

This was published 5 years ago

Lunch with hedge fund manager Rob Luciano

By Kylar Loussikian

It is a rare occasion that Rob Luciano, the most talked about hedge fund manager in Sydney, agrees to an interview, much less lunch – clearly something is in the air.

We circumnavigate harbour-front Otto, eventually deciding to sit at the very table where shock jock John Laws, once a part-owner of the Woolloomooloo Bay institution, regularly dines.

In the world of fund management, the spectrum runs from media gluttons such as  the outspoken Geoff Wilson of Wilson Asset Management to the highly secretive, such as James Packer’s money managers at Ellerston Capital.

And while Luciano has until now been firmly in the latter camp, the glare of a public profile is something to which the 45-year-old Mosman resident will have to grow accustomed.

Luciano is a serious man, every move (and possible table) is carefully considered. A hint of an inner showman, however, quickly emerges from behind the pressed suit.

His decade-old hedge fund VGI Partners, which now manages $2.1 billion, largely for hundreds of wealthy families, is set to list on the Australian Securities Exchange.

Rob Luciano and family love to dine at Otto.

Rob Luciano and family love to dine at Otto.Credit: James Brickwood

Since 2016, VGI has come to a prominence that belies its size – compared to market giants such as Perpetual and the Hamish Douglass-chaired Magellan Financial – by making big bets on the declining fortunes of listed companies.

It’s aggressive case against former legal giant Slater & Gordon – that the firm was inflating its revenues and its value – was an enormous success, as scandal after scandal pushed its share price from more than $8 to less than 30c.

Now there’s a tussle over the financial health of Corporate Travel Management.


In an investor newsletter circulated late last year, VGI accused the corporate travel agent of aggressive accounting and poor disclosures and operating "phantom" offices.

But VGI’s real success is not due to the small number of bets its taken against well-known Australian-listed companies, Luciano says.

“We’ve had far bigger, successful long investments and, in fact, our most successful short investment by a factor of probably five has been shorting the Australian dollar since parity,” he says.

Then there are the funds’ long-term holdings in Amazon, Mastercard and CME Group, which owns and operates futures exchanges in Chicago, New York and London.

But first, to lunch.

Despite my best attempts, I cannot convince Luciano to drop his usual Diet Coke for a glass of wine.

He tells me this restaurant is a favourite in his family and that he can never go past the strozzapreti, a kind of twisted hand-made pasta, which Otto serves with king prawns, black olives, chilli and a tomato and calamari sauce.

A classic Italian starter – marinated olives, Parmigiano reggiano and grissini.

A classic Italian starter – marinated olives, Parmigiano reggiano and grissini.Credit: James Brickwood

We both order the fish of the day, grilled snapper, on the recommendation of the waiter.

For sides: carrots with pistachio, sour cream and fennel seeds, sauteed spinach with garlic and chilli plus french fries.

Luciano’s modest family background would have given few clues that he and his business partners, Doug Tynan and Rob Poiner, would eventually become some of the most divisive, and successful, fund managers in the country.

(Slater & Gordon’s former chairman John Skippen levelled a number of allegations about the fund short-selling his company’s shares before being dumped from the job, while Corporate Travel Management threatened to sue VGI over its claims.)

His father, whose family migrated from northern Italy before Luciano was born, made a living playing the piano at Raffles in Singapore and later variously at the Menzies Hotel in Sydney and Pruniers in Woollahra (now one of Matt Moran’s Solotel venues Chiswick).

His mother was a schoolteacher.

So how does a son of a pianist and a teacher end up at the top of the city’s fund management game?

The big break wasin 1998 while Luciano was working as an analyst at Prudential-Bache, and stockbrokers voted to turn the ASX from a co-operative into a listed company.

Luciano says despite the new entity being a market monopoly, there was limited interest from financial analysts in covering the company.

He recommended, with a bullish review, that clients buy shares in ASX Limited.

That caught the attention of Mark Nelson, a well-known fund manager who was running the show at Caledonia Investments, backed by the richlist Darling family.

In some ways both the ASX investment and the Caledonia model would set the pace for what would become VGI and, to this day, a large part of the fund's strategy.

“Mark was quite negative [about investing in the ASX]and I argued with him, and he wasn’t used to people arguing with him,” Luciano says.

“Caledonia had an extraordinary reputation even then and they had only been going for six or seven years and to his credit he called me not soon afterwards and said ‘you were right’.

“I said ‘what?'. He goes ‘well you were right, I was wrong, you were right, I should have listened to you and if you ever do any more work again call me’.”

The ASX investment went on to be wildly successful.

It has risen 1692 per cent since the start of 1999, an average of 15 per cent a year.

Eventually Luciano did join Nelson at Caledonia, where he repeated the ASX trick by buying into the Chicago Mercantile Exchange which was similarly shifting from a co-operative to listed company. It became one of Caledonia’s best investments.

When Luciano started his own fund at the age of 33, CME was one of its first positions.

(By now our snapper has arrived, with another Diet Coke.)

Why did he choose the name VGI for his new company? “I always liked the name Viking but it was taken by a smart hedge fund in New York and I didn’t want to add a lawsuit to the risks of a new small business,” Luciano says.

“My mum’s Nordic so my dad would also call her a pazza vichinga which is the crazy Viking and I thought I would call it Vichingo which is the Italian word for Viking.

“You know competitors would say ‘oh how’s Vinchingo’ and then coincidentally a few brokers would call me every now and then and say ‘how’s Vinchingo going?’ and it would really piss me off that they mispronounced it.

“So after not too long I went ‘you f---wits’, and the angry wog in me came out, you know ‘you f------ I’m going to change the name’.”

It could have been Luciano Capital, I suggest. After all, the market is filled with companies named after their founders, from Wilson’s $3 billion money manager Wilson Asset Management to Charlie Aitken’s Aitken Investment Management.

“You’re anchoring yourself if you put your name on it,” Luciano says.

“I think the ultimate success of a funds management firm is the collective intellectual property of the organisation and collective culture and spirit and the ability of a group of people, highly capable people, people who constantly evolve as a team.

“Ultimately, the best investment operation is where the founder or the original establisher of the group is – yes, important – but hopefully over time is the least important person in terms of adding value to your organisation.

“I didn’t know how it was going to turn out but I just thought how can it be, if it’s just about the person, how can it evolve with the one person."

Of course, there have been dozens of companies founded on the creative or strategic genius, for lack of a better word, of one person.

One who has been in the news in the lead-up to our lunch appointment has been American billionaire Warren Buffett, who two weeks earlier had held one of his company Berkshire Hathaway’s famous annual conferences in Omaha.

It's like asking if Disney Productions would be successful after Walt Disney.

Rob Luciano on Warren Buffett

For many, especially at Caledonia, attendance at this event was a must. Nelson was there this year, but Luciano was not.

On the minds of all Berkshire Hathaway watchers, however, was the future of the conglomerate which sprawls from insurance to investments in Coca-Cola.

One of its largest recent investments, in food manufacturer Kraft Heinz, has been a disaster, losing $US4.3 billion ($6.19 billion) on one day in February alone.

And Buffett, now 88, isn’t going to be around forever.

“I do think it will keep going but do I think it will be the same success? I don’t know,” Luciano says.

“It’s like asking if Disney Productions would be successful after Walt Disney.

“There are a lot of organisations that are based on a single creative person that have failed post that single person dying, but there are a number of success stories and one of them is Disney.

“The key determinant would be if they have enough people on board who can allocate that capital wisely over the next 10, 20 years.

“Unfortunately, pretty much all conglomerates – regardless of who the founders are and the structures they put in place – in fact all conglomerates have not worked over time and so it will be interesting to see whether he has the right people.

“Some of the people like [Berkshire Hathaway vice-chairman] Ajit Jain would be in their 60s by now.

“The problem is many of those very senior managers aren’t going to be around in 15 years [and] I don’t know what happens when they aren’t there, too.”

Otto is at full roar by now, seeing as it’s turned out to be a stunning autumn Friday.

We have ordered coffee. There is brief consideration about dessert but there is also a pressing need for Luciano to be at Moelis’ Governor Phillip Tower office to discuss the final details of the float.

The restaurant strip at the finger wharf buzzes on a sunny autumn day.

The restaurant strip at the finger wharf buzzes on a sunny autumn day.Credit: Fairfad Media

And while I wouldn’t usually advise it, no dessert means no distraction for Luciano who is now on a roll, no longer a reluctant diner, and eager to talk about the company’s float plans.

VGI runs three funds – including the Global Investment fund which is already listed on the ASX – and manages investment mandates for nine ultra-high-net worth families.

Its oldest fund, which has operated since 2009, has had an average annual return of 14.6 per cent.

Its listed fund, for which Luciano is also raising $300 million, floated in late 2017 as a way of getting more money through the door without having to meet individually with hundreds of potential clients.

“We thought we probably can’t manage, because we never had anyone in sales, we don’t do that, and we just thought we can’t cope with 700 or 800 relationships,” Luciano says.

Last year, the fund manager made more than $19 million in management fees, and almost $45 million in performance fees for investing that money.

(At the end of the float, Luciano will still own 61 per cent of VGI.)

“We don’t talk much about stocks; others talk about stocks a lot.

“That’s like an architect talking about a single design. It’s about their concepts and their processes and their systems and their design framework – it’s about how they think.

“You’re not backing one design; you’re backing the organisation.”

Of course, even Luciano’s float plans for VGI are a little unusual.

The $75 million initial public offering is only available to those who have already backed the hedge fund – rumoured to include the billionaire Haines family, although Luciano remains tight-lipped about exactly who has invested – and to shareholders in the already-listed Global Investments fund.

And it is a bargain when compared with its larger competitors such as Magellan and Kerr Nielson’s Platinum Asset Management, both already trading on the ASX.

The bill for lunch at Otto

The bill for lunch at Otto

“Why now? Well Doug and I would much rather do something like this now at a level where we see a lot more growth ahead, whereas perhaps other organisations would want to do it at a time that maximises the value for the vendors,” Luciano says.

And with that, down two Diet Cokes and after an argument over who will pick up the check (he will), he’s in a cab and on his way up the hill and back into the city.


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