December 2024
Our obsession with junk food is creating a type 2 diabetes crisis
Dr James Muecke was Australian of the year in 2020, but his message about the mounting dangers of highly processed foods was swamped by COVID. Now he wants subsidies to big junk food slashed.
October 2024
Aurizon investors impatient for Top End contracts
Aurizon is in “regular” talks with potential customers for its ambitious land bridge scheme, but scepticism abounds over whether it can pull the bold plan off.
September 2024
‘Beautiful chaos’: Iconic Melbourne power diner owner calls time
Simon Hartley has hosted every prime minister since Gough Whitlam at his CBD restaurant Becco. But on Friday, he held the last supper.
August 2024
Holgate’s Australia Post campaign fails to deliver
The thing about claiming to speak for the masses is you never really want to test the proposition.
June 2024
Team Global Express signs $190m debt deal
The private equity-backed logistics company has refinanced debt with Commonwealth Bank, the Clean Energy Finance Corporation and IFM Investors.
March 2024
Australia in peril unless it seizes South-East Asia future: business
Australia invests more in New Zealand than it does in South-East Asia. That needs to change.
February 2024
Christine Holgate still gunning for Australia Post
Making Australia Post cheaply distribute its competitors’ parcels would hamper Australia Post’s finances. For Christine Holgate, that might be a bonus.
November 2023
Scott Morrison emerges to fight early morning Sydney Airport noise
Officials are considering cancelling special allowances for cargo operators to fly outside curfew after the ex-PM wrote to Labor demanding it be scrapped.
Christine Holgate revives quest to access AusPost’s infrastructure
The former Australia Post boss said she still believed in the proposal, despite negotiations taking longer than she would like.
September 2023
Lions tragic hops from Brisbane to Melbourne – via Paris
AFR Rich Lister and Brisbane Lions director Cathie Reid is dashing back from the French capital to watch her team in Saturday’s AFL grand final.
Eyes on Team Global Express’ soaring loan bill
Accounts show the logistics giant is sitting on a syndicated asset-backed loan with a carrying value of $134.5 million.
Christine Holgate’s Australia Post jihad resumes
The former Australia Post CEO should find alternative means to soothe her wounded pride.
August 2023
Allegro’s Team Global Express appoints UBS to gauge inbound interest
Allegro acquired Team Global Express from Japan Post two years ago. The bank has been engaged in a broad-ranged advisory role.
June 2023
Holgate’s comeback tour takes in Nats party room
It’ll be an unholy day when parliament’s agrarian socialists fully embrace the barbarians of private equity.
May 2023
Christine Holgate can’t let go of Australia Post
She may no longer be the CEO, but she still has Australia Post on her liver.
Forbes Australia cancels wealth summit seven months after launch
The new business publication put a “pause” on the big-name summit, saying the timing wasn’t right to hold the event.
Holgate pushes to share AusPost’s ‘last mile’ services
The Team Global Express boss says consumers would get their online shopping parcels quicker from access to publicly owned “last mile” delivery infrastructure.
February 2023
Aurizon signs ‘biggest non-coal revenue contract ever’
The rail company’s $1.8 billion Team Global Express deal will help it diversify earnings, but analysts say it could impact profit margins.
Nicholas Moore pulls in top execs to help crack South-East Asia
Australia’s new south-east Asia envoy has created a brains trust with top execs from Macquarie, Australia Post and Monash University.
September 2022
Toll Global Express boss open to multi-employer bargaining
Christine Holgate has expressed an interest in multi-employer bargaining following the Jobs and Skills Summit.