

This was published 10 years ago

Melbourne report slams Sydney business voting model

By James Robertson

As the state government appears to press ahead with reforms to give businesses two votes in City of Sydney elections, an independent review has recommended overturning the same system in Melbourne.

Under legislation expected to be debated in the upper house on Wednesday, the Baird government is expected to support changes that would endow businesses with two votes in City of Sydney elections.

"A strong warning": Sydney lord mayor Clover Moore.

"A strong warning": Sydney lord mayor Clover Moore.Credit: Michel O'Sullivan

But an independent review of Victoria's election system, where it was introduced in Melbourne, has criticised the practice and recommended it be reversed.

"A corporation is a legal individual and it should be treated as an individual and that means one vote," said the chairman of the Victorian independent electoral review panel, former federal Liberal MP Petro Georgiou.

Giving businesses two votes was implemented in Melbourne by the Kennett government to give companies greater say in the city.

The NSW bill, modelled on the Melbourne system, was introduced by the Shooters and Fishers Party following the recommendation of a joint parliamentary committee.

Lord mayor Clover Moore has seized upon the review as evidence why the government should abandon the legislation.

"This review has debunked the claim that the Melbourne business voting model works and sends a strong warning against adopting a system that Melbourne may soon abandon," she said.

If passed, the change is widely believed to have the potential to undermine Ms Moore's political stronghold by flooding elections with tens of thousands of new and likely more conservative votes.


But the government appears set to debate the legislation unaltered in Wednesday's sitting of Parliament.

"We support reforms that remove any obstacles that get in the way of people exercising their democratic right," a spokeswoman for the Local Government Minister Paul Toole said.

Mr Georgiou and his panel are also critical of another aspect of the Melbourne model, namely giving responsibility for maintaining the electoral roll to council itself and not the state electoral commission.

"We wanted to give it to an agency whose object is to maintain an effective roll," he said. "Councils make it quite clear it's not [their] main line of business and it would be too costly".

The Shooters and Fishers legislation gives council officers the power to fine businesses up to $2200 for failing to provide information for the electoral roll.

"It is not the job of council officers to police elections," said Labor's local government spokeswoman Sophie Cotsis.

About 100,000 people were enrolled at the last City of Sydney election. Only about 1700 businesses voted.

Currently all business owners who pay more than $5000 a year in rent have the right to vote but must re-enrol every election, a system critics say is unwieldy and designed to discourage their participation.

Independent MP Alex Greenwich has introduced a bill competing with the Shooters and Fishers to establish a permanent roll for business voters.

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