
Street Talk

Jarden, Forsyth Barr offer 70pc Spark NZ TowerCo stake

Spark NZ will retain at least a 30 per cent equity stake in its telecommunications towers, as part of an auction run by investment banks Jarden and ForsythBarr.

The two banks have kicked off the Spark NZ’s telco towers auction, sending a detailed process letter and financial model to potential suitors and calling for indicative bids by June 8.

Anthony Macdonald is a Chanticleer columnist. He is a former Street Talk co-editor and has 10 years' experience as a business journalist and worked at PwC, auditing and advising financial services companies. Connect with Anthony on Twitter. Email Anthony at
Sarah Thompson has co-edited Street Talk since 2009, specialising in private equity, investment banking, M&A and equity capital markets stories. Prior to that, she spent 10 years in London as a markets and M&A reporter at Bloomberg and Dow Jones. Email Sarah at
Kanika Sood is a journalist based in Sydney who writes for the Street Talk column. Email Kanika at

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