
Planet Gas

May 2013

NSW defends coal seam gas rules

NSW Energy Minister Chris Hartcher has defended the state’s tough rules on coal seam gas activities, saying they were necessary to allay community concerns about the sector.

  • Updated
  • Angela Macdonald-Smith | Mark Ludlow

August 2011

Afternoon resources round-up

Global Mining Investments, Capral, K&S Corporation, OneSteel, Atlas Iron, Monadelphous Group, Senex, Planet Gas, Altura Mining, Golden Rim Resources, Silver Mines, Heritage Gold, Black Mountain Resources.

  • Updated

August 2010

Company briefs

Norwest Energy said Bharat PetroResources would spend up to $15 million earning a 27.8 per cent interest in two West Australian shale gas exploration permits.

December 2009

Brief: Planet Gas

Corporate web snapshot for Planet gas

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