June 2023
Ex-Suncorp CEO Michael Cameron now ‘uncomfortable’ about corporates
If one is planning to go wobbly on corporate capitalism, it pays to do it at the end of one’s career.
April 2020
February 2020
How Suncorp's digital mess led to missed targets
Investors were promised big things from a transformation program three years ago that failed to deliver. The new CEO is determined to turn things around.
January 2020
Suncorp's former CEO in hefty share offload
Michael Cameron had almost $4 million in shares when he suddenly left Suncorp, saying that the future looked bright for financial services provider.
August 2019
UK insurance execs take on locals for Suncorp top job
It's two insiders vs a bunch of outsiders in the race for Suncorp's $5 million a year chief executive's job.
May 2019
Suncorp's departing boss was on an unloved mission
Michael Cameron was the CEO who could never rally the troops to come along with his futuristic vision of a new Suncorp. Would anyone else do better?
Suncorp's credibility gap at the heart of CEO's departure
The market never warmed to Michael Cameron's big tech strategy. Now chairman Christine McLoughlin needs to find a way to win investors back.
Suncorp drafts in UBS bankers for spin-off deliberations
Suncorp's board has called in the investment bankers to help with a radical overhaul of the $17.8 billion company.