
Tax minimisation

Customers stand beneath an Apple logo at the Apple store in New York.

The global giants costing Australia billions of dollars hit with a reality check

They may not be breaking the law, but the taxes multinationals pay are not proportional to the profits they are raking in. That’s something laws passed earlier this week seek to change.

  • Millie Muroi


Weighing up tax implications.

Will a share transfer after death trigger a tax trap?

Generally, when an asset changes ownership, a capital gains tax assessment is triggered. But there are exceptions.

  • Paul Benson
The LNP expects to reduce debt, criticising the Labor government for borrowing money in “everyday spending” projects.

‘Respect for people’s money’: Crisafulli flags LNP budget priorities

The LNP has ramped up its rhetoric on economic management, including a pledge to upskill public servants – not sack them – to save money on consultants.

  • Catherine Strohfeldt
Doing the calculations on the cost of renting vs selling a property can be necessary so you don’t get slugged with surprise taxes.

Should we sell or rent our elderly mother’s house?

Doing the calculations on the cost of renting versus selling a property can be necessary so you don’t get slugged with surprise taxes.

  • Paul Benson
Forget the argument over negative gearing. The capital gains tax concession needs change.

Never mind negative gearing – this is the real steal

Everyone seems to have an opinion on negative gearing, but the way the country taxes capital gains is costing a fortune and adding to house price pain.

  • Shane Wright
If Prime Minister Anthony Albanese wants to change negative gearing, he’ll need to fight for it. But it could be the right call.

If Albanese wants this fight, he’ll need to gear up for a big one

Negative gearing is a totemic policy because of the way any attempt at reform can be turned into an assault on aspiration or a scare about a tax grab.

  • David Crowe
Keeping your cash in your home loan, or putting it into an investment option can be a difficult decision.

Should I max out my offset account or invest in shares instead?

Figuring out how to make your money work harder for you can be challenging enough, let alone in a cost-of-living crisis.

  • Caterina Hrysomallis
With tax rates at an all-time high, getting your house in order tax-wise is more important than ever.

Why sorting your tax early this year is more important than ever

You need to look for every tax deduction and defer any income you can, and take advice on your particular circumstances so you don’t overdo it.

  • Julia Hartman
Not all home maintenance and repair work can be deducted at tax time for landlords.

Nine out of 10 landlords are getting their income tax returns wrong, and the ATO is watching

Dodgy landlords making inflated claims for repairs and maintenance on their rental properties are firmly in the Australian Tax Office’s sights.

  • Rachel Clun
Outgoing ATO boss Chris Jordan says the agency needs stronger powers to deal with the rise in criminal activities.

We need our own tax cops to chase cheats: ATO chief

The retiring head of the tax office, Chris Jordan, says the organisation needs more powers as criminals attempt to fleece taxpayers and steal their identities.

  • Shane Wright

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