

This was published 3 years ago


More Australians are becoming less religious, so what’s with our PMs?

David Day, one of Australia’s foremost historians and biographer of Curtin, Chifley and other prime ministers, makes no bones about it. When it comes to their religious beliefs, we have never had a prime minister like Scott Morrison.

“Deakin had some strange religious ideas,” he says, “and many other PMs have been genuinely religious but none, including Deakin, crossed the line and made religion such a central part of their political persona. Only Morrison has breached the long accepted standards about Australia’s secular politics.”

This week there has been more focus on that than ever after the transcript of the PM’s remarks to the Australian Christian Churches conference on the Gold Coast inevitably made their way into the public domain.

Among other things he:

  • Decried the fact that while social media has its virtues, it “can also be used by the evil one and we need to call that out”. (As in, I think, the Devil himself is behind some of the nasty stuff.)
  • Acknowledged the fact that a prime ministerial pat on the back from him might be a whole lot more than that. “I’ve been in evacuation centres where people thought I was just giving someone a hug and I was praying, and putting my hands on people … laying hands on them and praying in various situations.” (Officer, I’d like to report a non-consensual religious contact.)
  • Genuinely believes that God is on his side and sends him signs to go harder, recounting how, in last year’s election campaign, he got a beauty, which pointed him to Isaiah 40:31. “I must admit I was saying to myself, ‘you know Lord, where are you, where are you? I’d like a reminder if that’s OK’. I didn’t know it was supposed to be Ken’s gallery . . . and there right in front of me was the biggest picture of a soaring eagle that I could imagine and of course the verse hit me.” (Talk about moving in mysterious ways. God, to send Scott Morrison a sign, places a picture on the wall weeks before, and has the PM turn the corner to be confronted by it.)

And on Thursday night he brought up religion and touched on his own faith at a function in Sydney while decrying “identity politics” – huh?

Look, of course Scott Morrison’s religious beliefs are his own damn business, and it goes without saying that it is his perfect right to believe whatever he damn well pleases. But when it is effectively part of his electoral schtick pitched to a particular segment of the electorate, and he uses a taxpayer funded jet to speak at the aforementioned conference, commentary – including a little mild head-scratching – is quite legitimate.

The interesting thing? In terms of public piousness, the only two that run Scott Morrison close are Kevin Rudd who used to sometimes used to talk to the press straight after Sunday church services, and Tony Abbott whose commitment to Catholicism is profound. So while Australia is more secular and moving to atheism more than we ever have been, of late we’ve had three out of five PMs, broadly more religious than ever. I don’t quite get that part – but no doubt will, shortly, upon receipt of some earnest missives from well-meaning readers.

 Scott Morrison and wife Jenny at his Horizon Church in Sydney during the 2019 election campaign.

Scott Morrison and wife Jenny at his Horizon Church in Sydney during the 2019 election campaign.Credit: AAP

Jones carries on with claptrap


If there is a more beautiful home in Sydney than Swifts of Darling Point, I haven’t seen it. Nudging towards its 150th birthday and set in enormous grounds, one of its requirements when built was that its Gothic Revival ballroom be grander than the one at Government House, a specification that was met by the matter of 12 feet. It is now owned by an old rugby mate of mine, Dr Shane Moran, and his wife Penny, and it was in that ballroom on Thursday that 120 of us gathered for a rugby lunch to honour Wallaby great David Campese. Among the speakers was Alan Jones who, bizarrely, managed to work into his presentation that he thought the government was being alarmist by closing the borders because of “all this COVID nonsense”.

No, seriously, he said that. India, anyone?

Line of the day, however, went to Vince Sorrenti.

“And in club rugby,” he said, “we are looking forward to the big local derby, Eastern Suburbs v Randwick or, as we call it, ‘the Landlords v Tenants match’.”

Brought the house down – or in this case, the mansion!

Vince Sorrenti hit the right note for a rugby do.

Vince Sorrenti hit the right note for a rugby do.Credit: Graham Tidy


Sad news. Judy Baird, the well-known and well-loved matriarch of the Baird clan, and wife of long-time Federal parliamentarian Bruce Baird for more than 50 years, passed away in her sleep in the wee hours of Tuesday morning at the age of 77. Her family, including former NSW premier Mike, and daughter Julia – who just the next day would win Book of the Year at the Australian Book Industry Awards for her masterpiece, Phosphoresence – were with her at the time. She will be farewelled at a no doubt well-attended funeral at St Matthews Anglican church at Manly tomorrow. This columnist will always remember her as the rock of her family, who was the epitome of elegance. Vale.

Joke of the Week

A young Texan grows up wanting to be a lawman. At the age of 20, he stands six foot six, strong as a longhorn, and fast as a mustang. He can shoot a bottle cap tossed in the air at 40 paces.

When he finally comes of age and turns 21, he applies to the only place he has ever dreamed of working; the West Texas Sheriff’s Department. After a group of tests and interviews, the chief deputy finally called him into his office for the young man’s last interview

The chief deputy said, “You’re a big strong kid and you can really shoot. So far your qualifications all look good, but we have, what you might call, an ‘Attitude Suitability Test’, that you must take before you can be accepted. We just don’t let anyone carry our badge, son, or have a loaded gun in their holsters.”

Then, sliding a service pistol and a box of ammo across the desk, the chief says, “Now, take this pistol and go out and shoot: six illegal aliens, six greenies, six liberals, six meth dealers, six Muslim extremists, six Democrats, and a rabbit.”

“Why the rabbit?” queries the applicant.

“You pass,” said the chief deputy. “When can you start?”

Apocrypha of the Week

Before Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin took leave of Michael Collins, the man who would remain with Apollo 11, while they took the lunar module to the moon, the last words Collins – who died this week – said to Armstrong were that, once he had set foot on the moon, he should say, “Oh, my God, what is that thing?’ then scream and cut your mic.”

Quotes of the Week

“I haven’t talked to Mick for years. I think it took me a long time to sort of get over it. But I’m very fond of Keith. And I do see Keith and I do talk to him. And he’s wonderful. You know, I didn’t really mean to do this but I think I must have hurt Mick much more than I realised. Just his ego alone, you know? I don’t know. I have good memories. And he taught me a lot. He taught me a lot about the blues; about music. And how to make records and how to write songs. I learned so much from Mick and Keith. I’m very grateful.” – Marianne Faithfull, 74, recovering from COVID, and reminiscing about her former partner, Mick Jagger.

“I have no intention of making comments on the Prime Minister’s faith, that is a matter for him. I think that the separation of church and state is important. I think that the idea that God is on any political side is no more respectful than the idea that when someone’s sporting team wins it is because of some divine intervention.” – Anthony Albanese controlling himself quite well, really.

“Sure, social media has its virtues and its values and enables us to connect with people in ways we’ve never had before, terrific, terrific, but those weapons can also be used by the evil one and we need to call that out.” - Prime Minister Scott Morrison to a Gold Coast Christian conference.

“I also used to get teased at school for having a lot of freckles. But [my Mum] put my mind at ease by saying, ‘Every freckle is just a little kiss from the sun’.” – Sunrise weather presenter, Sam Mac. Lovely!

“We’re calling it a wave, it’s actually a tsunami.” - A Delhi High Court hearing a special petition on the pandemic measures as COVID truly takes hold in India as never before.

“An automatic or semi-automatic weapon is a lethal weapon of mass destruction. And if you take them out of circulation, you dramatically improve the safety of your community.” - Former prime minister John Howard in the lead up to the 25th anniversary of the Port Arthur massacre.

“We don’t allow anyone, including elected officials, to share misinformation about COVID-19 that could lead to imminent physical harm or [misinformation about] COVID-19 vaccines that have been debunked by public health experts. We have clear policies against this type of content and have removed Mr Kelly’s Facebook page for repeated violations of this policy.” - A Facebook spokeswoman explaining why Independent MP Craig Kelly’s official Facebook page has been permanently shut down by the social media platform.

“Ben’s leave will start today. Ben and I believe this mutual decision is best for both him and our company. We expect Ben to return to his role upon the completion of his defamation proceedings.” –Seven West Media chief James Warburton in an email to staff announcing that Ben Roberts-Smith has stood down from his role as general manager of media company 7Queensland and Seven Brisbane to focus on his upcoming defamation trial.

“Today I’m taking a stand on it and I want everyone out there to know they can stand up to it, too. I’ve always aired them [trolls] out on social media and given them air time, but I was wasting my energy doing that.” – NRL star Latrell Mitchell announcing that officers from two specialist units are investigating racist social media trolling as the NSW Police Force escalates its efforts to fight abusive behaviour online.

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