

This was published 3 years ago

The culture war at the heart of MinterEllison’s implosion over Christian Porter

By Chris Vedelago and Tammy Mills

The office-warming cocktail party on MinterEllison’s floor in a flash new Collins Street skyscraper on Wednesday last week was supposed to be a celebration for the law firm’s partners – a chance to mingle and mark the end of Melbourne’s long lockdown.

But considering what had happened only hours earlier between the firm’s chief executive Annette Kimmitt and one of its most senior and storied partners, Peter Bartlett, many arrived expecting ugly scenes over the canapes and sparkling wine.

Annette Kimmitt was forced to leave her job as Minter Ellison CEO in the fall-out over an email she sent.

Annette Kimmitt was forced to leave her job as Minter Ellison CEO in the fall-out over an email she sent.Credit: Louie Douvis/AFR

That morning Kimmitt had fired a broadside against Bartlett on the firm’s all-staff email channel to more than 2000 people. It was the legal equivalent of a barbecue stopper.

Earlier, the media had revealed the lawyer (and long-time defamation adviser to The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald) was helping Attorney-General Christian Porter respond to allegations he had raped a 16-year-old girl in 1988 – allegations he strongly denies.

Kimmitt’s email was a direct challenge to Bartlett.

“The acceptance of this matter did not go through the firm’s due consultation or approval processes. Had it done so, we would have considered the matter through the lens of our Purpose and Values,” she wrote.


“The nature of this matter is clearly causing hurt to some of you, and it has certainly triggered hurt for me. I know that for many it may be a tough day, and I want to apologise for the pain you may be experiencing.”

She followed up with a second, similar missive addressed directly to the firm’s more than 250 partners, saying, ”we have a process that we follow when accepting new work”.

Senior sources at the firm, who do not want to be named, say the email blast caught Bartlett by surprise. But, like a lawyer presenting his defence, he fired back fast, proclaiming his adherence to traditional legal principles – the right of a client to counsel – and, subtly, the importance of loyalty to the firm’s clients.

Peter Bartlett is a veteran media lawyer and former chairman of the firm’s board.

Peter Bartlett is a veteran media lawyer and former chairman of the firm’s board.Credit: Jim Rice

“With the claims against the [Attorney-General], I would have thought that a majority of our partners would believe that everyone is entitled to a presumption of innocence and legal representation,” Bartlett wrote in an email to the firm’s partners.

“I’ve worked with many corporate, employment and other partners over the years to try and protect their clients from media exposure, some of whom have been accused of harassment and more. I have advised many federal and state ministers, premiers and prime ministers from both parties.

“These are the leaders of one of the firm’s largest clients”, he added. MinterEllison has contracts worth $93 million with the federal government, and Bartlett is advising the Prime Minister himself. Scott Morrison’s office, he wrote, had recently called to thank him for the assistance he had rendered the Attorney-General.


By the end of this week, the email exchange had cost Kimmitt her job. She is the highest profile scalp so far from the public debate over sexism and sexual assault now engulfing Australian politics. The other person seemingly under most pressure is another woman, Defence Minister Linda Reynolds.

“Once again, a woman pays the price for speaking up,” tweeted the Greens Senate leader, Larissa Waters amid a stream of social media criticism of the firm.

But the events at MinterEllison this week highlight another issue too: the tension inside many venerable legal firms between legal tradition and a new emphasis on their “social licence” to operate. Dozens of lawyers, junior and senior, interviewed this week – off the record said this conflict was playing out across legal precincts in Sydney and Melbourne.


To some extent it’s a generational split between Millennials and the old guard, but it also divides old-style lawyers and newer managerial experts for whom reputation is key. Big firms sell the idea that they are socially responsible to appear attractive to younger staff, while still taking on clients who can pay the bills – big tobacco, big pharma and in this case, someone accused of historical rape.

A showdown didn’t end up happening that night at the cocktail party – Bartlett arrived late and Kimmitt never showed.


Instead, cliques supporting either side continued the fight anonymously in the media as a lobbying campaign ensued among the partners.

Annette Kimmitt’s position immediately came under fire after her all-staff email.

Annette Kimmitt’s position immediately came under fire after her all-staff email. Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

Purpose with a capital ‘P’

Much has been made in some media reports about the fact that Kimmitt is an accountant – rather than a lawyer – in charge of the nation’s most prominent legal firm. This is actually traditional at Minter Ellison.

But insiders say Kimmitt’s most profound impact in the firm was her drive to instil a greater sense that it needed a “social licence” to operate. This, at its simplest, describes the ongoing commitment a business has to its employees, stakeholders and the wider society beyond its basic legal obligations, and without which it could find itself with a damaged reputation.

In high-impact industries such as mining, for example, social licence encompasses how they treat the local environment, their response to climate change or their relationship to Indigenous communities. But, maintaining social licence is a growing focus for businesses everywhere.


At MinterEllison, particularly under Kimmitt’s stewardship, this has meant dedicating resources towards pro bono work, outreach to disadvantaged communities, investment in social enterprises and a pledge to “(act) ethically and sustainably in all of our business operations”.

Among lawyers, it’s a contentious idea. Some say its mostly virtue-signalling – a public relations exercise to attract clients and potential high-talent recruits. And it’s questionable how much influence “corporate responsibility” mission statements exert when firms are deciding who to represent.

“Law firms don’t really have too many values. Like most businesses, they think about dollar signs and their reputation, which are linked together,” said a lawyer who formerly worked at MinterEllison.

Media lawyer Peter Bartlett on stand-by as AFP officers raid The Age offices in 2011.

Media lawyer Peter Bartlett on stand-by as AFP officers raid The Age offices in 2011.Credit: Craig Abraham

“The decision to stop taking a particular type of client is mostly done because they are so reviled by the public or other clients or government – like tobacco companies – that keeping them means losing reputation, potentially other business and therefore money.”

MinterEllison’s client list makes it difficult to discern a pattern of what is acceptable. It has included asbestos and coal companies, troubled casino giant Crown Resorts and barrister-turned-police informer Nicola Gobbo.

MinterEllison, whose official communications in the past fortnight have been virtually nil, has refused to provide the Purpose and Values policy that Kimmitt cited in her email. Neither she nor Bartlett has responded to requests for an interview, nor has the chairman and partner David O’Brien, who moved decisively against Kimmitt on Wednesday.


But it does appear that for the former chief executive, providing defamation and media management advice to the Attorney-General as he faced an allegation of historical sexual abuse was a step too far.

Rule of Law(yers)

For Bartlett and his supporters there was little question the firm could and should advise Porter, who was entitled to the presumption of innocence and legal representation.

“They are bedrock principles of justice,” said one MinterEllison senior lawyer and self-described Bartlett supporter.

“[Porter] is also a politician, a cabinet minister, the highest law officer in the land. Why wouldn’t you take him as a client? What would be the justification for rejecting his request?”

As Bartlett would say in his reply email, it was not the first time he had represented a prominent person who had been “accused of harassment and more”.

Why Kimmitt chose to send her all-staff email remains mystifying. Some suggest it was a “brain snap”, a bad decision made in the heat of anger. Others have claimed it was a clear declaration that the “Purpose and Values” could not be ignored, even by a veteran like Bartlett – an attempt to assert that this law firm was doing things differently now.

According to one story circulating this week, there was a harder-hitting version of the email that Kimmitt’s colleagues convinced her to water down before pressing send last Wednesday morning (The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald have not been able to confirm this).

Regardless, the missive was quickly being talked about within the firm as an act of “career suicide”.

For many at MinterEllison and in the wider legal fraternity, Kimmitt had very publicly jettisoned the core principles of the profession and potentially damaged a client, regardless of any good intentions.

“The statement basically suggested that Porter was not a right fit for MinterEllison based simply on an allegation, an allegation that was strongly denied and unproven. In a sense, it also implied a prejudgment on the very matter that is in contest,” said barrister Dr Matt Collins QC, a former president of the Victorian Bar.

Melbourne Law School ethics professor Julian Webb said the intention behind the Kimmitt email seemed to be about staff wellbeing and support, but that may have been lost in the way it was communicated.

“The email as phrased was unfortunate. It is ambiguous and it has created some room for interpretation and speculation, particularly on whether it was expressing an opinion as to the appropriateness of taking Porter as a client,” Webb said.

“At least from the point of view from some versions of legal practice and legal ethics, that’s not a good look.”


But Australian National University College of Law Associate Professor Vivien Holmes has questioned the firm’s actions against Kimmitt. Her use of the word “triggered”, suggested the chief executive had felt a personal impact.

“I suggest the firm had a duty of care to her to consider that and perhaps not treat her email as a hanging offence in the circumstances,” Holmes said.

Regardless, Kimmitt made a serious mistake, University of New South Wales’ Rosalind Dixon wrote this week.

“She was wrong to suggest that the decision to represent a person in need of legal representation could be considered, by lawyers especially, as itself a form of “hurt” or wrong,” Dixon said.

“All clients deserve legal representation, however unpopular they may be.”

It’s a statement from the heart of legal tradition. But what this case highlights, perhaps, is a growing tension inside our big legal shops from some who want those traditions to change.

National Sexual Assault, Family & Domestic Violence Counselling Line: 1800 737 732. Crisis support can be found at Lifeline: (13 11 14 and, the Suicide Call Back Service (1300 659 467 and and beyondblue (1300 22 4636 and

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