

This was published 9 years ago

Australians 'sickened' by thought of Bali executions: Tony Abbott

By Stephanie Peatling and Matthew Knott

Australians are "sickened" at the thought that Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran could be executed as soon as this week, Prime Minister Tony Abbott said as he continued to pressure the Indonesian government to show mercy towards the convicted drug smugglers.

Mr Abbott told Channel Ten on Sunday the Australian government would not ignore the executions, but he would not be drawn on whether he would consider withdrawing Australia's ambassador to Jakarta.

Tony Abbott visits Castlereagh in Sydney's western suburbs on Sunday morning.

Tony Abbott visits Castlereagh in Sydney's western suburbs on Sunday morning.Credit: Michele Mossop

"We will be finding ways to make our displeasure felt," Mr Abbott told The Bolt Report.

"Millions of Australians are feeling sickened by what might be about to happen in Indonesia."

For the second day in a row Mr Abbott raised the issue as the federal government continues to put pressure on the Indonesian government.

Earlier on Sunday at a function in western Sydney Mr Abbott accused the Indonesian government of hypocrisy in asking other countries not to execute its citizens convicted overseas.

"We are at the 11th hour, but even at this late stage, we are maximising our representations to the Indonesian government," Mr Abbott said.

"What we are asking of Indonesia is what Indonesia asks of other countries when its citizens are on death row, and if it's right for Indonesia to ask and expect some kind of clemency, it's surely right for us to ask and expect some kind of clemency.


"Yes, these two young Australians have done a very bad thing. They deserve jail time, they don't deserve to die."

As Mr Abbott was appearing on Channel Ten his office released a statement from the Prime Minister saying he would mark Parliament's return in a week's time with a national security statement.

Mr Abbott is reviewing the report into the Martin Place siege and is expected shortly to make it public.

"It's clear to me, that for too long, we have given those who might be a threat to our country the benefit of the doubt," Mr Abbott said in a statement.

"There's been the benefit of the doubt at our borders, the benefit of the doubt for residency, the benefit of the doubt for citizenship and the benefit of the doubt at Centrelink. And in the courts, there has been bail, when clearly there should have been jail."

Mr Abbott signalled a further tightening of anti-terrorism legislation.

"We are a free and fair nation. But that doesn't mean we should let bad people play us for mugs, and all too often they have. Well, that's going to stop".

Mr Abbott blamed his concentration on national security last year for his failure to realise the extent of his backbench's unhappiness with his leadership.

"I suppose last year I was so focused on economic security issues, on national security issues, that I didn't have enough time to talk to my colleagues. This, obviously, was a terrible mistake. It was a terrible failing. It's not something that I'm ever going to repeat."

Mr Abbott said the changes he made to the whips' positions on Friday were an attempt to make sure he would be "very much aware" of what was going on inside the party.

"If it's going on inside the party it's going on inside the community," Mr Abbott said.

Mr Abbott again defended his decision to award a knighthood to Prince Philip saying he did not consider what the public would make of the move but that the time had come to move on.

"It wasn't so much a question of 'would the public like it', it was more a question of 'was this a fitting honour for someone who has given tremendous service to Australia and to the wider world'," he said.

Fresh appeals by Bishop, Plibersek

On Sunday, Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop and Labor's foreign affairs spokeswoman Tanya Plibersek also made fresh appeals for the Indonesian President to show mercy to Chan and Sukumaran.

"A decade on from their crimes Myuran and Andrew are changed men. They have shown deep remorse and are committed to assisting other prisoners," Ms Bishop said in a statement.

"They deserve an opportunity to continue repaying their debt to society."

The statements were read out during a media conference on Sunday attended by Sukumaran's grandmother Edith Visvanathan, his uncle Roshan Visvanathan and cousin Andrew Rajeevan.

Ms Plibersek said Sukumaran and Chan "have demonstrated genuine remorse".

"These two young men have done the wrong thing. They have broken the law, and deserve to be punished," she said in a statement.

"But the opposition is united with the government in urging mercy for Andrew and Myuran. We oppose the death penalty, for every offence, for everyone, everywhere."

Ms Plibersek said the two men deserved an opportunity to continue repaying their debt to society.

Australia was only asking of Indonesia what it asks on behalf of its own citizens facing death in other countries, she said.

- with AAP

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