December 2024
Trump-loving cable network Newsmax to launch in Australia
ADH TV, launched by former broadcaster Alan Jones, will bring the right-wing news channel by expanding under the Newsmax Australia brand.
November 2024
Alan Jones’ old media company eyes Southern Cross regional TV assets
Australian Digital Holdings TV, chaired by former ABC board member Maurice Newman, said it would commit to making more local shows.
March 2024
Dick Humphry, inventor of shareholder democracy, dies at 85
A man whose habits and approach were set in the “old school”, Richard Humphry nevertheless led a technology-driven revolution in Australia’s financial markets.
January 2024
Taiwanese-Australians worry about war and the cost of living
Thousands of Taiwanese-Australians are expected to make the trip to the 23-million-strong island to vote in what will be a hotly contested election.
July 2023
James Packer returns to media, backing Alan Jones
James Packer has returned to the world of media, emerging as a key, multimillion-dollar investor in Alan Jones’ Australian Digital Holdings, now said to be valued at more than $20 million.
May 2023
Australia’s top WeWork still an ‘Old Farts Club’
O’Connell St Associates has been getting more diverse. There are still some holding back the exclusive board members club.
Inside Australia’s Newsmax, the Alan Jones-backed outrage network
The chief executive of ADH TV, Jack Bulfin, says the online media broadcaster is aiming to capture the libertarian, conservative opinion market.
March 2023
Crisis forces Taronga Zoo to turn to Rich Listers for $40m goal
The Taronga Foundation has raised 80 per cent of its $40 million target and is looking for more donors to chip in to save native wildlife.
July 2022
Lobbyists will be lobbyists...
The entire influence-peddling industry is tying itself in knots over the Coaldrake review in Queensland.
December 2021
Jones now at YouTube’s mercy
What happens the next time Alan Jones critiques coronavirus death tolls, or calls it a giant hoax? You don’t have to guess.
November 2021
Lunch watch: Rockpool draws mercantile crowd
The power lunch hour at Sydney’s Rockpool Bar & Grill starts earlier each week.
May 2021
Super funds should butt out of companies’ lobbying: Bragg
Senator Andrew Bragg said it was crucial for companies to have a plan on how to mitigate climate risks, but parts of a recent push by ACSI went too far.
September 2020
AMP's fall is a bad day for Australian icons
A reverend, a businessman and a wool trader walk into a bar. AMP's history is inextricable with that of modern Australia, but has fallen hard as it looks towards a potential break-up.
August 2020
David Murray lacks 2020 board vision
The former AMP chairman did not accept the ESG demands that are now essential to shareholder value.