

This was published 4 years ago

'All of them should be fearful': Senator's controversial corporate tax shame campaign

By Jennifer Duke

Centre Alliance senator Rex Patrick's campaign to shame individual company bosses into paying more corporate tax has him believing he won't be invited onto company boards anytime soon.

He's joking when he says this, but two months into the year he has already taken aim at former ExxonMobil chairman Richard Owen and EnergyAustralia managing director Catherine Tanna, using parliamentary privilege to call them "tax dodgers" and "swindlers" and demand they be stripped of high-profile positions.

Rex Patrick has so far named two business leaders in a campaign on corporate tax bills.

Rex Patrick has so far named two business leaders in a campaign on corporate tax bills.Credit: AFR

His argument is that many companies do not pay their fair share of tax in Australia and, as leaders of these companies, he wants to hold them personally accountable. The senator has already attracted criticism from business figures who say he is playing the man, not the ball.

But there are many more prominent chiefs he intends to target without warning. In fact, there's a whole list.

"There are 221 companies that have paid no tax at all [in the past five years]. With a total revenue over those five years of $850 billion ... all of them should be fearful," he told The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. And that's before considering those that pay a small amount of tax, which he also doesn't want to let off the hook.


"I won't direct this at any particular person but if you're a company director and you're being paid well to actively seek ways to not pay tax, or to minimise tax, to a point where you are not contributing to the very environment in which you live – I don't think that you're operating with integrity."

The crossbencher has launched his attacks in the Senate, allowing him to use parliamentary privilege as a shield against legal retribution. This also means the media can report his comments without fear of a defamation claim.

Business sources who did not want to be named as the topic is controversial described the strategy as "inappropriate" and "offensive". This is particularly the case because there is no suggestion the companies, and therefore their directors and managers, have fallen foul of the law with their tax strategies.


Business NSW chief executive Stephen Cartwright is disappointed parliamentary privilege has been used in this way.

"His observations have the potential to mislead citizens about the transparency and integrity of highly visible business leaders in this country," Mr Cartwright says.

There is a grey area between tax avoidance and tax evasion and sometimes it's hard to even detect where that line crosses.

Senator Rex Patrick

Business Council of Australia chief executive Jennifer Westacott came to Ms Tanna's defence last week, saying Senator Patrick's comments were "disappointing".

Senator Patrick agrees he is playing the man, not the ball, but says this is exactly the point as companies are run by people and ultimately the "captain" is to blame.

Sources close to Ms Tanna have been particularly concerned about his decision to name the street on which she lives. The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age did not publish her home address.

Senator Patrick also has a bill in parliament that, if passed, would require the government to check whether a company has any related entities domiciled in tax havens before giving them grants or other contracts. This would not stop these companies from getting grants but could mean additional checks and balances.

He intends to use his balance of power position to put pressure on the government over tax issues and is confident his bill will get more consideration than if Labor had proposed it.

In the meantime, he hopes to encourage businesses to do what he believes is right – pay more tax in Australia to ultimately fund more services.

Mark Zirnsak, of fairer tax system lobby group Tax Justice Network Australia, says politicians can be "overly timid" when it comes to holding corporate Australia to account and believes companies have shown more willingness to change tax practices as social expectations shift.

But Dr Zirnsak is cautious about endorsing using parliamentary privilege in this way.

"If an MP of any sort is going to go after individuals, they want to be rock solid about the facts," Dr Zirnsak says.

A spokeswoman for the BCA says tax is paid on profit, not revenue - a point Senator Patrick has been criticised on.

"We are not sure how attacking CEOs personally helps to make businesses more successful and profitable. The focus should be on policies to boost investment and grow the economy," she says.

Senator Patrick admits that for a business not to seek out every way to save a dollar through tax strategies would take "a lot of confidence and perhaps suicidal intent".


"The shareholder expects the best return. The system is actually set up to encourage people to find ways to do that," he says.

But when asked whether his broader concern around companies paying too little tax can necessarily be fixed with law changes, he is also not definitive.

"Yes and no," he says. "There are laws in place in this country that try to make sure that companies pay the right amount of tax. However, there are skilled entities that assist companies in minimising. And there is a grey area between tax avoidance and tax evasion and sometimes it's hard to even detect where that line crosses.

"Someone like me sits there and says – how do you give effect to change?"

His answer to this question is the reason his fight is not set to end any time soon.

"It's designed to change culture and assign responsibility, not to the company but to the people behind it," he says. "I want to call out companies where it appears to me they are not operating with a social licence. And maybe that will have an effect on people."

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