December 2024
‘Dad has never done a deal like this’: Ben Weiss’ wartime buyout
The son of famed corporate raider Gary Weiss has just pulled off a deal to take an AI company private in Tel Aviv. It nearly didn’t happen.
April 2023
The Disneyland trip that guided this AFL player to wealth management
Michael Mansfield has forged a successful career in financial advice after playing in three AFL grand finals for Geelong and surviving two open-heart surgeries.
February 2022
Rebels evacuate east Ukraine residents
Warning sirens have blared in Donetsk as Russian-backed separatists packed civilians onto buses out of breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine, a shock turn in a conflict.
Having fun with a new Mercedes
AFR Classic | Columnist Peter Ruehl, a proud American, related the joys and high telecoms costs of fathering a daughter in August 1989. Now, his daughter has become a mother herself.
August 2021
Watch out, dads! Time is slip slidin’ away
Being a father is like driving – you’re steering by instinct most of the time and hoping to hell the battery lasts.
February 2020
'Because I said so' is a good parenting choice
Explaining oneself to one's kids, striving for a blissful relationship with one's child and giving children lots of choices are some common mistakes. Here's how to overcome them.