

This was published 8 years ago

High Court decision puts the onus squarely on Malcolm Turnbull

By Michael Gordon

Now that the legality of detaining asylum seekers indefinitely on foreign shores has been upheld by the High Court, Malcolm Turnbull has some big decisions to make.

The most immediate is whether he moves quickly to send around 100 children, including 37 babies, to the tiny, sweltering island with their mothers to face a precarious life in limbo.

Barely a fortnight ago, Immigration Minister Peter Dutton signalled that this was the government's intent, saying it would leave just seven children in mainland detention centres.

But now is the time for restraint – and the onus is on Turnbull and Dutton to display it.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during the GST debate in Parliament last week.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during the GST debate in Parliament last week. Credit: Andrew Meares

The most prudent course would be to say little and do nothing that will compound the distress of those who, after all, were only brought back to Australia because of serious mental and physical health concerns.

If Turnbull's initial declaration as PM that he cares about the plight of those languishing on Nauru and Manus means anything, no child will be ripped out of an Australian school and put on a plane to Nauru.

The same applies to the dozen or so women who allege they were the victims of sexual assaults and harassment on Nauru. And the same goes for the babies born in Australia whose pictures appeared on Fairfax platforms this week.


To a large extent, the government is captive to its own brutal rhetoric and the mindset that any show of compassion will represent a green light for people smugglers to resume their trade.

If it really believes it can't say that vulnerable families and children will be allowed to stay in Australia, it can assess each case individually and not act in a way that will cause even more harm than has been done already.

The bigger decision confronting the Prime Minister is what to do about those still on Nauru, including some 537 people (and 68 children) still in the processing centre, and the 1000-plus men in custody on Manus, who continue to endure conditions that international agencies insist are in clear breach of human rights standards.

One certainty is that the court's decision represents another body blow to those who are already on the edge - who exist on a diet of sedatives and pain killers and regularly resort to self-harm.

Rather than step up security at Manus, now is the time to increase psychological support for those at risk.

The government is captive to its own brutal rhetoric and the mindset that any show of compassion will represent a green light for people smugglers to resume their trade

What is most urgently required is a serious effort to engage the United Nations refugee agency to find a durable solution.

Efforts to offload these people on other poor countries like Cambodia with no capacity to resettle refugees on any scale have come to nought and cost a small fortune. The focus should be on engaging resettlement countries, including the United States and New Zealand (who has a standing offer on the table to assist).

Australia's commitment to take 12,000 refugees from Syria is a solid foundation to re-open discussion on this difficult topic, but the reality is that a portion of those on Manus and Nauru should have the chance to rebuild their lives on Australian soil, especially those with strong family ties to those already here.

The court has removed much of the legal uncertainty about the indefinite detention of asylum seekers offshore. Only the Prime Minister can end the nightmare of those involved.

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