


Backing the Uluru Statement is a smart move

It is no surprise the big end of town is throwing its full weight behind the movement to give Indigenous Australians recognition in the constitution.

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It is not often Labor and the big end of town are united on an issue that fails to resonate with the Coalition government. It happened in the early stages of the debate over same-sex marriage and it is happening again with the Uluru statement, which calls for an Indigenous voice in the constitution.

There are risks for business being aligned with Labor on any social issue that does not have support among the hard-line conservative elements in the Coalition. It opens business leaders to accusations of using shareholder funds to meddle in areas of public debate that should be left to elected politicians.

Tony Boyd is the former Chanticleer columnist. He has more than 35 years' experience as a finance journalist. Connect with Tony on Twitter. Email Tony at

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