
Alison Mirams

February 2024

 Alison Mirams will retire from the construction industry next week.

Construction boss Alison Mirams’ quick fix for a troubled industry

Could capping builders’ liabilities give dodgy contractors a get-out-of-jail-free card? Don’t hire them then, the outgoing Roberts Co chairman says.

March 2023

Alison Mirams says she is the poster child that sponsorship works.

‘I am the poster child’: Why work sponsors are good for women

Three senior directors discuss how having a sponsor propelled their careers and made them take risks.

November 2022

Alison Mirams.

Roberts Co paid just $1 for Probuild

The building contractor’s NSW revenue sank 44 per cent just as the chance came along for it to buy failed builder Probuild’s projects in Victoria.

May 2022

Lunch with AFR at Nobu Restaurant, Sydney. Alison Mirams, the CEO of Sydney building company Roberts. 
Photo by Peter Braig
29 April 2022
Story by Michael Bleby 

Why this woman is ready to blow up the building industry

Construction boss Alison Mirams wants to encourage more women into the sector. But to do that, she’s putting a lot of noses out of joint.

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