on the issue of economic credibility. Former prime minister John Howard used his autobiography to argue the RBA had ignored the “implied understanding” between the government and bank that it keep “out of the crossfire during election campaigns”.

RBA governor Philip Lowe at the National Press Club this week  conceded higher interest rates were on their way.

RBA governor Philip Lowe at the National Press Club this week conceded higher interest rates were on their way.Credit: Louise Kennerley

At the 2019 election campaign, the RBA was silent. But three days after Morrison’s miracle victory speech, Dr Lowe stood up in Brisbane to reveal the bank board would be considering “the case for lower interest rates” at its next meeting.

Over the next five months, the official cash rate was halved as the bank sought to drive down unemployment, lift wages growth and in turn push up inflation.

The 2007 intervention by the RBA had huge political ramifications. The 2019 non-intervention was just as political in nature, given the political fallout that would have flowed from revealing during an election campaign that the economy was not growing fast enough to deliver jobs and higher wages.


Economists like Dr Lowe talk about inflation. But politicians talk about cost-of-living pressures.


During his address to the press club, Morrison was pressed on whether he knew the cost of bread and milk. Admitting he did not go out every day to buy either, he did touch on cost of living.

“I do my job every day to ensure that those things are as affordable as they possibly can be for Australians every single day,” he said.

Two days later on morning television, Albanese, who knew the price of milk, bread and Vegemite, was stumped when pressed if he knew how much a box of Carefree sanitary products cost.

“No, I can’t. I live with my son who is 21 years old. And I assure you that is something I cannot [know],” he said.

Two months out from the formal election campaign, and the men who would lead the nation were fielding questions about the make-up of their shopping trolleys.


It goes to the findings of Greenop‐Roberts and the accuracy of economic forecasting around elections.

Despite the hundreds of issues discussed during a campaign, the state of the economy is at the top or near it for most voters. The economy, in this case, stretches from interest rates to wage levels to inflation to unemployment.

The last time an election was fought following a recession was 1993. Opinion polls at the time pointed to a victory by the Liberal Party’s John Hewson over Labor incumbent Paul Keating.

Anthony Albanese on the campaign trail. The poll is likely to be held in mid-May.

Anthony Albanese on the campaign trail. The poll is likely to be held in mid-May.Credit: Luis Ascui

But economic models predicted a Keating victory. Inflation and GDP were improving while unemployment, albeit at extraordinarily high levels, was not climbing any further. Keating also used Hewson’s plans for a GST to hammer the issue of cost of living and its impact on ordinary Australians.

In his press club speech, Morrison was keen to focus on one part of the economy – the jobs market.

“Jobs change lives. They change families. They change communities. They give Australians purpose and independence. They free them from the clutches of welfare and dependence. And they do the heavy lifting on transforming the budget also,” he said.


“I believe we can now achieve an unemployment rate with a 3 in front of it this year. Our goal is to achieve this in the second half of 2022.”


Given the surge in the number of unemployed during the recession, a sub-4 per cent jobless rate would be a remarkable achievement. It’s also not particularly Australian – New Zealand and the European Union this week both reported record low jobless rates, it is sub-4 in the United States and on its way to that level in Britain.

Notably missing from his address was a mention of interest rates. And he touched upon inflation just once, comparing Australia’s 3.5 per cent annual rate favourably with higher levels in the US and Britain.

By contrast, Albanese used his media appearances throughout the week to press the issue of cost of living at almost every turn.

Asked on Perth radio on Thursday about Dr Lowe’s upbeat assessment for the overall economy, the Labor leader pivoted to the price pressures facing many Australians.

“They are struggling to get by, struggling to pay their rent, struggling to pay for the increased costs of the essentials of life, be they meat or veggies or petrol or other essentials,” he said.

The collection of goods mentioned by Albanese was no accident. Vegetable prices in Perth have climbed 4 per cent over the past year, rents have increased 7.9 per cent, beef prices are up 9 per cent while the cost of petrol has soared a whopping 37.4 per cent.

Petrol is famously a key political barometer. Many motorists know to the cent how much it costs to fill up their vehicles with petrol, the single largest weekly expense for most households.

Petrol prices could be a problem in the coming election campaign.

Petrol prices could be a problem in the coming election campaign. Credit: AP

In early 2001, and facing electoral oblivion, the Howard government stopped the six-monthly increases in fuel excise in a bid to cool consumer complaints about soaring petrol prices.

That policy was abandoned by the Abbott government in 2015. Fuel excise is now about 5¢ a litre higher than when that decision was made.

When Morrison speaks about cost of living, he now regularly mentions electricity prices, which have fallen by almost 8 per cent nationally since the last election.

Debates about cost-of-living pressures can be negated if wages are growing even faster than prices of petrol, bread and rump steaks. But that’s not been the case for Australia.

In inflation-adjusted terms, Australians have suffered a fall in their purchasing power for the past nine months. Data out later this month will confirm that will have reached a full year.

Only record low interest rates, which are likely to lift this year, and government handouts – which have come to an end – have helped many Australians absorb the inflation lift of recent months.

The next insight into Australia’s rate of inflation will be released on April 27 – just weeks out from a May election. Unless there is a huge fall in the price of petrol, there is every chance inflation will push up even higher.

A fortnight later the RBA board meets. While the board would be loath to lift interest rates so close to an election, a spike in price pressures could force it into a very difficult position.

During his press club appearance, Morrison said the coming election was not a referendum on the government. “This is a choice about who’s going to lead the government after the election,” he said.

It was a near repeat of something Morrison said in his speech to Liberal Party faithful a week out from the 2019 election as part of the Coalition’s formal campaign launch.

Scott Morrison during his address to the National Press Club on Tuesday.

Scott Morrison during his address to the National Press Club on Tuesday.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

“The election, friends, is about a choice. The choice of who you can trust to keep the promise of Australia, to all Australians as prime minister. Myself or Bill Shorten,” he declared.

He then added an economic management kicker: “The choice between a government that knows how to manage money, has returned the budget to surplus and will now pay down debt.”

The surplus disappeared in a haze of smoke and then the COVID-19 wave. Gross government debt is at $860 billion and on its way to $1 trillion while the budget is forecast to be in deficit for at least the rest of the decade.

The huge deficits are just part of an economic confluence unlike anything seen in the post-war period.


Inflation is demonstrably higher than it was when the Coalition retained power in 2019. There’s been a history-making recession (and history-making recovery). The median price for a house has breached the $1 million mark in three cities while businesses are crying out for staff to deal with everything from lattes to high-end engineering.

And the RBA is open about its ambitions to drive up inflation.

Greenop‐Roberts says inflation out-pacing wages should always be a concern for an incumbent government, especially after years of muted cost-of-living pressures.

“This election can be considered a test of modern attitudes to inflation, noting a generation of younger voters have matured in an economy where these pressures have never been a major concern.”

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