
Royal commission reveals violence, abuse, exploitation: Shorten

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‘Violence, abuse, exploitation, neglect and exclusion’

NDIS Minister Bill Shorten is up, responding to the disability royal commission’s final report.

Shorten kicked off his speech with words describing the experiences of many people with disability: “Violence, abuse, exploitation, neglect and exclusion.

“Those five words summarise a lot of experiences of a lot of our fellow Australians who live with disability. So this royal commission, it is literally genuinely a historic moment for Australians [with] disability, and in fact, all Australians.”

He said that as NDIS minister, the federal government would focus on stamping out unethical behaviour by service providers and take “pretty urgent action” when considering the recommendations made in the royal commission report.

In the interim, the federal government was conducting about 60 investigations into potentially fraudulent service providers to protect people with disability but more needed to be done, he said.

“I just want to conclude my contribution by acknowledging the stories of people with disability. We understand that this nation can and should do better. But as much as some of this report makes harrowing reading, and as much as there may be some in the disability sector, we need more done more quickly.”

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