August 2024
Three ways to end NAPLAN mediocrity in our schools
Governments must lift proficiency levels, boost the quality of classroom curriculums and identify as soon as possible those students who are falling behind.
March 2024
How ‘families’ of schools could spread educational success
Instead of hoping “superhero” principals can lift schools that fall short, a network bound together through a united executive team can increase the odds of improvement.
February 2024
Reading fail: how Australia can prevent an illiteracy tragedy
Governments should require schools to move away from faddish approaches that don’t work.
August 2023
NAPLAN benchmarks have changed, but bad results stay the same
The national school test results show one in three children failed to reach expectations in basic numeracy, reading and writing skills.
May 2023
If kids can’t read, then the writing is on the wall for them
Teaching children to read is a core promise of our education system. Every time we fail to deliver on this promise, we shut down a lifetime’s possibilities.
March 2023
Rebooted NAPLAN may be the wake-up call Australia needs
NAPLAN is a cornerstone of Australia’s school education system and could now provide the ammunition to drive important improvements.
February 2023
5 changes that can help end the school lesson lottery
For the sake of our students’ futures and our teachers’ sanity, governments must make high-quality curriculum materials widely available in all schools.
January 2023
Our schools abound in underachievement. Here’s a potent fix
A typical high school year 9 now spans seven grade levels of learning. The cost for those who may never catch up is too great.
December 2022
Jason Clare’s mission possible: ambitious reform of our schools
Australia won’t meet the complex challenges confronting the teacher workforce if Jason Clare’s action plan becomes simply a checklist.
October 2022
End the lesson lottery in Australia’s schools
Giving teachers practical guidance and the time-saving teaching plans they want will reduce the variability of what is taught in the nation’s classrooms.