

The 10 words that are banned from the Good Food Guide

Crispy skinned porchetta - just don't dare describe it as crispy.
Crispy skinned porchetta - just don't dare describe it as crispy.William Meppem

They may seem innocuous enough, but these ten words are on the no-no list for any Good Food Guide reviewers, no matter how 'crispy' the crackling.

Bellissimo! Delicioso! Olé! Bon appetit! Spare us the foreign-language sign-off. Arigato!

Crispy Crisp is fine. Preserve your "ys" – you may need them later. For words like jiggly, wobbly, dastardly and stupidly.


Devour If you're a dinosaur devouring a unicorn, we can live with it. Everyone else, please try again.

Funky A room is not funky, but dry-roasted shrimp paste can be.

Gobble Is only OK if you're talking about the noise a turkey makes..

Iconic when you mean famous. The Momofuku pork buns are famous. The Sydney Opera House is iconic.

Nestled You know what's nestled? A baby penguin against its dad, a set of mid-century tables and Russian dolls in varying sizes. Do you know what's probably not? That asparagus dressed with a poached egg.


Smothered Approach with caution. Unless you are describing a dish that's had its nose and mouth held until it suffocates to death. In which case, smother away.

Toothsome Ugh.

Unique It it actually? Or is it rare or special in some way?

The Good Food Guide's second annual national edition, with hats awarded across Australia, was launched on October 8 with our presenting partners Vittoria Coffee and Citi. The Good Food Guide 2019 is on sale in newsagencies, bookstores and via (delivery included), RRP $29.99.

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