

This was published 8 years ago

Politics Live: February 3, 2016

Hello and welcome to Wednesday. The High Court has thrown out a challenge to the government's policy of offshore detention. Let's listen in on the reaction to the decision.

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Okey dokey. Time to wrap up. What happened today?

  • the High Court upheld the system of offshore immigration detention;
  • refugee groups are calling on the government to allow the group of about 250 people affected by the decision to stay in Australia;
  • Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull did not specifically address the decision in question time today but he emphasised the need for a "robust" immigration system that did not provide any encouragement to people smugglers;
  • Mr Turnbull is also facing dissent in his ranks about the possibility of an increase in the GST;
  • and former prime minister Paul Keating has entered the GST debate with a piece in which he offered something for everyone.

My thanks to Andrew Meares and Alex Ellinghausen for their super work and to you for reading and commenting.

You can follow me on Facebook.

Alex, Andrew and I will be back in the morning and hope to see you then. Until then, good night.

Let's have something a bit lighter before I think about finishing up.

It's the age old story - farmer wants a wife but the women are too busy running for parliament.

Megan Purcell is one of the four contestants competing for the affections of livestock farmer Julz on the latest season of the Nine Network's popular dating show, The Farmer Wants a Wife.

The 31-year-old has also just been preselected to run for the Liberal Party in the Victorian seat of Bendigo.

Over in the Senate a motion has just been passed noting that it has been 150 days since Australia had a Sex Discrimination Commissioner.

"To achieve gender equality, the Liberal government needs to so much more than just deny a visa for an American sexist lunatic who incites rape," Greens senator Larissa Waters, the author of the motion, said.

"The Turnbull government needs to reverse its funding cuts to domestic violence services and commit adequate funding to these services and domestic violence prevention. It must drop its attack on paid parental leave, stop threatening to charge women for pap smears and promote more women to cabinet. We also need improved reporting by big businesses on their gender pay gaps; affordable accessible childcare and decriminalised, accessible abortion."

(It has also been 539 says since we had a full time Disability Discrimination Commissioner.)


You might recall Small Business Minister Kelly O'Dwyer earlier today saying that she was in constant communication with her colleagues about the possibility of an increase in the GST.

Now it seems as if concern among government MPs is hardening into opposition.

James Massola and Mark Kenny report that a growing number of MPs do not want an increase in the GST because they fear the political consequences and/or because it conflicts with their ideas about small government.

On another matter - marriage equality.

Warren Entsch says the government could still walk away from its plan to hold a plebiscite on same sex marriage, opening up the prospect of Parliament voting on the issue before the federal election.

Mr Entsch, who is working with Attorney-General George Brandis to develop the plebiscite, said when details came before the party room, it would give the Coalition the chance to discuss the issue again (because that went so well last time).

He also criticised Labor MP Terri Butler for saying she was considering bring the matter back on for a debate and vote in the near future.

Labor MP Terri Butler was ejected from the house during question time on Wednesday.

Labor MP Terri Butler was ejected from the house during question time on Wednesday.Credit: Andrew Meares

Mr Marles is being pressed on whether the people affected by the decision should go back to Nauru.

"You can't help but feel a sense of compassion for those who are involved," he tells Sky News.

But, he seems to be saying, they should go back to Nauru because to allow them to remain in Australia would encourage the people smuggling trade.

The government needs to do much better in terms of resettlement times, Mr Marles says, and find more third country in which asylum seekers could be resettled.


Labor's immigration spokesman Richard Marles is expanding on his pre question time statement about the High Court's decision.

"It's a really difficult and heart wrenching space," Mr Marles says.

"Offshore processing has played a critical role bringing an end to the loss of life at sea....The question of morality in this space is really complex."

The Age's political editor, Michael Gordon, who has covered the immigration debate for many years now, says it is time for restraint.

"The most prudent course would be to say little and do nothing that will compound the distress of those who, after all, were only brought back to Australia because of serious mental and physical health concerns," Michael writes in this analysis piece.

"If it really believes it can't say that vulnerable families and children will be allowed to stay in Australia, it can assess each case individually and not act in a way that will cause even more harm than has been done already. The bigger decision confronting the Prime Minister is what to do about those still on Nauru, including some 537 people (and 68 children) still in the processing centre, and the 1000-plus men in custody on Manus, who continue to endure conditions that international agencies insist are in clear breach of human rights standards."

So where does the government go from here? Round up the couple of hundred people from their lives in Australia (including babies and children who have just gone back to school) and send them back to Nauru as soon as possible? Or show a bit of compassion?


Back to the High Court's decision for a while.

You will have noticed two things about question time in relation to this matter.

One is that Labor did not want anything to do with it. It was up to the Coalition to ask Mr Turnbull a question about it and Mr Turnbull took the opportunity to show he is not deviating one jot from the hardline border security message of his predecessor (which also serves as a message of another sort to those who are not 100 per cent in his thrall inside the party).

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during question time on Wednesday.

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during question time on Wednesday.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

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