

This was published 9 years ago

Bali nine executions: Australian officials called to meeting with Indonesia's Minister of Foreign Affairs

By Jewel Topsfield

The execution of Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran is imminent with the grim news Australian embassy officials have been summonsed to a meeting in Jakarta on Monday.

Officials will be told the men will be given 72 hours notice before they are killed, Indonesian foreign affairs spokesman Arrmanatha Nasir confirmed.

Executions imminent: Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran.

Executions imminent: Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran.Credit: Anta Kesuma

The meeting will also discuss embassy and family access to the doomed men and media coverage of the executions.

Mr Nasir said he did not know the date of the executions.

"Millions of Australians are feeling very, very upset": Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

"Millions of Australians are feeling very, very upset": Prime Minister Tony Abbott.Credit: Christopher Pearce

News of the meeting comes as Prime Minister Tony Abbott effectively accused Indonesia of hypocrisy over proceeding with executions while lobbying for the lives of its own citizens on death row overseas – including those on drug charges.

"I should also just observe today that millions of Australians are feeling very, very upset about what may soon happen to two Australians in Indonesia and my plea even at this late stage is for Indonesia to be as responsive to us as it expects other countries to be to them when they plead for the lives of their citizens on death row overseas," he said at a charity event.

Other embassies whose citizens are in the next batch to face the firing squad have also been summonsed to the meeting.

However the lawyer for Brazilian man Rodrigo Gularte, who was convicted for smuggling 19 kilograms of cocaine in his surfboard in 2004, is hopeful he will be given a reprieve because he is mentally-ill.


Ricco Akbar said his client had been diagnosed with symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia and needed to be taken to hospital for further evaluation.

"I am confident this means my client can't be executed. It's against the law to execute a mentally-ill person or a pregnant woman. But the decision will be made by the Attorney-General's office. So we will have to wait and see."

The foreign embassies whose citizens were killed in the first round of executions in Indonesia this year were notified just before Attorney-General H.M. Prasetyo held a press conference on January 16 to announce the timing.

The drug felons were shot dead just after midnight three days later.

The Indonesian government has ordered Chan and Sukumaran be transferred from Bali's Kerobokan jail to Nusakambangan island, known as Indonesia's Alcatraz, where the executions will take place.

The date of the transfer has not been confirmed but the men have been spooked by obvious preparations, such as guards breaking the padlock on their doors and searching their cells.

A meeting planned to discuss the logistics of the transfer in Bali was cancelled on Friday.

Garuda Indonesia has said it will not transfer the men on its planes after a social media backlash calling on people to boycott the airline following media reports it would be involved.

Friends of Chan and Sukumaran, including artist Ben Quilty, have been told they will not be able to visit again.

Once prisoners are given the 72-hour notice period, only family members, lawyers, embassy staff and religious figures are allowed to see them.

On the last day the family can only visit until midday. The prisoners are then held in total isolation with only a religious representative present.

Supporters of Chan and Sukumaran were this week enraged to learn Indonesian President Joko Widodo had instructed that "optimum protection" be offered to 229 Indonesian citizens sentenced to death overseas – including those charged with drug offences – while in the same breath vowing to execute drug smugglers in Indonesia.

"Optimum protection" includes hiring professional lawyers to defend them, holding meetings with family members and seeking amnesty from the heads of states or victims' families.

Many Indonesian workers, mostly from Aceh, have been prosecuted in Malaysian courts for trafficking drugs and marijuana to the neighbouring country and many death row convicts have been already executed.

A petition organised by the Mercy Campaign calling on the men's lives to be spared has been signed by almost 160,000 people.

With Karuni Rompies, Amilia Rosa, Sarah Whyte

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