

This was published 3 years ago


Census time to mark ‘No Religion’

By Dr Heidi Nicholl

Australians are about to sit down to the five-yearly self-analysis that is the census. As CEO of Humanists Australia I’m one of a group of secular organisations asking Australians to mark “No Religion” on the census when the time comes.

At the last census in 2016, nearly a third of Australians (29.6 per cent) marked “no religion” but it’s likely, for a number of reasons, that this is a significant under-reporting of the true numbers of non-religious people in Australia.

At the last census, nearly a third of Australians (29.6 per cent) marked “no religion”.

At the last census, nearly a third of Australians (29.6 per cent) marked “no religion”.Credit: AP

You might think it’s a no-brainer – if you aren’t religious, that’s what you’ll mark. Unfortunately, both the way the question is phrased and its positioning on the overall census, lend themselves to unconsciously inaccurate reporting.

OK, so it’s unlikely that anyone will accidentally write Jedi, Pastafarian or Satanist against the ‘other’ box – but also please don’t do this. As much as we all very much wish for there to be many Jedis walking the streets of our towns (may the Force be with us all in this time of pestilence), answers such as these will be counted as types of religion.

Increasing the proportion of people identifying as religious helps to support and defend funding for religious activities and perpetuates the current poor delineation between Church and State in Australia. This includes the huge over-representation of religion in school, hospital and military wellbeing programs (‘chaplaincy’), prayers at council or parliamentary sittings and the enormous battles over compassionate ending of life for the terminally ill by doctors who are willing and able to do so.

Aside from those people who unwittingly inflate the religious count by recording a fake religion, there are also a number of other ways that the current question on religion prompts accidental over-reporting. Firstly, and most importantly, the wording of the question presumes a positive answer. “What religion are you?” is more likely to be answered with your religion of origin, the religion of school days or long since passed Sunday School in the 1970s.

Australians will be asked about their religion in the census.

Australians will be asked about their religion in the census.

It is also the final question in the topic labelled cultural diversity – this surrounds the question with the aura of cultural religious traditions. Evoking memories of Midnight Mass, Seder meals and dusty confirmation gowns lulls people into selecting a religious option that at a different point in the census, would simply not occur to them.

The question itself provides a selection of possible religions with “No Religion” now appearing at the top of the list. The question also provides examples for “Other” (which again will be counted as a religious affiliation). These examples include Lutheran, Judaism and Atheism. Many people are indeed passionate about their lack of belief, but, if atheism is your answer, it is not an “Other” religion – it’s No Religion.


Finally, the census doesn’t capture behaviour. It does not account for how often people attend a religious service – or the relative importance of religion in peoples’ lives. The recent Religiosity in Australia report by The Rationalist Society of Australia found the majority of Australians (53 per cent) don’t attend religious services at all. Moreover, if people are asked how important religion is to them, it slides into a significant last place with religion being noted as not personally important among seven in 10 Australians.


It’s just so important to get the count right. The census provides gold-standard data which is used by researchers and government to justify allocation of scarce resources. By under-counting people who are not religious it means the justification to provide adequate resources for those of us without faith is missing.

This especially matters in funding for aged care facilities and decisions about funding to establish more faith schools. It can be used to defend the need for secular-based support services in hospitals, schools and the military. Data from the census is a key resource for lobbying groups and non-profits who – if we answer the question correctly – will be empowered with accurate insights into this growing demographic.

So, the solution is twofold. Next time we need to ask, “What is the person’s religion, if any?” And, this time, if religion is not important to you or if you don’t attend services any more – just mark “No Religion”.

Dr Heidi Nicholl is CEO of Humanists Australia and an Associate Professor at La Trobe University.

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