
Evolving business risk

October 2019

BHP's Chief Risk Officer Robb Eadie says the modern view of risk gives an organisation the insight that allows the business to place the right bet.

Opportunity evolves in the digital age

The velocity of technological change represents one of the biggest threats to today’s businesses.



The role of the risk function has changed in the last two decades as it had become driven by technology, said KPMG's Kevin Smout.

Human intelligence will power machine earning

Technology is playing a major part in the evolving nature of organisational risk but the real value lies in its ability to empower people.



Insurance companies can use data to tailor premiums according to your car usage said Anne O'Driscoll, non-executive director at Steadfast Group Limited.

Data's big grey line

In the race to harness emerging technologies, leverage data and innovate, it is easy to forget about associated digital governance and the new and emerging risks this information explosion brings.



Former US defence secretary General James Mattis spoke of hybrid war back in 2005.

Hybrid war targets business

Australian business and government need to be better immunised against malicious cyber activity.



April 2015

Social media is seen as an opportunity for business, says Qantas' Andrew Monaghan

Technology is putting time pressure on the old risks businesses face.

  • Mark Eggleton

Boards and management need to deal with risk

Companies have two major decisions to make when thinking about handling risk: where risk responsibility resides in management and at the board level.

  • James Dunn

Corporate discipline underpins risk management

If asked, most companies would affirm they have a strong "risk culture" that enables them to recognise, understand and manage risk. But simply saying this is not enough.

  • James Dunn

Make an effective budget for risk

The concept of a "risk budget" comes from the investment world, where risk is clearly understood to be the other side of return – and is hence desirable, up to a certain point. Ideally, successful investors understand the risks they are taking; are prepared to take risk only when it is economically justifiable – in other words, where they get paid (in returns) to take it; and maximise the expected reward for every unit of risk that they choose to take.

  • Jason Clout

Business risks are getting bigger and faster: KPMG Australia

There can no longer be any business which is blase about its attitude to risk. From terrorism to natural disasters, from a global financial crisis to geo-political turmoil, risk continues as a fact of life.

  • Updated
  • James Dunn

Risk remains much the same in the public sector

The view of risk management for the public sector is not greatly different to that of the private sector.

  • Updated
  • James Dunn

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