

This was published 10 years ago

Double votes for business in City of Sydney an assault on democracy

By Alex Greenwich

Thanks to the support of the New South Wales government and Fred Nile, the Shooters and Fishers Party's plan to remove the long-standing democratic principle of one-vote-one value from local government elections has become a reality.

New South Wales has turned into an alternate universe where tabloid media, shock jocks and gun toting cowboys set the agenda while the government eagerly follows.

In support of two votes for business: Premier Mike Baird.

In support of two votes for business: Premier Mike Baird.Credit: Natalie Roberts

At a time when public confidence in state politics is at an all-time low, Premier Mike Baird has helped lower the bar even further by strengthening the influence big business has on local government decisions and removing the independence of council elections.

A key principle of democracy is that all members of the community have equal access to the political process, regardless of how much money they earn: one vote, one value. No matter how much tax each person pays, their say on polling day should be equal.

But business will now have two votes in the City of Sydney while residents only have one, because the government says business contributes more in rates and representation at the ballot box should be based on wealth.

The government's other reasoning is that the average household has two people - so each business should have two votes. This really is clutching at straws. Resident voters do not represent their household, they represent themselves.

The fact is the government knows democracy will not give it the Lord Mayor it wants, so it has to gerrymander the system.

Ironically, while the Baird government has been touting the so-called success of the Melbourne model - which gives businesses two votes in the City of Melbourne - a Victorian government-appointed review panel recommended Melbourne restore one-vote-one value. Local Government NSW and the bipartisan NSW Legislation Review Committee have also condemned the proposals.

From the backbench to the front yard, people across NSW are appalled by the government's assault on democracy at the most local level of government and the community has mounted a strong campaign.


You'd think that making radical changes to voting rules would warrant widespread consultation but no one in the community or the City of Sydney had seen the bill before the government announced its support. There wasn't even proper scrutiny of the legislation.

Of great concern is that the City of Sydney general manager, and not the Electoral Commissioner, will now manage the non-residential rolls. This removes all independence and risks interference and rorting of the electoral rolls by a politically motivated administration. Would you want the Premier's department to manage the electoral roll for tate elections? Independent elections are fundamental to healthy democracies and should not be compromised.

Management of local government elections were transferred to the Electoral Commissioner in an amendment moved by the government in 1998 when in opposition – why the sudden change of heart against independent elections?

With the Independent Commission Against Corruption uncovering the influence business has had on decision-makers, the Premier has promised to remove such influence. The government's support for a bill that strengthens the influence business and developers have on council decisions shows his promises are empty.

Alex Greenwich is the NSW Member for Sydney.

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