August 2022
Scentre outpaces inflation as shoppers return
Customer visits across the Scentre portfolio rose 5.1 pct to 277 million in the 2022 first half and chief executive Peter Allen is confident the full-year tally will hit 500 million.
February 2022
Scentre’s two-year search unearths Frank Lowy’s nephew
Elliott Rusanow’s appointment continues a lengthy tradition at Scentre.
January 2022
Scentre boss sees one big change in Australians’ shopping habits
Peter Allen, chief executive of Scentre, says retail customers are shopping with much greater purpose when they come to Westfield’s malls.
December 2021
Lockdown ended and Melburnians went shopping
Scentre Group boss Peter Allen says foot traffic at his shopping centres in Victoria has bounced back to pre-pandemic levels.
August 2021
Back to the mall: ‘Westfield Bondi rather than Bondi Beach’
Online shopping? Pandemic? Peter Allen says the millions in lockdown are still itching to get back to Westfield shopping centres and the best is yet to come for retailers and landlords alike.
April 2021
Retail landlords resist changing lease models
Major shopping-centre owners are striking cheaper lease deals but refuse to cave in to pressure to switch to turnover-based rents.
March 2021
Masters of the Universe risk life and limb for charity
Some major names in Sydney banking and commerce began doing themselves untold physical damage on Thursday evening in The Smith Family Challenge.
February 2021
Cash flow drives the retail recovery
Remember all that talk about COVID-19 making Australians reluctant to return to shopping centres? Peter Allen says the evidence at Westfield is the opposite.
Westfield owner chalks up $3.7b loss after mall write-downs
Scentre’s result is a staggering 416.4 per cent reversal of the previous year’s profit, driven by a property valuations reduction of $4.2 billion.
September 2020
Mall owner Scentre bulks up with hybrid debt
While Scentre's move into the debt market was signalled earlier this week, the issuance at $US3 billion is significantly larger than first expected.
August 2020
Why the long game has just begun in landlords v retailers
The affordable family car opened the way for the suburban shopping centre. Now technology, in the form of online shopping, is remaking the retail industry, writes Robert Harley.
Scentre talks tough as rent war flares up
The Westfield operator collected 70 per cent of its gross rental billings over the interim period and said the structure of retail leases would remain unchanged.
May 2020
Bankers keep close watch on shopping mall wars
There is no way bankers want to get embroiled in the battle between billionaire retailer Solomon Lew and the big shopping mall owners and retail landlords, but they're keeping a close watch.
Westfield owner Scentre dumps interim distribution
With social distancing restrictions easing, 57 per cent of retailers in Westfield malls are open, but the lockdown has caused significant damage.
April 2020
Retail rental deal a test for PM
It took 48 hours to sort out a $130 billion program to support the pay of workers yet negotiations between shopping centres and retail tenants drag on.
March 2020
Scentre puts buyback on ice in choppy market
Scentre had already outlaid $479 million under its $800 million security buy-back program.
December 2019
33 CEOs reveal their favourite piece of tech
A wave of digital innovation is crashing across Australian businesses, as data becomes a key competitive advantage, the annual Chanticleer CEO survey reveals.