ASX Announcements
Market Sensitive
Quarterly Activities/Appendix 5B Cash Flow Report
Second Quarter Activities Report, Second Quarter Cashflow Report
Notification regarding unquoted securities - MDX
Appendix 3G (Notification of Issue, Conversion or Payment up of Unquoted Equity Securities)
Proposed issue of securities - MDX
Appendix 3B
Issued Capital - Other
Notification regarding unquoted securities - MDX
Appendix 3G (Notification of Issue, Conversion or Payment up of Unquoted Equity Securities)
August 2011
Becalmed in capital raising doldrums
Equity capital markets bankers expect some quiet as volatility blocks new capital raisings. It might be different for those who were already in the market for capital before the recent uncertainty.
Afternoon resources round-up
Kasbah Resources, EnviroGold, Transerv Energy, Central Petroleum, Mindax, North Australian Diamonds, Exco Resources, NuEnergy Capital
June 2011
Equity capital markets quiet as financial year closes
An $11 million placement and convertible bond issue was the biggest announced raising on Thursday, as the end of financial year and volatile equity markets dried up equity capital markets activity.
May 2010
Choppy trading puts a damper on IPO marketing
Companies looking to make initial public offerings are finding current market conditions challenging.
March 2010
Companies briefs
Environmental protesters spent seven hours blocking the shipping channel to Newcastle, said Steve Phillips, a spokesman for Rising Tide Australia, a local climate change group.
March 2009
Jupiter shareholders vote to cede control
Former BHP Billiton chief executive Brian Gilbertson has finally completed his return to Australia's resources sector after shareholders in Jupiter Mines approved a controversial two-pronged deal that gives his Pallinghurst Resources and Red Rock Resources control of the company