

This was published 16 years ago

RBA lifts interest rates

By Jessica Irvine

The Reserve Bank has made history, weighing into the politically-charged federal election campaign by raising interest rates to their highest in a decade.

In a widely anticipated move, the bank lifted the official cash rate by 0.25 percentage points to 6.75 per cent this morning - the first time it has moved rates during an election campaign.

Reserve Bank governor, Glenn Stevens, released a statement on the bank's website at 9.30 am outlining the reasons behind the decision.

He said: "By the March quarter of next year, both headline and underlying measures of inflation are likely to be above 3 per cent.

"During 2007, the pace of growth of demand and output has also increased.

"There are few signs of that strength diminishing as yet, and reports of high capacity usage and shortages of suitable labour persist.

"In reaching its decision, the Board continued to look carefully at developments in international financial markets.

"Conditions have improved over the past couple of months, but confidence remains fragile.

"The world economy is still expected to grow at an above-average pace, however, led by strong growth in China and other parts of Asia.

"In Australia, the tightening in credit conditions resulting from the global turmoil has been less pronounced than elsewhere.

Lenders are expected to respond quickly, lifting the standard variable mortgage rate above 8.5 per cent.

The increase will add $67 a month to repayments on a $400,000 loan, bringing to $395 the cumulative impact of six interest rate rises since the last election, when the Coalition campaigned on a promise to keep rates low.

The Australian dollar punched through 93 US cents after the announcement of today's rate rise.


By 9.35am the dollar was quoted at $US0.9302/9306, up from $US0.9222/27 late yesterday and is not far from its 23-year high of $US0.9344 hit last week. It dipped initially after the rate decision.

The Coalition is expected to respond today by emphasising risks in the economy and the need to continue with an experienced pair of hands managing the economy.

Labor will emphasise the now broken promise made to voters at the last election, when the Coalition promised it would keep interest rates at "record lows".

Inflation figures released last month all but sealed the deal on this morning's move after they showed underlying inflation running at an uncomfortable annual rate of 3 per cent.

The bank has now raised rates 10 times since 2001 in an effort to cool a robust economy, basking in the strongest global backdrop in half a century.

After 16 years of consecutive economic growth, Australia's economy has run out of spare productive capacity, raising the risks of a price breakout.

Economists are predicting today will not be the end of pain for mortgage holders, with some tipping two more rate rises to come.

A quarterly statement by the Reserve Bank on monetary policy, due next Monday, is expected to provide a clearer indication of the bank's intentions.

AAP reports: HSBC chief economist John Edwards said the RBA was likely to raise rates again in March next year, as strong demand and a tight jobs market put upward pressure on inflation.

"I think we'll have a break before Christmas but we'll have another one in March,'' he said.

Economists were unanimous in their expectation that rates would rise today, following a meeting of the central bank board yesterday.

"No doubt, the increase in underlying inflation in the September quarter left them with little alternative,'' Dr Edwards said.

"And they cited that as a major reason along with of course the strength of other indicators we've seen in the Australian economy and employment.''

Dr Edwards said problems in the US sub-prime mortgage market were unlikely to affect Australia, which would mean make further interest rate rises in 2008 a possibility.

Commonwealth Bank of Australia chief economist Michael Blythe predicted the RBA will next lift rates at its February meeting.

"Certainly to date, higher interest rates haven't done much to take the steam out of the economy and we're still an economy that's running very close to full capacity,'' he said.

"Inflation risks are still there.

"Unless there are clear signs that the economy is reacting to this latest rise then we're probably looking at another one early  2008.''

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