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Carbon credit trade on the rise

Ian Grayson

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With carbon credits becoming an increasingly important factor in Australia’s drive towards a net-zero future, attention is focusing on the most effective method of trading them.

The credits, such as Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs), are generated by organisations that undertake projects which contribute to reducing the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This is achieved by either removing or avoiding emissions that would otherwise have occurred.

Baden Moore

The demand for ACCUs is coming from many Australian corporates, says National Australia Bank’s Head of Commodity Strategy and Research, Baden Moore. Photo: Jeremy Piper

The credits can then be purchased by large carbon emitters that can use them as offsets to help them meet emission targets.

In Australia, the ACCU system is overseen by the Australian Government’s Clean Energy Regulator. Each ACCU represents one tonne of carbon dioxide that is abated and the units are currently trading at around $35 each.

Until now, ACCUs, and other carbon credit devices, have been traded over the counter or via a range of different exchanges around the world. However, in an effort to formalise this process and improve transparency, newer platforms are being created to streamline trading and lower transaction costs.


National Australia Bank’s Head of Commodity Strategy and Research, Baden Moore, says having a more efficient platform will have a significant positive impact on carbon credit trading.

“Australia is potentially a laggard today,” he says. “We are lower than some other parts of the world that have more advanced trading schemes.”

Moore says trading is being led by high-intensity carbon emitters such as power companies and large industrial firms. However, interest is growing in other parts of the economy.

“Increasingly, demand for ACCUs is also something that is coming from many Australian corporates,” he says. “They are looking at broader sustainability strategies as they communicate with their shareholders and investors about pathways to 2030 and compliance with the Paris climate agreement.”

On the supply side, Moore says there is increasing interest from the agribusiness sector. Farmers and landowners are recognising they have the potential to unlock new revenue streams from their properties through the generation of carbon credits.

Later this year, sellers and buyers of carbon credits will have access to a new settlement platform currently being developed by several global banks, including NAB.

Dubbed Carbonplace, the platform has been designed to strengthen the voluntary carbon trading market and help organisations reach their reduction targets while driving climate action at scale.

Platforms like Carbonplace essentially tokenise carbon credit trading. Certified carbon credits are aggregated from multiple registries and exchanges and all details then stored as an immutable record on a blockchain. Users are then provided with an electronic wallet through which they can undertake transactions and store purchased tokens.

“If you think about carbon trading and what people are buying, it is meaningful for them to understand and have confidence in the value of the credit that they are buying,” says Moore.

“This is probably one of the central issues that people are focussing on. They want to be sure they are buying something that is not being double counted, and this is where the auditability of the blockchain can be quite useful.”

Demand for ACCUs has been growing strongly for some time, and recent increases in energy prices are likely to result in that demand increasing even further. According to a report issued by Australia’s Clean Energy Regulator in March, the number of new ACCUs issued increased to 17 million in 2021, a rise of 1 million compared with the previous year.

“The demand is definitely there,” says NAB’s Moore. “It is more a supply profile that we are working towards. There is a lifecycle to creating these credits and as we progress it is about building up that supply.”

Moore says there is also a need for further education of some businesses about the role of ACCUs and trading, and the value this can deliver for them.

“Energy businesses in the market are old hands at this,” he says. “However, the broader industrial base is still coming to understand what their exposures are as a liability. More education is needed about where these organisations can access credits and what sorts of prices they should be expecting to pay.”

Credit card giant Visa, which is also involved in the Carbonplace initiative, is working to increase awareness of the importance of efficient carbon credit trading around the world.

Chief executive officer of Visa Europe, Charlotte Hogg, says her company is committed to supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy and to create sustainable business solutions for its clients to help them meet their net-zero commitments.

Visa has been involved in a pilot trade using the new platform, and the preliminary results have been deemed encouraging.

“We’re excited about the potential for this voluntary carbon market to leverage our capabilities and help to deliver on that commitment, and we’re proud to support Carbonplace through this first pilot purchase of fully certified carbon credits in this market,” she says.

NAB’s Moore says having the ability to trade carbon credits internationally is critical as it opens the market to as many prospective participants as possible.

“It’s all about linking potentially large producers of ACCUs to a broad market of buyers for those products,” he says.

Read all the stories in the AFR/NAB report on Climate Transition:

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