

This was published 4 months ago

Despite my complaint, the person who sexually harassed me was made permanent. How do I cope?

By Kirstin Ferguson

Each week, Dr Kirstin Ferguson tackles questions on the workplace, career and leadership in her advice column “Got a Minute?” This week: sexual harassment in the workplace, changing job descriptions and a big choice to make before a pay rise.

Harassment of any kind should never be tolerated in the workplace.

Harassment of any kind should never be tolerated in the workplace.Credit: Dionne Gain

I am the only female surgeon in my department, and I was sexually harassed and victimised by my director. I complained to my hospital, and their strategy for dealing with it was to have me report to a deputy director. Despite my complaint, my director was given a permanent appointment. I am being further victimised and my reputation is being damaged. I am so shocked and sickened. What can I do?


I am so sorry to hear this has happened to you, and I am appalled the hospital can possibly think changing the reporting lines of the woman who has been harassed is an adequate response. I would encourage you to take your complaint further if you felt able.

We saw another woman in healthcare who had experienced a terrible situation speak up. Doing so is forcing employers to reconsider their inept strategies for dealing with these situations and ensuring they do not happen again.

In the first instance, should you wish to, you can contact the Australian Human Rights Commission, make a whistleblower complaint, or you can make a confidential complaint to the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. Whatever you decide, you do not need to accept this behaviour or the impact it is having on your career and mental health. Please take care.

I love my job and the large, high-profile charity I work for, but I recently got a new boss. She is great, but she has led a significant strategic shift which has led me and my team to end up with very different day-to-day jobs. We didn’t sign up for this. I have raised it with my boss, but she says it is what the organisation needs. Is there anything I can do?

Whenever a new boss comes into a team, there are invariably changes, but a great boss will make those changes in consultation and collaboration with her direct reports. It sounds like that hasn’t happened. I would be curious to know how different the role you are doing now is. Do you have the same title and responsibilities but the way you now undertake the role is different? Or has the entire vision and purpose for the company changed?

Anyone working in a charity will be committed to a particular purpose and if that changes, so I can understand how challenging that would be. Either way, speak to your boss and try to understand her reasoning. I would also ask her what it is she needs to see from you – what does success look like now for you and your team – and then you can assess if this is still a role you want to do. It may be your boss hasn’t realised she has moved a little more quickly than everyone else and so perhaps needs to slow down to ensure she brings everyone else on the journey too.


I’m a senior physiotherapist in a public hospital. If I wish to stay in a clinical role, I’m at the top of the pay scale. Any higher paying roles would require me to step away and go into management. It seems like a waste of 12 years of dedicated work, plus a Master’s degree to expand my specialist skills, to suddenly go sit behind a desk. How do I reconcile the need to progress career and income with not feeling like I’m throwing it all away?

It sounds like you are at a crossroads in your career to decide what path you want to go down. I remember being in your position at one point in my career, but in reverse. I did a law degree thinking I would practise law. But once I was qualified, I decided instead to pursue management roles because when all was said and done, I really enjoyed leading teams and worried a technical role would take me away from that.


If you love your technical, clinical work and want to continue to do that for the moment, it sounds like that is what you really enjoy and where you have spent so much time and effort to work towards. I would keep focusing on what you enjoy and then, perhaps down the track, you can change your mind. The benefit for you is it is much easier to move from a technical role into management at any point in your career. Trying to do it in reverse can be much more difficult. Don’t ever feel like the management options will be closed to you and perhaps speak to others in your hospital about ways you can start to become exposed to management roles, without losing a hand in the work you love.

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