Thanks for joining us for today's fires blog - I'm going to wind it down for the day now.
Tomorrow morning there likely won't be a live blog at this stage - there are milder weather conditions expected over the next week or so, and the warning levels for most of the fires that are currently burning have been lowered.
But conditions might change and if the fire risk increases again, then we will certainly start up the live blog again tomorrow.
And as Premier Daniel Andrews has pointed out, the bushfire season isn't over yet, so if there are any serious fires in the coming weeks then we will surely get the blog started again, since it is such an effective way of relaying updates on fast-changing situations.
Of course, we will keep reporting on the fires in the Alpine and East Gippsland areas over the coming days and weeks, and these articles will be be made freely available to readers of The Age website, regardless of whether or not you are a paid subscriber.