
Why we have to stop throwing out our clothes

Why we have to stop throwing out our clothes

With the average Australian sending 23 kilograms of clothes to landfill each year, there are growing calls for measures to address textile waste.

Australians buy 60 per cent more items of clothing than 15 years ago. Bloomberg

It’s tempting to think of textile waste as a problem confined to Europe and North America, where fast-fashion stores such as Zara and H&M are now ubiquitous. But a new House of Representatives report suggests a grim situation is unfolding here, too.

“Each year, the average Australian purchases 27kg of clothing and disposes of 23kg to landfill,” wrote the Standing Committee on Industry, Innovation, Science and Resources in From Rubbish to Resources: Building a Circular Economy, published in December.


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Dan F StapletonJournalistDan F. Stapleton writes on style, travel and more. His writing has appeared in The New York Times, The Australian Financial Review, Condé Nast Traveller and others. He is based in Sydney.

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