April 2022
No limit to the pile-on from Morrison’s many enemies on his own side
Scott Morrison had a win over NSW preselections in court, but the political scars have badly damaged the Coalition’s hopes of picking up seats in the state.
It’s all in the timing. Factional enemies square up with Morrison
The Morrison government is struggling for clear air on the cusp of an election and Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, with nothing to lose, decided to square up.
March 2022
Morrison puts all his chips on the budget roulette wheel
If the budget shifts the polling dial even a fraction this weekend, there may be grounds for hope. Or despair if it does not.
Another attack on PM’s character by one of his own, at the worst time
Scott Morrison dismisses criticism from his colleagues, saying leaders can’t be thin-skinned. He wants voters to focus on criticisms of Labor’s record while he sells the budget as an election launch pad.
Claims the PM is a ‘bully’ disrupt the Coalition’s hard-sell budget
Senior Liberals say Concetta Fierravanti-Wells has forgotten Scott Morrison helped save her preselection in 2016.
A Liberal senator’s act of revenge
After some perfunctory questions about the budget, Morrison was asked to explain the inexplicable: Why do even his colleagues hate him?
PM’s budget sell derailed by fresh bullying claims
Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s budget sell has been derailed by yet more accusations of bullying and dodgy behaviour from his own side of politics, this time from Liberal senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells.
February 2022
A Liberal Party president doesn’t know if he’ll have a job in a week
Told their terms expire next Monday, the NSW Liberal Party’s leaders, including Philip Ruddock, are struggling to break an impasse over election candidates.
December 2021
Government dumps voter ID laws in deal with ALP
The Coalition has cut a deal with Labor that will increase the scrutiny of charities and single issue groups who campaign politically.
Chris Jordan avoids Senate contempt finding
Recriminations over the government’s gargantuan and hastily put together JobKeeper program haven’t entirely concluded.
July 2020
Australia at risk of 'economic coercion'
Trade wars, the coronavirus pandemic and a global recession have exposed Australia’s lack of trade diversity and over-reliance on China, experts say.
August 2019
Firing Folau harder under new religious protection law
Larger businesses, including sporting bodies, will find it harder to sack people in situations such as the Israel Folau case under a new Religious Discrimination Act proposed by the Morrison government.
Concetta Fierravanti-Wells could lose preselection
The NSW Liberal senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells has been told by her hard-right faction she could not rely on its support and faces losing her preselection.