April 2021
Silks, judges to face ‘good character’ test in Victoria
Victorian barristers and judges must be assessed to be of good character before taking silk or going to the bench respectively under new rules designed to stamp out widespread sexual harassment in the legal industry.
March 2021
Adler’s Rolodex draws a political crowd to Monash launch
True to form, the prominent publisher has once again commissioned several politicians to put pen to paper.
March 2020
Lawyers unite to condemn contingency fees
The nation's peak legal body will campaign against Victoria's move to allow lawyers to recoup a percentage of any class action payout.
February 2020
Procurement rules target law firms that overwork staff
The new rules require firms to submit their strategies on work/life balance for their lawyers, and report on occupational health and safety issues.
October 2019
Dreyfus denial not fooling us
Mark Dreyfus has denied he'll quit parliament for an appointment to Victoria's Supreme Court. But George Brandis denied he'd go to London.