

This was published 4 years ago

Australia’s other special forces war: killing Islamic State

By Ben Mckelvey

At the end of 2013 Australia’s Special Operations Task Group (SOTG) rotated out of Afghanistan for the last time. Over 20 rotations, lasting roughly six months each, they had done the bulk of the fighting in what had been Australia’s longest war, and its bloodiest since Vietnam. Approximately 8000-12,000 enemy combatants had been killed by Australians, mostly by SOTG. On the other side of the ledger, Australia had lost 41 servicemen, roughly half coming from the task group.

The war had been physically and mentally draining for Australia’s top war fighters. It had also potentially been morally compromising for some, with an upcoming report from the Inspector General of the Australian Defence Force expected to examine at least 55 alleged incidents of war criminality by task group operators.

At the start of 2014 most at Special Operations Command (SOCOMD) believed a long period of relative inactivity was coming; a necessary interval during which the physical and mental wounds of Afghanistan could begin to heal.

But by the end of the year Australian special forces had been inserted into another Middle Eastern battlefield at least as bloody as Afghanistan; one unique in Australian warfare, as our forces faced a significant number of Australian citizens fighting against them.

The publicly available information about Operation Okra, against the proto-theocracy calling themselves Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham, ISIS or IS, stated that Australia's special forces were playing a minor role away from any fighting, as advisers and trainers.

But in fact Australian soldiers and intelligence officers were heavily involved in the fight, including key roles in the battles to liberate Ramadi and Mosul, as well as contributing personnel to a secretive intelligence cell in Amman, Jordan, run by the CIA and United States Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) that tracked and in some instances killed foreign fighters who had joined IS - including Australian citizens.


In June 2014 the case for international action against IS became compelling after its jihadists swept from Syria into northern Iraq, linking up with insurgent cells in a number of primarily Sunni cities and towns and attacking police and army checkpoints.

In the face of motivated resistance and with the spectre of the populace rising against them, the predominantly Shiite Iraqi federal forces fled from a number of cities, including the country’s second-largest, Mosul.


Fleeing Iraqi forces left behind a huge amount of US-supplied armour and weaponry, including 2300 armoured Humvees, 75,000 machine guns and 40 M1A1 Abrams battle tanks (in comparison, Australia’s entire main battle tank force consists of 59 M1A1 Abrams, purchased in 2007 at a cost of $550 million).

President Barack Obama, who had only recently removed the bulk of US troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, was reluctant to commit to the Middle East again, but had no choice after the emboldened and newly armoured IS threatened Baghdad, where thousands of US government officials and contractors worked.

A US aircraft carrier and two guided missile ships were sent to the Gulf, US Delta Force teams were inserted to connect with Iraqi forces, and a US Army element led by General Dana Pittard was sent to organise the defence of Iraq’s capital.

Working at the US embassy, Pittard gathered intelligence about the genocidal intent of IS and even saw first-hand an IS massacre via footage from an MQ-1 Predator drone sent north of the capital for reconnaissance.

Once the protection of Baghdad was assured, he sought approval to set up a command-and-control element in the US embassy from which a program of manhunts by air strike could be conducted, with a "kill chain" - from intelligence to air strike - in one room.

The US State Department told Pittard it wouldn’t be appropriate to conduct such an activity in an embassy. "They were telling the wrong guy," says Pittard. "I knew we were doing this stuff from embassies all over the world. It was relatively new, what we were doing, but Special Ops and the CIA had been doing something similar, just not on this scale."

Eventually Pittard got his way and the strike cell was born. It was a place where many Australians would serve during the conflict.

Ian Turner, an Australian special forces team leader who took his own life in 2017, after returning from deployment in Iraq as part of Operation Okra. 

Ian Turner, an Australian special forces team leader who took his own life in 2017, after returning from deployment in Iraq as part of Operation Okra. 

The Baghdad strike cell would later migrate from the embassy to the city's international airport, not because of diplomatic conventions but because it needed more planes and staff.

Coalition partners were called upon, including Australia. Of particular interest were Australia’s special forces, who had been integrated into US warfighting systems in Afghanistan and could, in Pittard’s words, "operationalise the kind of risks" he wanted to take in his strike cell.

As well as the Australian bombers, Hercules transports and the E-7 Wedgetail surveillance plane sent into the theatre, special forces soldiers were deployed.

Announcing Australia’s commitment to Iraq in September 2014, then prime minister Tony Abbott said: "We are not deploying combat troops but contributing to international efforts to prevent the humanitarian crisis from deepening."

As Abbott gave his speech, Australian special forces were either on their way to al-Minhad Air Base in the United Arab Emirates or there already, awaiting approval from the Iraqi government for a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) that would allow them to insert into Iraq with the necessary legal cover.

These operators were primarily from 2 Commando Regiment, and it is believed this is because Perth’s Special Air Service Regiment had been grounded in preparation for the IGADF investigation into possible war crimes.

When the SOFA wasn’t forthcoming for the Australian force in the UAE, the operators were issued diplomatic passports, investing them with the same legal protection as Australia’s diplomats overseas.

An Australian special forces operator at al-Asad airbase in Iraq's Anbar Province during Operation Okra.

An Australian special forces operator at al-Asad airbase in Iraq's Anbar Province during Operation Okra.

A special forces operator named in my book Mosul: Australia’s Secret War inside the ISIS Caliphate as Nathan Knox (not his real name) described arriving at al-Asad Air Base in Iraq’s north-western Anbar Province, which had been almost completely overrun by IS.

"Just outside the base you could see … tracer rounds and gunfire from [the towns of] Ramadi and Fallujah, so we knew we were getting into something different from Afghanistan."

At al-Asad the Australian soldiers saw the full brutality of the conflict. They worked in a tactical operations centre (which later became a strike cell), calling in air strikes in the adjacent towns and cities occupied by IS.

After each strike the Australians were tasked with arranging the delivery of the bodies of those killed in the strikes and “biometrically enrolling” them - checking their identities against a huge, international database of suspected jihadists.

This work was done with Iraqi partner forces who often mutilated the corpses of their enemy and, in at least one instance, executed prisoners at al-Asad.


These partner forces included the Popular Mobilisation Forces, a Shiite Iraqi militia working either under the direction of or alongside the expeditionary Quds Force led by Iranian Major-General Qassem Soleimani, who was seen by the Australians at al-Asad. Soleimani himself was killed by a US air strike near Baghdad airport in January of this year. That strike also killed Jamal Jaafar Mohammed, the deputy head of the Popular Mobilisation Forces.

"Most of [the Iraqi soldiers partnered with Australia Special Forces] have never heard of Switzerland, let alone the Geneva Convention. It’s their country and they’re going to do what they want to do. My job was just to keep my head down and do my job to the best of my abilities," says Knox.

"I can put my hand on my heart and say I never saw an Australian commit a war crime - but I saw dozens of war crimes. Every partner force I’ve been with overseas committed war crimes in front of us."

As well as contributing with air assets and special forces to the fight in Iraq, Australia contributed personnel to Operation Gallant Phoenix, an intelligence cell based in Amman, Jordan, monitoring IS foreign fighters in Iraq and Syria.

Iraq special forces soldiers during the offensive to retake West Mosul in Iraq from Islamic State in July 2017.

Iraq special forces soldiers during the offensive to retake West Mosul in Iraq from Islamic State in July 2017.Credit: Kate Geraghty

Run by the US but with law enforcement and military intelligence officers from all of the Five Eyes nations (Australia, the US, Britain, Canada and New Zealand) in attendance, Gallant Phoenix represents perhaps the most sensitive element of Australia’s involvement in the fight against IS, with little public information available about its activities.

It is described on New Zealand’s Ministry of Defence website as "a multinational and information-sharing and intelligence mission", but Pittard says that it was also empowered to create what the military calls "kinetic effects" - air strikes.

It seems that from Jordan air strikes were planned or facilitated against Australian citizens in Iraq who had joined IS and were either fighting in Iraq or Syria or planning terrorist attacks in Australia.

When I asked former prime minister Abbott about one specific Australian target I suspected had been killed in a targeted air strike, he told me he was briefed before the killing, adding: "My attitude was that anyone working for ISIS was a legitimate target."


It's likely that a number of Australians fighting and working with IS in Iraq and Syria were monitored by Gallant Phoenix and killed in targeted air strikes, including notorious Sydney jihadist Khaled Sharrouf, Mohamed Elomar and Mohammad Ali Baryalei.

Throughout 2015 and 2016 Australian soldiers rotated in and out of the Iraqi strike cells, as did specialised Australian Joint Terminal Attack Controllers and Combat Control Team from the Royal Australian Air Force.

In these cells they facilitated thousands of air strikes, killing scores of IS fighters, destroying materiel including the Humvees and tanks seized in Mosul, and creating the conditions under which Iraqi cities might be retaken.

Meanwhile Australian special forces were also training the men of the Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service (CTS) and Iraqi Special Operations Force (ISOF), units that would be conducting the ground assaults in the Iraqi cities occupied by IS.

When the time came to retake those cities - Ramadi in August 2015, Mosul in October 2016 - Australian special forces teams were chosen to support the Iraqi CTS and ISOF.


In Mosul the Australians helped build and run a strike cell to support the assault, first in the eastern suburb of Bartella and then in a Tactical Assembly Area just south of the city, alongside two US Navy SEAL teams.

During the fight for Mosul, one of the largest and bloodiest urban battles since World War II, Australian soldiers were exposed to chemical weapons and attacked with mortars, rockets and drones.

Australia’s role in this conflict in Iraq largely came and went without the public noticing much, thanks in no small part to the lack of military casualties. Death, however, was commonplace in the Australians’ area of operations.

"The politicians and the senior officers in Canberra … used task verbs like ‘destroy,’ ‘neutralise,’ ‘disrupt’, that all means the same shit: kill," says Knox. "They don’t know what these people looked like [after they died], but I do."

Mosul: Australia’s secret war inside the ISIS caliphate by Ben Mckelvey (Hachette Australia) is available now.

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