

This was published 4 years ago


Free management education for displaced workers needed

Years of writing about and studying entrepreneurship and innovation have helped me understand that that every problem is a potential opportunity.

Yes, an entrepreneurship mindset seems trite today as stores close and job loses soar. No one wants to talk about opportunities when so many people here and overseas are struggling. Positives are hard to find in a pandemic that has upended our way of life.

Many Australians are currently struggling but there does need to be forward thinking about business growth on the other side of this crisis.

Many Australians are currently struggling but there does need to be forward thinking about business growth on the other side of this crisis. Credit: istock

However, "building a bridge" to get to the other side of this health and economic crisis, as the federal government puts it, is not enough. Business needs to be stronger when it gets there. We will need more creators, innovators and entrepreneurs – in commercial and social enterprises, large and small.

We will need people with new and expanded skills. People who, perhaps, look at work problems differently after coronavirus and can turn them into opportunities and create value for their employer, the community and themselves. People who take their career in new directions.

The opportunity we have now is: time. Those who, sadly, have lost work through no fault of their own and have few options to find new work, suddenly have lots of extra time.

How do we turn that time into an asset with a supercharged return? Through education.

Imagine if 50,000 people who have lost their job and are unemployed for the next six to nine months (let’s hope the crisis ends sooner) could start and finish an online MBA or Master of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Some may have never gone to university; others would have never thought about post-graduate education, let alone an MBA, or had time and money to do one.

Imagine if Australia’s 12 largest universities collaborated and each offered one subject towards a new MBA or Master of Innovation and Entrepreneurship for people who have lost their job, had their hours cut or have extra time on their hands – and some clever academics took those courses and assembled them into a groundbreaking innovation program.

The program would have no entry requirements and be free for those eligible (that is, people stood down or unemployed). All material would be delivered online and students would still have to submit individual and group assignments and pass exams, as they do with any degree.


For arguments sake, the degree might have 12 subjects, each delivered online in three-week blocks. Motivated students could start and finish their free course in nine months.

Even better, the federal government could subsidise universities for assessing that work. We would still need sessional lecturers marking assignments and group projects.

Universities could be called on to help with innovation education for our economic recovery.

Universities could be called on to help with innovation education for our economic recovery. Credit: Paul Jones

Heaven knows, universities barely pay sessional lecturers enough now for marking student work, so I’m guessing the assessment cost per student, for government, should be manageable. Perhaps we could create thousands of jobs for sessional lecturers. Marking is torturous work but any job now is, as our Prime Minister says, an "essential job".

I am sure many will scoff at this idea. But think about the potential return from having tens of thousands of people accessing a course that would normally cost $30,000 or more, for free. The long-term return on investment for the community would be incredible.

If Australia is serious about boosting its productivity, surely now is the time to load up on skills, when thing are quiet in many industries.

If business wants to be more innovative, surely encouraging staff to learn the latest thinking in innovation, entrepreneurship and management is the way to do it.

If policymakers are serious about addressing mental health issues, they should understand the importance of keeping displaced workers busy and motivated through learning.

I saw this firsthand during my Master of Entrepreneurship. Some students had failed ventures, were in between jobs or lacking self-confidence. Education was a form of solace. It helped them reset, built self-esteem, gave purpose, created connections. It changed lives.

More than ever, people need to be earning or learning online. Yes, we need time to get over the shock of coronavirus, care for loved ones, protect our health and survive financially. Governments, too, need time to focus on urgent health and economic issues. Training is a lesser priority.

But it will be truly calamitous if tens of thousands of people spend the next six to nine months watching Netflix all day. What an incredible lost skills-development opportunity for individuals, industry and the country.

No one would suggest that an innovation education idea of this scale, at this speed, is easy. Universities would need to need to put the usual bureaucracy and rivalries to one side to make it happen. But a innovation program with assessment, designed in respond to COVID-19 from Australia’s best universities, has so many advantages.


First, it has a piece of paper at the end that recognises the qualification. It is much more than a massive open online course and a genuine qualification in its own right that employers recognise.

Second, a program that cuts across several universities would not greatly cannibalise existing management courses or uni revenue. The program would only be offered to those displaced and it would be temporary – an extraordinary education innovation for extraordinary times.

Universities would have to learn on the run with a program like this, not unlike governments, companies, health systems, schools and many others because of coronavirus.

Think about it: our best universities collaborating to create a 'pop-up' Master of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in a matter of weeks for displaced workers, and pivoting as they learn more about the program and those undertaking it. That’s real innovation.

We are already seeing universities and some private providers worldwide offering free courses here and there. This idea takes that concept much further.

The coronavirus economic crisis again reinforces that more people this decade and next will need to create their job, not only apply for it – and that time is an asset that can be turbocharged through innovative thinking on learning and development.

This is the last instalment of The Venture for now. It has been a privilege writing on innovation and entrepreneurship through this column for more than a decade. Thanks to the thousands of readers who have commented over that time. Ironically, my first blog in 2008 was about failed entrepreneurs and the need for governments to do more to support their mental health in a crisis – a topic as relevant today as then.

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