

This was published 5 years ago

Changes to Victoriana will be keenly watched by Macquarie Street

By Kylar Loussikian and Samantha Hutchinson
Don Markwell is now the head of St Paul's College at Sydney University.

Don Markwell is now the head of St Paul's College at Sydney University.Credit: Shakespeare

Fans of bawdy sea shanties rejoice ⁠— Sydney University’s St Paul’s College has decided to keep its popular Victoriana revue months after tensions led many to fear it would mean the decades-long tradition would meet a quick end under the thumb of warden Don Markwell.

Markwell ⁠— a senior adviser to then education minister Christopher Pyne and former attorney-general George Brandis ⁠— had promised “significant changes” to the city’s most famous boys' club when he was appointed last year.

As CBD reported in April, Markwell met several times with the production team behind the annual cabaret homage to monarchs past, with specific concerns about some of the more risque numbers in the repertoire.

Any changes to Victoriana will be keenly watched by the Macquarie Street crowd — the revue has previously attracted the likes of former governor Marie Bashir, Arts Minister Don Harwin, former families minister Pru Goward and NSW Nationals upper house MP Ben Franklin.

Now we hear Victoriana is back on ⁠— with one significant change.

For the first time in decades, it’ll be in late September not July.

And while the email sent by producers put the reason for this “wonderful change” down to mid-year exams, we hear the real reason is that there has been some serious difficulty in pinning down talent, including a former producer Owen Elsley who is overseas.

The show will this year be run by Peter Cousens, the well-known performer most noted for running his Kookaburra national musical theatre into the ground, and lawyer James Bell.

Some, however, are unhappy about Bell’s apparent self-selection to run the show.


This, we are told, is all up for debate when the St Paul’s College union board, complete with its seven vice-presidents, meet on Monday evening.


Charlie Aitken has had a better month at his Aitken Investment Management fund.

Charlie Aitken has had a better month at his Aitken Investment Management fund.Credit: Brook Mitchell

This week we finally find out how well (or not) money managers across the city performed.

It’s been somewhat of a shocker for our favourite eastern suburbs célébrité stockbroker Charlie Aitken, prompting Seven West billionaire Kerry Stokes to make some hasty interventions including dispatching his trusted envoy Warwick Smith to turn Aitken Investment Management around.

Having recorded a 14.8 per cent negative performance to the end of May, we hear Aitken has turned a corner just in time for the final month of the financial year.

He’s up 5.3 per cent in June, according to well-placed sources.

Pop the Krug, hell, why not dish out the caviar too!

And there is other Aitken Investment Management news.

On Monday he separates from Sequoia Asset Management, who for three years has been running a $10 million fund for retail investors to put their money in AIM. Those poor suckers.

Instead, he’s setting up shop with Perpetual.

We are told the parting was mutual.

Still, Aitken's losing streak is nothing compared to the geniuses at the ASX-listed Antipodes Global Investments, which is worth $120 million less than the value of all its assets combined.

What that says about the investment strategy of its boss, former Platinum Asset Management portfolio manager Jacob Mitchell, we will leave for others to contemplate.


Spotted in Brisbane on Friday for the opening of a major survey of Ben Quilty’s work: Museum of Contemporary Art Foundation director and philanthropist Dick Quan, National Gallery of Australia boss Nick Mitzevich and his successor at the Art Gallery of South Australia Rhana Devenport.

The show, as reviewed by one party attendee, is “an absolute f---ing knock-out”.

Meanwhile, closer to home, we noted Families Minister Gareth Ward was hosting a Saturday knees-up at the Woolloomooloo Bay Hotel to celebrate his birthday while new Labor leader Jodi McKay celebrated her win over Chris Minns at Chinese diner Sky Phoenix with her closest supporters.


Bondi Junction herbalist Shuquan Liu is best known for his 101 Wellbeing program, which promises a total body overhaul by replacing all meals with mysterious Chinese tea for weeks. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Liu is suspended by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency.

But that hasn’t stopped the likes of Malcolm Turnbull, Eddie McGuire, John Symond and former Australian Securities and Investments Commission chairman Greg Medcraft flocking to Liu’s TCM Australia offices for the $6000 program.

(“I lost 18 kilos in three months!” Medcraft says in a testimonial which has since been removed from Liu’s website. “For the first month, I only took herbs which reset my appetite. In total, I dropped to 64 kilos, stabilising at 69.”)

More recently, we’ve heard there’s a new customer: cricket great Shane Warne.

This week, other brave souls on their own 101 Wellbeing journey have seen a valuable clue.

There are two boxes of the supposed miracle tea marked “Shane Warne” inside the Liu's Melbourne office waiting room, packaged up and ready for dispatch.

At $259 a box, that’s one high price for a pre-Ashes shred.

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