
Sarah Berry

Sarah Berry

Lifestyle Health Editor

Sarah Berry is a lifestyle and health writer at The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.Connect via Twitter or email.

Laura Piccardi (above) found pushing harder only led to more problems.

The 'three key ways' stress impacts body weight

The complex relationship between stress and weight means that more exercise and less food can result in weight gain and worse health.

  • Sarah Berry
The wealthy reap the benefits of the Mediterranean diet.

New research suggests the Mediterranean diet only works for the wealthy

New research has found that the Mediterranean diet works, but not for everyone.

  • Sarah Berry
Supersize me: Big portions are contributing to a big problem.

Supersize me: our portion sizes are getting bigger

We tend to eat what we're given, so bigger portion sizes mean obesity rates are up.

  • Sarah Berry
"Flexible" eating allows a day a week to have whatever you want.

'Flexible' eating is as effective as controlling calories, CSIRO study finds

There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to weight-loss.

  • Sarah Berry
Image from Hippie Lane: The Cookbook by Taline Gabrielian (Murdoch Books, RRP $39.99).

How hippie food went mainstream

"I think hippie culture is a crucial and positive step toward prevention and wellbeing."

  • Sarah Berry
Soup for you: Move over, coconut water – it's all about bone broth now.

Bone broth becomes the hottest fad food trend of 2015

Soup! It has mystical connections to the ancient world, you see.

  • Sarah Berry
Glass of milk

The skinny on low-fat

A new Harvard paper questions whether reduced-fat dairy recommendations are right.

  • Sarah Berry

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